a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y zs, s-algol, s-hdsl, s-k reduction machine, s-lang, s-mime, s-video, s///, s/key, s/n ratio, s/sl, s3, sa, sa-110, saa, saber-c, saber-c++, sac, sac-1, sac2, sacadm, sacred, sad, sad sam, sadt, safari, safe, safe mode, safety, safety-critical system, saga, sagan, sage, saic, said, sail, saint, saint andrews static language, sal, salem, sales automation, sales force automation, salescritter, salt, salt mines, salt substrate, sam, sam76, samba, same, same-day service, samedl, samizdat, sammet, jean e., sample, sample rate, sampling, sampling frequency, samurai, san, san francisco, sandbender, sandbox, sandman, sanity check, santa cruz operation, sap, sap ag, sapi, sar, sas, sas system, sasd, sase, sasi, sasl, sasl+lv, sasl-yacc, sata, satan, sather, sather-k, satisfiability problem, saturation, saturday-night special, save, save as, say, sb, sb awe32, sb-prolog, sbcs, sbd, sbe, sbm, sbr, sbus, sc, sc/mp, sca, scada, scag, scalability, scalable coherent interface, scalable processor architecture, scalable sampling rate, scalable vector graphics, scalar, scallop, scan, scan design, scan line, scan path, scan register, scan-edf, scan-in, scan-out, scandisk, scanf, scanner, scanno, scc, sccs, sceptre, schachter's hypothesis, scheduler, scheduling, scheduling api, scheduling application programming interface, schelog, schema definition set, schema representation language, schematic capture, schematic type variable, schematik, scheme, scheme library, scheme object system, scheme repository, scheme->c, scheme-linda, scheme-to-c, scheme84, scheme88, schlaer-mellor, schoonschip, schroedinbug, sci, science and engineering research council, scientific data systems, scl, scm, sco, scode, scoop, scoops, scope, scorpion, scott domain, scott-closed, scpi, scpi consortium, scram switch, scrap, scratch, scratch disk, scratch monkey, scratchpad i, scratchpad ii, scream and die, screamer, screaming tty, screen, screen blanker, screen peace, screen popping, screen reader, screen refresh, screen saver, screen scraper, screen server, screen sharing, screenwrite, screw, screwage, scribble, scribe, script, scriptics, scripting language, scrog, scroll, scroll bar, scrollable list, scrolling, scrool, scrozzle, scruffies, scsi, scsi adaptor, scsi controller, scsi id, scsi initiator, scsi interface, scsi reconnect, scsi target, scsi-1, scsi-2, scsi-3, scumos, scuzzy, sd, sddi, sde, sdf, sdh, sdi, sdk, sdl, sdl 92, sdlc, sdm, sdms, sdp, sdr-ram, sdr-sdram, sdram, sdrc, sds, sds 92, sds 940, sdsl, se, se-odp, sea, seagate technology, seal, search, search algorithm, search engine, search problem, search term, search the fucking web, search-and-destroy mode, sec, secc, secd machine, second generation, second generation computer, second generation language, second level cache, second normal form, second-order lambda-calculus, second-system effect, secondary cache, secondary damage, secondary key, secondary storage, sector interleave, sector interleaving, sector map, sector mapping, secure file transfer protocol, secure hash algorithm, secure multipurpose internet mail extensions, secure shell, secure sockets layer, security, security administrator's integrated network tool, security association, security association id, security through obscurity, sed, see, see u see me, seed, seek, seek time, seeking, seesaw, sega, sega genesis/megadrive, segfault, seggie, segment, segmentation, segmentation and reassembly, segmentation fault, segmented address space, segv, sei, seiko rc-4000, sel, selective dissemination of information, selector, self, self extracting archive, self-extensible language, self-reference, selvage, sem, semantic gap, semantic network, semantics, semaphore, semi, semi-automatic ground environment, semicolon, semiconductor, semidetached mode, sendit, sendmail, sendmail inc., sendmail.cf, seneca, senior bit, sense, sensor, sentence, sep, separate compilation, sepia, sepp, seque, sequel, sequenced packet exchange, sequencer, sequent, sequential coding, sequential file matching, sequential parlog machine, sequential processing, serc, sercos, serial, serial advanced technology attachment, serial ata, serial communications, serial communications interface, serial interface adaptor, serial io chip, serial line, serial line internet protocol, serial line ip, serial peripheral interface, serial port, serial presence detect, serial processing, serial processor, serial scanning, serial storage architecture, serialise, serialize, serve, servelet, server, server message block, server room, server-parsed html, server-side, server-side include, serverlet, servers, service, service access point, service advertising protocol, service discovery protocol, service provider, serviceability, servlet, ses/workbench, session, session initiation protocol, session layer, set, set abstraction, set associative cache, set complement, set comprehension, set priority level, set theory, set-top box, setext, setl, setl/e, setl2, sets, seus, seven layer model, sex, sex changer, sexadecimal, sexi, seymour cray, sfa, sfbi, sfd-algol, sffa, sfl, sflv, sftp, sg, sgcp, sgi, sgml, sgml tagger, sgmls, sgram, sh, sha, shaco, shadow, shadow ram, shadowing, shallow binding, shambolic link, shape_vc, shapetools, shar, shar file, sharchive, share and enjoy!, shared memory, shared time repair of big electronic systems, shareware, sharp, sharp apl, shebang, sheep, shelf, shelfware, shell, shell out, shell script, shell variable, shielded twisted pair, shift, shift in, shift left logical, shift out, shift right logical, shim, shit hit the fan, shitogram, shockwave, shockwave flash, shopbot, short card, short code, short message service, shortcut, shorten, shortest job first, shotgun debugging, shovelware, show-and-tell, showstopper, shriek, sht, shtf, shtml, shub-internet, shug, shugart associates, shugart technology, shugart, alan f., si, sia, sicl, sics, sicstus prolog, side-effect, sidecar, siemens, siemens nixdorf informationssteme, ag, sierra, sift, sig, sig block, sig quote, sig virus, sigbus, sighyper, sigla, sigma, signal, signal-to-noise ratio, signalling rate, signalling system 7, signature, sil, silage, silicon, silicon chip, silicon graphics, inc., siliwood, silly walk, silo, silver book, silver bullet, sim, siman, simcity, simcity 2000, simd, similix, siml/i, simm, simone, simonyi, charles, simpac, simpas, simpl, simpl-t, simpl/i, simple, simple actor language, simple authentication and security layer, simple gateway control protocol, simple mail transfer protocol, simple multicast protocol, simple network management protocol, simple network management protocol version 2, simple network paging protocol, simple object access protocol, simplex, simplex method, simplex printer, simplified multicast routing protocol, simscript, simscript i.5, simscript ii.5, simship, simula, simula 67, simula i, simulate, simulated annealing, simulating digital systems, simulation, simulation analysis, simulation language for alternative modeling, simulation oriented language, simultaneous engineering environment, simultaneous peripheral operation on-line, simultaneous shipment, simware, inc., sina, since time t equals minus infinity, sinclair pc200, sinclair radionics, sinclair research, sinclair, clive, sine wave, single assignment, single assignment language, single connection attach, single connector attachment, single data rate random access memory, single data rate synchronous dynamic random access memory, single document interface, single edge contact, single edge contact cartridge, single edge processor package, single electron tunneling, single electron tunneling technology, single ended, single image random dot stereogram, single in-line memory module, single inheritance, single inline pin package, single instruction multiple data, single instruction/multiple data, single program/multiple data, single quote, single sign-on, single sourcing, single static assignment, single virtual storage, single-attached, single-duplex, single-electron transistor, single-line digital subscriber line, single-pair high speed digital subscriber line, singleton variable, siod, sip, sipb, siplan, sipp, siprol, sir, sirds, siri, sirts, sisal, sit, sitbol, sitename, sj, sk, skel-ml, sketchpad, skill, skim, skipjack, skol, skolemisation, skrog, sksh, sku, skulker, sl, sl5, slack, slackware, slam, slang, slap on the side, slash, slashdot effect, slave tty, sld resolution, sleep, slib, slide, sliding-window, slim, slingshot, slip, slipknot, slips, slirp, sllic, slog, sloop, slop, slopsucker, slot 1, slot 2, slot a, slurp, sm, smail, smalgol, small, small business edition, small computer system interface, small outline dimm, small-c, small-office/home-office, smalltalk, smalltalk-80, smalltalk/v, smallvdm, smallworld, smarandache logic, smart, smart battery data, smart card, smart terminal, smartdrive, smartdrv, smash case, smash sum, smash the stack, smb, smbclient, smblib, smbus, smcc, smds, smg, smi, smil, smiley, smilies, sml, sml#, sml/nj, sml2c, smm, smnp, smoke, smoke and mirrors, smoke test, smoke-emitting diode, smoking clover, smolcs, smop, smp, smps, smpt, smrp, sms, smt, smtp, smurf, sn, sna, snacc, snaf, snafu principle, snag, snail mail, snap, snap dump, snappy, snappy video snapshot, snarf, snarf & barf, snarf down, snark, sneakernet, sneck, snert, sni, sniff, sniffer, snivitz, snmp, snmp agent, snmpv2, snobol, snobol2, snobol3, snobol4, snoops, snpp, snr, snr bandwidth product, so, so 2, so-dimm, soa, soap, soar, social engineering, social network, social networking, social science number, socket, socket 1, socket 2, socket 3, socket 370, socket 4, socket 5, socket 6, socket 7, socket 8, socks, socratic, sod's law, soda, sodas, soe, soft boot, soft link, softbench, softcopy, softlab, softmodem, softvelocity inc., software, software ag, software audit, software backplane, software bloat, software bus, software copyright, software description database, software developers kit, software development life cycle, software enabling, software engineering, software engineering environment, software handshaking, software in the public interest, inc., software interrupt, software laser, software law, software life-cycle, software method, software methodology, software metric, software patent, software piracy, software pirate, software practice and experience, software productivity centre, software publishing certificate, software publishing corporation, software reliability, software rot, software theft, software through pictures, software tool, software verification research centre, software writer's language, softwarily, softy, soh, sohio, soho, soif, soj, sol, solaris, solid state, solid-state storage device, solo, solution, solution based modelling, solve, som, somar dumpacl, somar software, some random x, sonata, sonet, sony playstation, sorcerer, sorcerer's apprentice mode, sort, sorting, sos, sound, sound blaster, sound card, soundex, soundness, source, source code, source code escrow, source code management, source language, source of all good bits, source package, source route, source routing, source-level debugger, southbridge, sp, sp/2, sp/k, sp2, space, space bar, space complexity, space key, space leak, space-cadet keyboard, spacewar, spade, spaghetti code, spaghetti inheritance, spam, spamdex, spamming, spanning tree algorithm, spar, sparc, sparc international, inc., sparc xterminal 1, sparcstation, sparcstation 10, sparcstation 20, sparcsystem 4, spark, spark annotation language, sparks, sparse, spatial technologies, spawn, spc, spd, spdl, spe, speakeasy, speaker, spec, spec cfp92, spec cint92, spec rate, spec ratio, specbase_fp92, specbase_int92, specbaserate, specfp92, special, special interest group, special-case, specialisation, specific markup, specification, specint92, specmark, specmark89, specol, specrate_base_fp92, specrate_fp92, specrate_int92, spectral band replication, spectrum, speculative evaluation, speculative execution, speech application programming interface, speech recognition, speech recognition application program interface, speech synthesis, speed, speedcoding, speedcoding 3, speedex, speedometer, spell, spelling flame, sperry corporation, sperry univac, spg, spga, spi, spice lisp, spid, spider, spiderweb, spiffy, spike, spill, spim, spin, spiral model, spit, spitbol, spl, spl/1, spl/i, splash screen, splash!, splat, splinter, split, split-c, splot, splx, spm, spmd, spml, spod, spoiler, sponge, spoo, spoof, spoofing, spooge, spool, spool file, spooler, spoolview, spray, spread spectrum communications, spreadsheet, spring, sprint, sprintnet, sprite, sprocket feed, sps, spss, spss, inc., spur, spx, spyware, sqe, sql, sql access group, sql module language, sql server, sql/ds, sql2, sql3, sqlwindows, sqr, sqribe, square, square tape, square-headed boyfriend, square-headed girlfriend, squeak, squiggol, squirt the bird, sr, sr flip-flop, sram, srapi, src modula-3, srdl, sri, sri international, srl, srp, ss7, ssa, ssadm, ssba, sse, sse-2, ssh, ssh file transfer protocol, ssi, ssii, ssl, ssleay, ssma, sso, ssr, st, st andrews static language, st-506, stab, stab-11, stac, stac compression, stack, stack environment control dump machine, stack frame, stack loader, stack overflow, stack pointer, stack puke, stack traceback, stacking order, stage2, staggered pin grid array, staircase, staircasing, stale pointer bug, stallman, richard m., stand-alone, standard, standard commands for programmable instruments, standard d'echange et de transfert, standard deviation, standard for robot exclusion, standard for the exchange of product model data, standard generalised markup language, standard generalized markup language, standard i/o, standard input/output, standard instrument control library, standard interpretation, standard lisp, standard ml, standard ml of new jersey, standard operating environment, standard semantics, standard widget toolkit, stanford artificial intelligence laboratory, stanford artificial intelligence language, stanford research institute, stanford university, staple, star 0, star network, starburst, starlisp, starmod, starset, starsys, start bit, start of authority, start of header, start of text, start tag, state, state diagram, state machine, state transition diagram, state university of new york, stateless, static, static analysis, static database management system, static dbms, static link, static nested scope, static nested scoping, static ram, static random-access memory, static scope, static typing, statically typed, station management, statistical analysis system, statistical package for the social sciences, statistical time division multiplexing, statistics, statmux, stb, std, std 1, std 13, std 15, std 2, std 9, stderr, stdin, stdio, stdio.h, stdm, stdout, stdwin, steam-powered, steelman, steganography, stemmer, stemming, stensor, step, stephen cole kleene, stephen jobs, stephen kleene, stepper motor, stepstone corp, stepwise refinement, stereogram, sterling software, inc., steve jobs, steve wozniak, steve's shell, stft, stfu, stfw, sticks&stones, sticky analysis, sticky bit, sticky content, stiffy, stil, sting, stk, stmp, stochastic, stock-keeping unit, stoic, stomp on, stone, stone age, stone knives and bearskins, stoneman, stop bit, stoppage, storage, storage allocation and coding program, storage management services, store, store and forward, stored procedure, storm, story of mel, stp, stp4, strachey, christopher, strand, strand88, stratus, strawman, stream, stream-oriented, streaming, streaming simd extensions, streams, strength reduction, stress, stress testing, strict, strict evaluation, strided, string, string expression interpreter, string oriented interactive compiler, string oriented symbolic language, string processing language, string reduction, stripe, stripe set, striping, strobes, stroke, strong typing, strongarm, strongly connected component, strongly typed, stroustrup, bjarne, struct, structural recursion, structure diagram, structure of management information, structured analysis, structured analysis and design technique, structured design, structured language, structured programming, structured query language, strudel, strudl, stsc apl, stub, stub network, stubroutine, student, student pl/i, studly, studlycaps, stuffit, stupid-sort, stupids, sturgeon's law, stx, style, su, sub, subband encoding, subclass, subject, subject index, subject-oriented programming, sublanguage, subnet, subnet address, subnet mask, subnet number, subroutine, subscribe, subscriber identity module, subscribing, subset-equational language, substitute, substrate, subtype, subtyping, successor, sucking mud, sue, sufficiently small, sugar, suicideware, suif, suit, suitably small, suite synthetique des benchmarks de l'afuu, sum, sum of products, sum of products type, summary object interchange format, summer, summer session, sun, sun lounge, sun microsystems, inc., sun-2 workstation, sun-3 workstation, sun-4 workstation, sun-stools, sunos, sunspots, sunview, suny, super, super 7, super minicomputer, super pascal, super source quench, super vga, super video graphics adapter, super video graphics adaptor, super video graphics array, superclass, supercombinators, supercompilation, supercomputer, superhighway, superjanet, supermac, superpipelined, superprogrammer, superscalar, supertalk, superuser, supervisor mode, supervisory control and data acquisition, superzap, supplementary ideographic plane, support, supremum, sure, surfing, surge, surjection, surjective, surrogate key, suspension, suzie cobol, sv, svc, svg, svga, svga monitor, svid, svr4, svrc, svs, swab, swag, swap, swap file, swap space, swapped in, swapped out, swapping, sweetlambda, swf, swi-prolog, swing, switch, switch statement, switched multimegabit data service, switched virtual circuit, switched virtual connection, switching, switching hub, swizzle, swl, swt, swung dash, sy, sybase sql server, sybase, inc., sydel, sygma, sylk, sylvan, symantec, symbal, symbmath, symbol manipulation program, symbolang, symbolic assembler program, symbolic assembly, symbolic automatic integrator, symbolic inference, symbolic link, symbolic logic, symbolic mathematical laboratory, symbolic mathematics, symbolic optimal assembly program, symbolic optimum deuce assembly program, symbolics, inc., symlink, symmetric, symmetric key cryptography, symmetric lisp, symmetric multiprocessing, symmetric multiprocessor, symphony, sympl, syn, sync, synchronized multimedia integration language, synchronous, synchronous data link control, synchronous digital hierarchy, synchronous dram, synchronous dynamic random access memory, synchronous graphics ram, synchronous graphics random access memory, synchronous idle, synchronous key encryption, synchronous optical network, syncronous, synflood, synonym ring, syntactic salt, syntactic sugar, syntax, syntax directed translation, syntax tree, syntax-case, syntax/semantic language, synthesis, synthesizer specification language, sypware, syquest technology, inc., sys-frog, sysadmin, sysape, sysdeco mimer ab, syskey, syslisp, sysop, sysplex, sysprog, system, system 5, system 7.5, system account manager, system administration, system administrator, system analysis, system analyst, system board, system call, system catalog, system control language, system f, system international, system management, system management bus, system management mode, system management server, system manager, system mangler, system operator, system product interpreter, system programming language, system r, system software, system testing, system unit, system v, system v interface definition, system/360, system/370, systeme international, systems administrators guild, systems analysis, systems analysis definition, systems analyst, systems application architecture, systems development life cycle, systems jock, systems network architecture, systems operator, systems programmer, systems programming, systolic array, système international d'units, sysvile, sz