a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y zm, m o drive, m technology association, m-code, m-expression lisp, m-jpeg, m-prolog, m2, m2tom3, m3, m4, m5, ma, mac, mac address, mac ii, mac iicx, mac os, mac os x, mac playmate, mac-1, mac-360, maca, macanalyst, macaulay, macbinary, macdesigner, macdink, mace, mach, mach interface generator, machiavelli, machinable, machine, machine code, machine cycle, machine independent sail, machine language, machine learning, machoflops, macintosh, macintosh common lisp, macintosh file system, macintosh ii, macintosh iicx, macintosh operating system, macintosh user interface, macintoy, macintrash, macl, maclisp, macminix, macppp, macro, macro preprocessor, macro sap, macro-, macrology, macromedia, macrotape, macsyma, mactcp, macx, mad, mad/1, madaline, madcap, madtran, maggotbox, magic, magic bullet, magic cookie, magic number, magic paper, magic smoke, magic switch story, magma, magma2, magmalisp, magnetic disk, magnetic ink character recognition, magnetic stripe, magnetic tape, magnetic tape drive, magneto-optical disk, magneto-optical drive, magnetostrictive delay line, magnum, magritte, mail, mail application programming interface, mail bomb, mail bridge, mail exchange record, mail exchanger, mail exploder, mail filter, mail gateway, mail hub, mail merge, mail path, mail server, mail transfer agent, mail transport agent, mail user agent, mail users' shell, mailbox, mailing list, main distribution frame, main loop, main memory, main store, mainbol, mainframe, mainframe programmer/analyst, mainsail, maintainer, maintainer script, maintenance, maisie, major delivery, major release, majordomo, make, makedoc, makefile, maker interchange format, mal, malamud, mali, mall, malloc, malware, man, man page, managed code, management, management information base, management information system, manager of business applications, manchester autocode, manchester encoding, mandala, mandelbrot set, mandelbrot, benoit, mandelbug, manged, mangle, mangler, mango, mantis, mantissa, manual testing, manufacturer resource planning, manufacturers automation protocol, manufacturing automation protocol, manularity, mao, map, mapi, maple, mapping, marbles, marc andreessen, marginal, marginal hacks, maril, mark 1, mark-sweep garbage collection, marketroid, markov, markov chain, markov model, markov process, markowitz, markup, marlais, mars, marseille prolog, marshaling, marshalling, marsyas, martian, martin marietta laboratories moorestown, marvin, mary, mas, mascot, mask read-only memory, masm, maspar unity, masquerading, massachusetts institute of technology, massage, massey hope, master, matchmaker, material requirements planning, math-matic or mathmatic, math-out, mathcad, mathematica, mathematical analysis without programming, mathematics in recognizable form automatically compiled, mathlab, mathworks, matlab, matrix, matrix compiler, matrix math, matrix math extensions, mau, mauchly, john w., mawk, maximal free expression, maximin, maximop, maximum maytag mode, maximum seek time, maximum segment size, maximum transmission unit, maxis software, mb, mbasic, mbogo, dr. fred, mbone, mbps, mbs, mc, mc68000, mc68010, mc68020, mc68030, mc68040, mc6809, mca, mcc, mcculloch-pitts neuron, mcg360, mci, mci mail, mcl, mcp, mcp-1600, mcs, mcsd, mcse, mcvax, mcvert, md, md5, mdac, mdf, mdi, mdl, me too, mean time between failures, mean time between faults, mean time to recovery, measure, measurement, meatspace, meatware, media access control, media access unit, media converter, media gateway control protocol, medium access control, meeces, meet, meg, mega-, megabits per second, megabyte, megabytes per second, megaflop, megaflops, megahertz, megapenny, mego, mei, mel, meld, meldc, melinda, mellor, meltdown, member function, membership function, meme, meme plague, memetic algorithm, memetics, memex, memo function, memoisation, memoised function, memoization, memoized function, memory, memory address space, memory dump, memory farts, memory leak, memory location, memory management, memory management unit, memory mapped i/o, memory protection, memory smash, memory type range registers, mems, mentat, mentor, menu, menu bar, menuitis, menyma/s, mercury autocode, mercury delay line, merise, merlin, meroon, mesa, mesh, mesi protocol, mess-dos, message, message digest 5, message digest function, message handling system, message passing, message passing interface, message switching, message transfer agent, message transport agent, messaging application programming interface, messaging applications programming interface, met-english, meta, meta 5, meta bit, meta element, meta tag, meta-case tool, meta-crystal, meta-data, meta-ii, meta-iv, meta-vlisp, metacard, metaclass, metadata, metadata information partners, metafile, metafont, metaheuristic, metainformation, metal, metal oxide semiconductor, metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor, metalanguage, metaphone, metaprogram, metasyntactic variable, metasyntax, meteor, meter, method, methodology, methods, metre, metric, metric space, metropolitan area network, mfc, mfe, mflops, mfm, mftl, mg, mgcp, mh, mhdl, mheg, mhs, mhz, mib, mib variable, mic-1, mic-2, mice, michigan algorithm decoder, mickey, mickey mouse program, micr, micro, micro assembly language, micro channel architecture, micro instrumentation and telemetry systems, micro interpreter for knowledge engineering, micro ml, micro saint, micro$oft, micro-, microarray, microcentury, microcode, microcom networking protocol, microcomputer, microcontroller, microdroid, microelectromechanical system, microelectronics and computer technology corporation, microemacs, microfloppies, microfortnight, micrognuemacs, microkernel, microlenat, microlog, micrometre, micron, micron electronics, inc., micronetics standard mumps, microperation, microphone, microplanner, microprocesor, microprocessor, microprocessor without interlocked pipeline stages, microprogramming, microreid, microsecond, microserf, microslop, microsloth windows, microsoft, microsoft access, microsoft basic, microsoft certified solution developer, microsoft certified system engineer, microsoft certified systems developer, microsoft corporation, microsoft data access components, microsoft disk operating system, microsoft dos, microsoft excel, microsoft exchange, microsoft extended, microsoft foundation classes, microsoft iis, microsoft intellimouse explorer, microsoft internet information server, microsoft mail, microsoft mail application program interface, microsoft network, microsoft networking, microsoft office, microsoft office small business edition, microsoft point to point encryption, microsoft project, microsoft sql server, microsoft windows, microsoft word, microstation, microtape, microware corporation, microwave hardware description language, mid-level network, midas, midas-www, middle-endian, middleware, midi, mif, mig, migraines, mii, miis, mike, mil, milarepa, militran, mill, millennium bug, millennium meltdown, milli-, millihelen, millilampson, millisecond, milnet, mimd, mime, mime type, mimencode, mimer sql, mimic, mimola, mind mouse, mind uploading, minerva software, mini disc, mini pl/i, mini-ml, minicomputer, minifloppy, minimal automaton, minimax, minimum seek time, minitab ii, minix, minnesota internet users essential tool, mint, mint is not trac, minuet, minuit, minus, minus infinity, mips, mips project, mips r2000, mips r2010, mips r3000, mips r4000, mips technologies, inc., miracula, miranda, mirfac, mirror, mirror site, mirroring, mis, mis director, misbug, misfeature, mishap, missed'em-five, missile address, missing, missing definition, miswart, mit, mit ai lab, mit lisp machine, mit research laboratory for electronics, mit scheme, miti, mitilac, mitre corporation, mits, mix, mix communications, mixal, mjs, mk, ml, ml kit, ml threads, ml-2000, ml-lex, ml-linda, ml-twig, ml/i, mlab, mlisp, mll, mm, mma, mmap, mmcd, mmdf, mmi, mml, mms, mmu, mmx, mmx technology, mn, mnemonic, mnp, mo, mobile subscriber integrated services directory number, mobile triton, mobo, mobssl-uaf, moby, mock lisp, mockingbird, mockingboard, mod, modal, modal logic, modam, modcal, mode, mode bit, modef, model, model checking, model view controller, modeling, modelling, modelsim, modem, modem7, moderator, modified frequency modulation, modifier, modsim, modsim ii, modula, modula-2, modula-2*, modula-2+, modula-3, modula-3*, modula-3pi, modula-p, modula-prolog, modula/r, modular arithmetic, modular c, modular language, modular prolog, modular sb-prolog, module, modulex, modulo, modulo arithmetic, modulo operator, mohammed al-khawarizmi, molly-guard, monad, monadic, mongolian hordes technique, moniter, monitor, monkey sort, monkey up, monkey, scratch, mono, monochrome, monoid, monotonic, monstr, montage, monte carlo, monty, moo, moof, moore bound, moore graph, moore's law, moose call, mooz, mops, moral, moria, morphing, morse code, mortran, mos, mos technologies, mosaic, mosaic communications corporation, moscow ml, mosfet, mosiac, most general unifier, most significant bit, motd, mother, motherboard, motif, motion jpeg, motion picture experts group, motorola, motorola 14500b, motorola 6800, motorola 68000, motorola 6801, motorola 68010, motorola 68020, motorola 68030, motorola 68040, motorola 68050, motorola 68060, motorola 6809, motorola 680x0, motorola 68hc11, motorola 68lc040, motorola 88000, motorola, inc., mount, mouse, mouse ahead, mouse around, mouse arrest, mouse belt, mouse droppings, mouse elbow, mouse mat, mouse pad, mouse trails, mouso, moving jpeg, moving picture expert group, moving picture experts group, moving pictures experts group, moxie, mozilla, mozilla foundation, mozilla public license, mp, mp-1, mp/m, mp1, mp2, mp3, mp3pro, mpc, mpc level 1 specification, mpc level 2 specification, mpeg, mpeg-1, mpeg-1 audio layer 1, mpeg-1 audio layer 3, mpeg-1 layer 3, mpeg-2, mpeg-2 aac low profile, mpeg-2 audio layer 3, mpeg-2 low sampling frequencies extention, mpeg-2 lsf, mpeg-2 mc, mpeg-2 multi channel extention, mpeg-2.5 audio layer 3, mpeg-21, mpeg-3, mpeg-4, mpeg-4 aac main profile, mpeg-4 aac ssr, mpeg-4 advanced audio coding scalable sampling rate, mpeg-4 harmonic vector excitation, mpeg-4 harmonics, individual lines and noise, mpeg-4 hiln, mpeg-4 hvxc, mpeg-7, mpegplus, mpg, mpi, mpl, mpl ii, mpls, mpls domain, mpp, mppe, mppl, mpr ii, mps iii, mpsx, mpv, mpx, mq, mqg, mr, mrds, mri, mroc, mrom, mrp, mrp ii, mrs, ms, ms access, ms mail, ms office, ms project, ms word, ms-basic, ms-dog, ms-dos, ms-windows, msau, msb, msg.84, msggui, msie, msm, msn, mss, mswlogo, msx, msx-dos, mt, mta, mtbf, mtc, mtos, mts, mttr, mtu, mu, mu-law, mu-prolog, mua, mucal, mud, mud object oriented, muddie, muddle, mudhead, mufp, muhammad al-khwarizmi, muhammad ibn musa al-khwarizmi, mul-t, mule, multi-binprolog, multi-channel memorandum distribution facility, multi-garnet, multi-part key, multi-pascal, multi-tasking program for microcomputers, multi-user dimension, multi-user dungeon, multi-user shared hallucination, multi-version concurrency control, multi-way branch, multiboot, multic, multical system, multicast addressing, multicast backbone, multician, multics, multics relational data store, multiflow computer, multihomed host, multilayer perceptron, multilisp, multimedia, multimedia and hypermedia information coding expert group, multimedia compact disc, multimedia extension, multimedia integrated conferencing for european researchers, multimedia internet mail extensions, multimedia messaging services, multimedia personal computer, multiple access, multiple access with colision avoidance, multiple boot, multiple document interface, multiple inheritance, multiple instruction multiple data, multiple instruction/multiple data, multiple master, multiple perspective software development, multiple value, multiple virtual storage, multiplex printer, multiplexer, multiplexing, multiplexor, multiplexor channel, multipop-68, multiprocessing, multiprocessor, multiprogramming, multiprotocol label switching, multipurpose internet mail extensions, multiscan, multischeme, multistation access unit, multisync, multisystem extention interface bus, multitasking, multithreaded, multithreading, multitos, mumath, mumblage, mumble, mumble mode, mumps, munch, munching, munching squares, munchkin, mundane, mung, munge, mup, murphy's law, muse, museum, mush, music, musical instrument digital interface, musicam, musimp, musl, mutant, mutation testing, mutex, mutter, mutual exclusion, mutual recursion, mutually recursive, mux, mv, mvc, mvcc, mvs, mvs/esa, mvs/oe, mvs/open edition, mvs/sp, mvs/xa, mw, mx, mx record, mxi, mxibus, my, my favourite toy language, myob, myspace, mystic, mz