The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)

a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z
r2000, r2rs, r3.99rs, r3rs, r4rs, r:base, rabbit job, race, race condition, racf, rad, raddle, radio frequency interference, radio in the loop, radiosity, radius, radix, raid, rail, rain dance, rainbow series, rais, raise, raise specification language, ral, ram, ram disk, ram drive, rambus dram, rambus, inc., ramdac, ramis ii, ramtron, random, random access memory digital-to-analog converter, random number, random testing, random-access memory, randomness, range, rapid application development, rapid prototyping, rapidcad, rapidly extensible language, english, rapidwrite, rapt, rare, rare mode, rarp, ras, rasp, raster, raster blaster, raster burn, raster font, raster graphics, raster image processor, raster subsystem, rastergram, rasterising, rasterizing, rat belt, ratatosk, ratc, rate monotonic scheduling, ratel, ratfiv, ratfor, rational, rational fortran, rationalized c, rave, rave on!, raw data, raw mode, rawoop-snap, ray casting, ray tomlinson, ray tracing, rayleigh distribution, rbasic, rbcsp, rboc, rc, rc file, rc4, rca 1802, rca 1805, rcc, rcl, rcp, rcs, rdb, rdba, rdbms, rdf, rdi, rdl, rdos, rdp, rdram, rds, re, re-engineering, re-entrant, re-image, read-eval-print loop, read-only memory, read-only user, readme file, real, real estate, real hack, real mode, real number, real operating system, real programmer, real programmers don't use pascal, real soon now, real time streaming protocol, real user, real video, real world, real-time, real-time common design language, real-time euclid, real-time mentat, real-time object-oriented modeling, real-time operating system, real-time operating system nucleus, real-time pascal, real-time structured analysis, real-time transport protocol, realaudio, reality check, realization, realtime disk operating system, reaper, reassembly, reboot, rec, recent changes, recipe, recipient, recital, recol, recommended standard, record, record management services, record separator, records, rectangle slinger, recurrence relation, recurse, recursion, recursion theory, recursive, recursive acronym, recursive definition, recursive descent parser, recursive functional algorithmic language, recursive macro actuated generator, recursive type, red, red book, red brick intelligent sql, red hat, red wire, red zone, redcode, redex, redilisp, redirection, redirector, rednet ltd., redocumentation, reduce, reduced instruction set computer, reduction, reduction strategy, redundancy, redundant array of inexpensive disks, redundant array of inexpensive servers, redundant arrays of independent disks, redundant arrays of inexpensive disks, ref-arf, refactoring, refal, reference, reference counting, referential integrity, referential transparency, referentially transparent, referer, referrer, refine, refined c, refined fortran, reflexive, reflexive domain, reflexive transitive closure, reflisp, refresh, refresh rate, refreshable braille display, refreshable display, refutable, reg-symbolic, regex, regexp, regina, regional network, register, register allocation, register assignment, register dancing, register set, register spilling, register transfer language, registered port, registry, regression, regression testing, regtral, regular expression, regular expression converter, regular graph, rehi, reid, brian, reify, reincarnation, cycle of, reinvent the wheel, rel english, relation, relational algebra, relational calculus, relational data model, relational database, relational database management system, relational dbms, relational language, relational model, relative, relative pathname, relative record data set, relatively prime, relcode, release, released version, relevance, reliability, reliability, availability, serviceability, reliable communication, reliable data protocol, religion of chi, religious issues, rem, remailer, remote access services, remote database access, remote desktop protocol, remote echo, remote job entry, remote login, remote method invocation, remote monitoring, remote operations service element, remote procedure call, remote reference layer, remote spooling communication subsystem, remote write protocol, removable disk, removable hard disk, rendering, renderman shading language, rendezvous, rep, repeat, repeat loop, repeater, repeating group, repetitive strain disorder, repetitive strain injury, repl, replacement algorithm, replay, replication, replicator, reply, repondez s'il vous plait, report program generator, repository, representation language language, request for comments, request for proposal, request for technology, required-cobol, requirements, requirements acquisition and controlled evolution, requirements analysis, requirements engineering, research systems, inc., resedit, reserved memory, resolution, resolver, resource access control facility, resource description framework, resource fork, resource reservation protocol, restricted epl, restriction, restructured extended executor, restructuring, retcon, rete, reti, retrieve, retrocomputing, retronym, return from interrupt, return from the dead, return to zero, reusability, reuse, reverse address resolution protocol, reverse arp, reverse engineering, reverse polish notation, reverse polish syntax, revised algol 60, revision, revision control system, revolutionary surrealist vandal party, revolutions per minute, rex, rexx, rexxware, rfc, rfc 1014, rfc 1034, rfc 1035, rfc 1057, rfc 1058, rfc 1081, rfc 1094, rfc 1112, rfc 1119, rfc 1123, rfc 1156, rfc 1157, rfc 1171, rfc 1208, rfc 1213, rfc 1267, rfc 1268, rfc 1304, rfc 1321, rfc 1334, rfc 1341, rfc 1347, rfc 1350, rfc 1388, rfc 1436, rfc 1441, rfc 1442, rfc 1443, rfc 1444, rfc 1445, rfc 1446, rfc 1447, rfc 1448, rfc 1449, rfc 1450, rfc 1451, rfc 1452, rfc 1475, rfc 1508, rfc 1509, rfc 1520, rfc 1521, rfc 1526, rfc 1531, rfc 1550, rfc 1561, rfc 1568, rfc 1591, rfc 1630, rfc 1661, rfc 1700, rfc 1701, rfc 1702, rfc 1707, rfc 1730, rfc 1756, rfc 1760, rfc 1777, rfc 1778, rfc 1795, rfc 1823, rfc 1825, rfc 1831, rfc 1861, rfc 1938, rfc 1951, rfc 1959, rfc 1960, rfc 2045, rfc 2046, rfc 2047, rfc 2048, rfc 2049, rfc 2060, rfc 2061, rfc 2068, rfc 2093, rfc 2131, rfc 2234, rfc 2236, rfc 2246, rfc 2279, rfc 2281, rfc 2298, rfc 2326, rfc 2364, rfc 2408, rfc 2516, rfc 2543, rfc 2795, rfc 2821, rfc 3232, rfc 792, rfc 821, rfc 822, rfc 826, rfc 854, rfc 903, rfc 908, rfc 959, rfcomm, rfe, rfi, rfp, rft, rg58, rg8, rgb, rhapsody, rib site, ribbon cable, rice box, rich object, rich site summary, rich text format, richard gabriel, richard hamming, richard korf, richard p. feynman, richard p. gabriel, richard stallman, riff, rigal, rigel, right brace, right bracket, right join, right outer join, right parenthesis, right thing, right-click, rijndael, ring network, ring topology, riordan's internet privacy enhanced mail, rip, ripcording, ripe, ripem, ripper, risc, risc os, risc system/6000, riscix, riscpc, risk based testing, risql, ritl, rj-11, rj-45, rje, rkm, rl, rlab, rldram, rle, rlf, rll, rlogin, rm-odp, rmag, rmail, rmi, rmon, rms, rnf, ro, roach, roads, robert t. morris, robex, robohelp, robot, robot exclusion standard, robots.txt, robust, rockwell protocol interface, rocky mountain basic, rococo, roff, roflmao, rogue, rollback, rom, rom bios, rom kernel manual, rome, room, room methodology, room-temperature iq, root, root bridge, root directory, root mode, root node, root normal form, root version, rose, rosette, roskind grammars, rot13, rotary debugger, rotational latency, rotations per minute, rotfl, rotflmao, rotflmaoastc, rotflol, round tape, round-robin, round-trip time, route, route flapping, routed, routeing, routeing domain, router, routine, routing, routing information protocol, routing table maintenance protocol, row, row address strobe, row-level locking, royal veterinary and agricultural university, rpc, rpg, rpg-ii, rpi, rpl, rpl-1, rpm, rpn, rpt, rrl, rrs, rs, rs flip-flop, rs-232, rs-232c, rs-232d, rs-422, rs-423, rs-449, rs-485, rs/6000, rs6000, rs6k, rsa, rsa data security, inc., rsa encryption, rscs, rsh, rsi, rsl, rsn, rss, rstat, rsts/e, rsvp, rt-11, rt-cdl, rt-pc, rtbm, rtc++, rtee, rtf, rtfaq, rtfb, rtfm, rtfs, rti, rtl, rtl/1, rtl/2, rtm, rtmp, rtos, rtp, rts, rtsa, rtsp, rtt, rtti, ru, rubi, ruby, rude, rufl, run, run length limited, run time, run-length encoding, run-time environment, run-time error, run-time library, run-time support, run-time system, run-time type information, runcible, runes, runic, ruptime, rush, russell, russell's attic, russell's paradox, russell, bertrand, rusty iron, rusty memory, ruth, rw, rwho, rwp, rx, répondez s'il vous plait, réseaux associés pour la recherche européenne, réseaux ip européens
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