monotonic adj 1: of a sequence or function; consistently increasing and never decreasing or consistently decreasing and never increasing in value [syn: {monotonic}, {monotone}] [ant: {nonmonotonic}] 2: sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch; "the owl's faint monotonous hooting" [syn: {flat}, {monotone}, {monotonic}, {monotonous}]
Monotonic \Mon`o*ton"ic\, Monotonical \Mon`o*ton"ic*al\, a. 1. Of, pertaining to, or uttered in, a monotone; monotonous. "Monotonical declamation." --Chesterfield. [1913 Webster] 2. (Math.) Always increasing or always decreasing, as the value of the independent variable increases; -- of a function. [PJC]
monotonic In {domain theory}, a function f : D -> C is monotonic (or monotone) if for all x,y in D, x <= y => f(x) <= f(y). ("<=" is written in {LaTeX} as {\sqsubseteq}). (1994-11-24)