The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
bit bang
Transmission of data on a {serial line} accomplished by
rapidly changing a single output bit, in software, at the
appropriate times. The technique is a simple loop with eight
OUT and SHIFT instruction pairs for each byte. Input is more
interesting. And {full-duplex} (doing input and output at the
same time) is one way to separate the real hackers from the
Bit bang was used on certain early models of {Prime}
computers, presumably when {UARTs} were too expensive, and on
archaic {Zilog Z80} micros with a {Zilog} PIO but no SIO. In
an interesting instance of the {cycle of reincarnation}, this
technique is now (1991) coming back into use on some {RISC}
architectures because it consumes such an infinitesimal part
of the processor that it actually makes sense not to have a
[{Jargon File}]