segmentation and reassembly

from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
segmentation and reassembly

   <networking> (Or "segmentation and reassembly", SAR) Breaking
   an arbitrary size {packet} into smaller pieces at the
   transmitter.  This may be necessary because of restrictions in
   the communications channel or to reduce {latency}.  The pieces
   are joined back together in the right order at the receiver
   ("reassembly").  Segmentation may be performed by a {router}
   when routing a packet to a network with a smaller maximum
   packet size.

   The term "segmentation" is used in {ATM}, in {TCP/IP}, it is
   called "fragmentation" an is performed at the {IP} layer
   before the "fragments" are passed to the {transport layer}.

   See for example {ATM forum} {UNI} 4.0 specification.

   [Better reasons?]


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