bring x to its knees

from Jargon File (4.4.4, 14 Aug 2003)
bring X to its knees

   [common] To present a machine, operating system, piece of software, or
   algorithm with a load so extreme or {pathological} that it grinds to a
   halt.: "To bring a MicroVAX to its knees, try twenty users running
   {vi} -- or four running {EMACS}." Compare {hog}.
from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
bring X to its knees

   To present a computer, operating system, piece of software, or
   algorithm with a load so extreme or {pathological} that it
   grinds to a halt.  "To bring a MicroVAX to its knees, try
   twenty users running {vi} - or four running {Emacs}."
   Compare {hog}.

   [{Jargon File}]

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