Jargon File (4.4.4, 14 Aug 2003)
recursive acronym
A hackish (and especially MIT) tradition is to choose
acronyms/abbreviations that refer humorously to themselves or to other
acronyms/abbreviations. The original of the breed may have been TINT
("TINT Is Not TECO"). The classic examples were two MIT editors called
EINE ("EINE Is Not EMACS") and ZWEI ("ZWEI Was EINE Initially"). More
recently, there is a Scheme compiler called LIAR (Liar Imitates Apply
Recursively), and {GNU} (q.v., sense 1) stands for "GNU's Not Unix!"
-- and a company with the name Cygnus, which expands to "Cygnus, Your
GNU Support" (though Cygnus people say this is a {backronym}). The GNU
recursive acronym may have been patterned on XINU, "XINU Is Not Unix"
-- a particularly nice example because it is a mirror image, a
backronym, and a recursive acronym. See also {mung}, {EMACS}.
The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
recursive acronym
<convention> A hackish (and especially {MIT}) tradition is to
choose acronyms and abbreviations that refer humorously to
themselves or to other acronyms or abbreviations. The classic
examples were two MIT editors called {EINE} ("EINE Is Not
{Emacs}") and {ZWEI} ("ZWEI Was EINE Initially"). More
recently, there is a {Scheme} compiler called {LIAR} (Liar
Imitates Apply Recursively), and {GNU} stands for "GNU's Not
Unix!" - and a company with the name {CYGNUS}, which expands
to "Cygnus, Your GNU Support".
See also {mung}.
[{Jargon File}]