The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)

a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z
b, b-0, b-line, b-method, b-toolkit, b-tree, b1 security, b1ff, b2 security, b2b, b3 security, b4, ba, baan, babbage, babbage, charles, babbling error, babel, babt, baby at, babylon, bacaic, bachman, bachman information systems, back door, back end generator, back end generator language, back link, back quote, back-end, back-propagation, backbone, backbone cabal, backbone site, backgammon, background, backing store, backoff, backoffice, backplane, backport, backronym, backside cache, backslash, backspace, backtick, backtracking, backup, backup domain controller, backup pumpkin, backup rotation, backup software, backus normal form, backus-naur form, backward analysis, backward chaining, backward combatability, backward compatibility, backward compatible, backwards compatibility, backwards compatible, bad, bad command or file name, bad thing, bag on the side, bal, balanced computing, balanced tree, balgol, balitac, balm, balun, bamf, banach algebra, banach inverse mapping theorem, banach space, banach-tarski paradox, banana label, banana problem, bandwidth, bang, bang on, bang path, banner, banyan, bap, bapi, bar, bar code, bare metal, barf, barfmail, barfulation, barfulous, barney, baroque, barrel shifter, barycentric, base, base 64, base class, base memory, base technology, baseband, baseline, basename, bash, basic, basic assembly language, basic autocoder, basic cobol, basic encoding rules, basic fortran, basic input/output system, basic jovial, basic language for implementation of system software, basic multilingual plane, basic object adapter, basic object system, basic operating system, basic programming support, basic rate interface, basic v, bastard operator from hell, bastion host, batch file, batch processing, bathtub curve, baud, baud barf, baud rate, baudot, baudot code, baudotbetical order, bawk, bay, baz, bb, bbc, bbc micro, bbc microcomputer, bbc networking club, bbl, bbn butterfly, bbn technologies, bboard, bbs, bc, bc neliac, bcbf, bcc, bcd, bcl, bcnu, bcpl, bcs, bd, bdc, bdl, bdpa, be, be inc, bea, beam, beam search, beamer, bean, beanie key, bear paw, bearer channel, beats the shit outa me, bebo, bebop, bebox, bedo, bedrock, beep, beeper, beg, begl, beige toaster, bel, belief revision, bell, bell 103, bell communications research, inc, bell curve, bell laboratories, bell labs, bellcore, bells and whistles, bells, whistles, and gongs, benchmark, bend over, here it comes again, benoit b. mandelbrot, benoit mandelbrot, bentley systems, inc., beos, ber, berkeley, berkeley 4.2, berkeley edif200, berkeley fp, berkeley internet name domain, berkeley logo, berkeley network, berkeley quality software, berkeley software design, inc, berkeley software distribution, berkeley softworks, berkeley unix, berkeley yacc, berklix, berners-lee, tim, bernoulli box, bernoulli principle, bernstein condition, berr, bertrand, bertrand meyer, bertrand russell, berzerkeley, berzerkley, bespoke, best effort, best first search, best fit, beta, beta abstraction, beta conversion, beta reduction, beta testing, beta version, betamaxed, bezier, bezier curve, bezier surface, bf, bfi, bg, bga, bgh, bgp, bh, bhc code, bi, bi-endian, bib, bible, bibop, bibtex, bicapitalisation, bicmos, bidirectional printing, bidouilleurs sans argent, biff, big bag of pages, big blue, big gray wall, big iron, big red switch, big room, big win, big-endian, big-lan, bigloo, bignum, bigot, bijection, bill gates, bill joy, binaries, binary, binary coded decimal, binary compatibility standard, binary counter, binary data, binary exponential backoff, binary file, binary large object, binary package, binary search, binary synchronous transmission, binary tree, bind, bindery, binding handle, binding-time analysis, binhex, binhex 4.0, binprolog, bioinformatics, biomedical package, biometric device, biometrics, bior, bios, bip, bipartite graph, bipm, bipolar, bipolar transistor, bips, bird-meertens formalism, birds of a feather, bisdn, bison, bison++, bist, bisync, bit, bit bang, bit bashing, bit bucket, bit decay, bit diddling, bit error rate, bit field, bit mask, bit pattern, bit plane, bit rate, bit rot, bit slice, bit string, bit stuffing, bit twiddling, bit-paired keyboard, bit-robbing, bitblt, bite, bitmap, bitmap display, bitmap font, bitmapped display, bitnet, bitonal image, bits per inch, bits per pixel, bits per second, bittorrent, bitty box, bitwise, bitwise complement, bixie, biz-core stability, bj, bjarne stroustrup, bjc4000, black art, black box, black data processing associates, black hole, black magic, black-box testing, blackice, blargh, blast, blat, blaze, blaze 2, bleam, bleeper, bletcherous, bletchley park, blind carbon copy, blinkenlights, bliss, bliss-10, bliss-11, bliss-16c, bliss-32, bliss-36, blit, blitter, blivet, bloat, bloatware, blob, block, block and list manipulation, block diagram compiler, block redundancy check, block started by symbol, block transfer computations, block-structured, blocked records, blog, bloggs family, the, blosim, blow an eprom, blow away, blow out, blow past, blow up, blowing your buffer, blox, blt, blue, blue book, blue box, blue dot syndrome, blue glue, blue screen of death, blue screen of life, blue sky software, blue wire, bluetooth, blurgle, bm, bman, bmasf, bmdp, bmf, bmp, bmwf, bn, bnc, bnf, bnr pascal, bnr prolog, bo, boa, board, boat anchor, bob, bobo the webmonkey, bocs, boehm b., boeing, bof, bofh, bogo-sort, bogometer, bogomips, bogon, bogon filter, bogon flux, bogosity, bogotify, bogue out, bohica, bohr bug, boink, bolero, bolt, beranek and newman, inc., bomb, bon, bondage-and-discipline language, bonk/oif, booch method, book titles, bookmark, bookreader, bookviewer, bool, boole, george, boolean, boolean algebra, boolean logic, boolean search, booster, boot, boot block, boot disk, boot virus, booting, bootp, bootstrap, bootstrap loader, border gateway protocol, borf, borland international, inc., borland software corporation, bos, bose-chaudhuri-hocquenghem code, boss, bot, botmaster, bottom, bottom feeder, bottom-unique, bottom-up implementation, bottom-up model, bottom-up testing, bottomfeeder, botwar, bounce, bounce message, bound variable, boundary scan, boundary value analysis, bounded, boundedly complete, bourne shell, bournebasic, boustrophedonic, box, boxed comments, boxen, boxer, boxology, boycott apple, bozotic, bpel, bpi, bpmake, bpp, bpr, bps, bqs, br, brace, bracket, bracket abstraction, braille, braille display, braille embosser, braille printer, brain aid prolog, brain dump, brain fart, brain-damaged, brain-dead, brainfuck, braino, branch, branch and hang, branch coverage testing, branch delay slot, branch on chip box full, branch prediction, branch target buffer, branch to fishkill, brazil, brb, breadcrumbs, breadth-first search, break, break statement, break-even point, breakpoint, breath-of-life packet, breedle, brh, bri, brian reid, bridge, bridgetalk, briefcase, brightness, brilliant, bring x to its knees, british broadcasting corporation, british library method, british standards institute, british telecom, british telecom research laboratories, brittle, broadband, broadcast, broadcast quality video, broadcast storm, broadway, brochureware, broken, broken arrow, broker, broket, brooks's law, brouter, brouwer fixed-point theorem, brown and sharpe wire gauge, brown paper bag bug, browser, brs, bruin, brute force, brute force and ignorance, brute force attack, bs, bs2000, bsa, bsd, bsd unix, bsd/os, bsd386, bsdi, bsi, bsl, bsod, bsol, bsom, bsp method, bsram, bss, bss segment, bst, bt, btb, btoa, btos, btrieve, btrieve technologies, inc., btrl, bts, btw, buaf, buag, bubble memory, bubble sort, bucky bits, buffer, buffer overflow, buffer overrun, buffered write-through, bug, bug fix, bug fix release, bug tracking system, bug-compatible, bug-for-bug compatible, buglix, bugsys, bugzilla, built-in, built-in self test, bull, bull information systems, bulletin board, bulletin board system, bulletproof, bum, bump, burble, bureau international des poids et mesures, burge's language, buried treasure, burn-in, burn-in period, burroughs corporation, burst edo, burst extended data out dram, burst page, burst static random access memory, bus, bus error, bus master, bus mastering, bus network, bush, vannevar, business analyst, business application programming interface, business process re-engineering, business software alliance, business systems analyst, business to business, busy beaver, busy-loop, busy-wait, butterfly common lisp, butterfly scheme, button, buzz, bv, bw, bwbasic, bwq, by, by hand, byacc, byte, byte compiler, byte-code, byte-code compiler, byte-code interpreter, bytesexual, byzantine, bz, bzzzt, wrong
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