remote desktop protocol

from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
Remote Desktop Protocol

   <protocol> (RDP) A {Microsoft} {protocol} that provides remote
   display and input for {Windows}.

   RDP's {video driver} renders display output by sending packets
   to the client which translates them into corresponding
   Microsoft Win32 graphics device interface API calls.  Client
   mouse and keyboard events are redirected from the client to
   virtual keyboard and mouse drivers on the server.

   RDP 4.0 was introduced with {Windows NT} Server 4.0, Terminal
   Server Edition.  Windows 2000 Terminal Services included RDP
   5.0.  The Terminal Services Advanced Client (TSAC), an RDP
   client based on an {ActiveX control}, also supports RDP 5.0.
   RDP 5.0 provides enhanced performance over low-speed
   connections.  Windows XP uses RDP 5.1 and includes Remote
   Desktop Web Connection, which is an updated version of the

   RDP extends the {ITU T.120} protocols, allowing separate
   virtual channels for device communication and presentation
   data from the server, as well as encrypted mouse and keyboard

   Compare: {VNC}.



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