big bag of pages

from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
Big bag of pages

   (BIBOP) Where data objects are tagged with some kind of
   descriptor (giving their size or type for example) memory can
   be saved by storing objects with the same descriptor in one
   "page" of memory.  The most significant bits of an object's
   address are used as the BIBOP page number.  This is looked up
   in a BIBOP table to find the descriptor for all objects in
   that page.

   This idea is similar to the "zones" used in some {Lisp}
   systems (e.g. {LeLisp}).

   [David R. Hanson.  "A portable storage management system for
   the Icon programming language".  Software - Practise and
   Experience, 10:489-500 1980].


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