The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Reduction \Re*duc"tion\ (r[-e]*d[u^]k"sh[u^]n), n. [F.
r['e]duction, L. reductio. See {Reduce}.]
1. The act of reducing, or state of being reduced; conversion
to a given state or condition; diminution; conquest; as,
the reduction of a body to powder; the reduction of things
to order; the reduction of the expenses of government; the
reduction of a rebellious province.
[1913 Webster]
2. (Arith. & Alg.) The act or process of reducing. See
{Reduce}, v. t., 6. and {To reduce an equation}, {To
reduce an expression}, under {Reduce}, v. t.
[1913 Webster]
3. (Astron.)
(a) The correction of observations for known errors of
instruments, etc.
(b) The preparation of the facts and measurements of
observations in order to deduce a general result.
[1913 Webster]
4. The process of making a copy of something, as a figure,
design, or draught, on a smaller scale, preserving the
proper proportions. --Fairholt.
[1913 Webster]
5. (Logic) The bringing of a syllogism in one of the
so-called imperfect modes into a mode in the first figure.
[1913 Webster]
6. (Chem. & Metal.) The act, process, or result of
reducing[7]; as, the reduction of iron from its ores; the
reduction of an aldehyde into an alcohol.
[1913 Webster]
7. (Med.) The operation of restoring a dislocated or
fractured part to its former place.
[1913 Webster]
{Reduction ascending} (Arith.), the operation of changing
numbers of a lower into others of a higher denomination,
as cents to dollars.
{Reduction descending} (Arith.), the operation of changing
numbers of a higher into others of a lower denomination,
as dollars to cents.
[1913 Webster]
Syn: Diminution; decrease; abatement; curtailment;
subjugation; conquest; subjection.
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
290 Moby Thesaurus words for "reduction":
abasement, abatement, abbreviation, about-face, abridgment,
abstract, acetification, acidification, acidulation, addition,
agio, alchemy, alkalization, allayment, alleviation, allowance,
analgesia, anesthesia, anesthetizing, apocope, appeasement,
approximation, assimilation, assuagement, assumption, astriction,
astringency, attenuation, attrition, bank discount, becoming,
blunting, bottleneck, break, breakage, breaking, bump, bust,
calming, carbonation, cash discount, casting down, catalysis,
cervix, chain discount, change, change-over, charge-off,
cheapening, chemicalization, circumscription, coarctation,
compactedness, compaction, compression, compressure, concavity,
concentration, concession, condensation, conquering, consolidation,
conspectus, constriction, constringency, contraction, contracture,
conversion, crushing, curtailment, cut, cutting, dampening,
damping, de-escalation, deadening, debasement, debilitation,
decline, decrease, decrement, decrescence, deduction, deflation,
degradation, degrading, demotion, demulsion, depletion, depluming,
depreciation, depression, derogation, descent, detraction,
detrusion, devaluation, devitalization, differentiation, dilution,
diminishment, diminuendo, diminution, dip, discount, disgrading,
disparagement, displuming, dive, division, domestication,
downgrading, drawback, ducking, dulcification, dulling, dying,
dying off, ease, easement, easing, effemination, electrolysis,
elision, ellipsis, enervation, enfeeblement, epitome, equation,
evisceration, evolution, exhaustion, extenuation, extraction,
extrapolation, fade-out, falling-off, fatigue, ferment,
fermentation, flip-flop, foreshortening, growth, hauling down,
hollowness, hourglass, hourglass figure, humbling, humiliation,
hushing, hydrogenation, impairment, inanition, integration,
interpolation, inversion, involution, isomerism, isthmus, kickback,
knitting, languishment, lapse, leniency, lessening, letdown, letup,
lightening, loosening, lowering, lulling, markdown, metamerism,
metamerization, miniaturization, mitigation, modulation,
mollification, multiplication, narrow place, narrowing,
naturalization, neck, nitration, nose dive, notation, numbing,
oxidation, oxidization, pacification, palliation, passage, penalty,
penalty clause, percentage, phosphatization, plummet, plummeting,
plunge, polymerism, polymerization, position isomerism, practice,
precis, premium, price cut, price fall, price reduction, price-cut,
progress, proportion, puckering, pursing, quelling, quietening,
quieting, re-formation, rebate, rebatement, recap, recapitulation,
reconversion, refund, relaxation, relief, remedy, remission,
resolution, retraction, retrenchment, reversal, rollback, sag,
sagging, salvage, salving, saturization, scaling down, setoff,
shift, shortening, shrinkage, simplicity, sinking, slackening,
slash, slump, softening, solidification, soothing, stranglement,
strangulation, striction, stricture, stripping of rank, subdual,
subduement, submergence, subtraction, summary, summation,
suppression, switch, switch-over, syncope, synopsis, systole,
taming, tare, telescoping, tempering, thinning, thrusting under,
time discount, trade discount, tranquilization, transformation,
transit, transition, treading down, tret, truncation, turning into,
underselling, volte-face, wasp waist, weakening, working,
wrinkling, write-off
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