batch processing

from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
batch processing
    n 1: the serial execution of computer programs
from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
batch processing

   <programming> A system that takes a set (a "batch") of
   commands or jobs, executes them and returns the results, all
   without human intervention.  This contrasts with an
   {interactive} system where the user's commands and the
   computer's responses are interleaved during a single run.

   A batch system typically takes its commands from a disk file
   (or a set of {punched cards} or {magnetic tape} in the old
   days) and returns the results to a file (or prints them).
   Often there is a queue of jobs which the system processes as
   resources become available.

   Since the advent of the {personal computer}, the term "batch"
   has come to mean automating frequently performed tasks that
   would otherwise be done interactively by storing those
   commands in a "{batch file}" or "{script}".  Usually this file
   is read by some kind of {command interpreter} but batch
   processing is sometimes used with GUI-based applications that
   define script equivalents for menu selections and other mouse
   actions.  Such a recorded sequence of GUI actions is sometimes
   called a "{macro}".  This may only exist in memory and may not
   be saved to disk whereas a batch normally implies something
   stored on disk.


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