a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y ze, e-carrier system, e-commerce, e-ddress, e-forth, e-mail, e-mail address, e-mail client, e-text, e-zine, e. f. codd, e1, e2, e2es, e3, e4, e5, eaf, eag, eager evaluation, eagle, eai, eaprom, earliest deadline first, early pl/i, earn, earom, earthquake, ease, ease ii, easiac, east, easter egg, easter egging, eastern washington university, easy fox, eat flaming death, eating one's own dogfood, eating your own dogfood, eax, ebasic, ebcdic, ebcidic, ebnf, ebone, ec, ec++, ecap ii, ecash, ecc, eccles-jordan circuit, echidna, echo, echo cancellation, echt, ecip2, ecis, eckert-mauchly computer corporation, ecl, eclipse, ecm, ecma, ecma international, ecmascript, ecole normale superieure, econet, ecoop, ecp, ecrc, ecrc-prolog, ecsl, ecsp, ecss ii, ecssl, ed, eda, edac, eden, edf, edi, edi analyst, edif, edifact, edinburgh multi access system, edinburgh prolog, edinburgh sml, edison, edit, editor, edl, edm, edml, edms, edo dram, edo memory, edo ram, edp, edp auditor, edram, eds, eds+, edu, education contact, edutainment, edward lorenz, edward yourdon, edwin, ee, eema, eeprom, eer, eff, effective computable, effective number of bits, effort adjustment factor, efi, efl, efnet, eforth, eft, eftpos, efts, eg, ega, eggdrop, egosurfing, egp, egrep, eh, ehelp corporation, ehts, eia, eia-232, eia-232c, eia-422, eia-423, eia-449, eia-485, eia-530, eide, eiffel, eiffel source checker, eigenvalue, eigenvector, eight queens problem, eight queens puzzle, eight-bit clean, eighty-column mind, eighty-twenty rule, eirp, eisa, ejb, eksi sozluk, el camino bignum, el(alpha), el1, elan, elder days, electing a pope, electrically alterable programmable read-only memory, electrically erasable programmable read-only memory, electromagnetic compatibility, electromigration, electron, electron model, electron tube, electronic commerce, electronic commerce dictionary, electronic data interchange, electronic data processing, electronic design automation, electronic frontier foundation, electronic funds transfer, electronic funds transfer point of sale, electronic funds transfer system, electronic magazine, electronic mail, electronic mail address, electronic mail client, electronic meeting, electronic numerical integrator and computer, electronic performance support system, electronic report management, electronic whiteboarding, electronics industry association, electrostatic discharge, elegant, element, elephant, elephantine, elevator controller, elf, eli, eli compiler construction system, elisp, elite, eliza, eliza effect, elk, ella, ellemtel, ellie, ellis, elm, elmaguide, elmameta, elp, elsie, elvis, elvish, em, em-1, ema, emacs, emacs lisp, emas, embedded lisp interpreter, embedded mode, embedded system, embedding, embla pro, embosser, emc, emd enterprises, inc., emdir, emerald, emi, emitter coupled logic, eml, emm, emm386, emote, emoticon, empeg, empire, empty element tag, ems, emtex, emu8000, emulation, emulator, emulator program, emx, enabling, encapsulated postscript, encapsulation, encode, encoder, encryption, end of line, end of medium, end of text, end of transmission, end tag, end transmission block, end-to-end solution, end-user, endian, endless loop, engage, engelbart, douglas, engine, english, enhanced capabilities port, enhanced directory service, enhanced dynamic random access memory, enhanced graphics adapter, enhanced ide, enhanced integrated drive electronics, enhanced parallel port, enhanced small disk interface, enhancement, eniac, enigma, enob, enq, enqueue, ens, ente nazionale italiano di unificazione, enterprise, enterprise application integration, enterprise javabeans, enterprise report management, enterprise resource planning, enterprise systems connectivity, entirex, entity-relationship diagram, entity-relationship model, entropy, entry sequenced data set, enumerated type, enumeration, environment, environment variable, environmental audio extensions, envoy, eof, eol, eor, eot, eou, eoug, ep, epcs, ephemeral port, epilog, epim, epl, epoch, epp, eprom, eprom otp, epros, eps, epsilon, epsilon squared, epsimone, epss, eql, eqlog, eqn, equals, equational logic, equel, equivalence class, equivalence class partitioning, equivalence partitioning, equivalence relation, equivalent isotropically radiated power, er, era, erasable programmable read-only memory, erase, erc, ercim, erd, erew pram, erfpi, ergo-shell, ergonomic, ergonomics, eric conspiracy, eric s. raymond, eris, erlang, erm, erotica, erp, error, error correcting memory, error detection and correction, error-based testing, es, es-1, esa, esc, escape, escape sequence, escd, escon, escrow, esd, esdi, esf, esi, esim, esl, eslpdpro, esml, esmtp, esp, espol, esprit, esr, essential complexity, estelle, esterel, estpc, et, et++, eta abstraction, eta conversion, eta expansion, eta reduction, etb, etc, ether, ethergate, ethernet, ethernet address, ethernet meltdown, ethertalk, ethics, etl, etm, etrn, etsi, etx, euclid, euclid's algorithm, euclidean algorithm, euclidean norm, eudora, eula, euler, eulisp, eunet ltd., euphoria, eureka, eureka step, eurisko, euro-isdn, eurocard, euronet, europanet, european academic and research network, european computer manufacturers association, european computer-industry research centre gmbh, european strategic programme for research in information technology, european telecommunications standards institute, euug, ev6, eva, evaluate, evaluation, evaluation strategy, evaluator, eve, event, event description language, event-driven, evga, evil, evil and rude, evolution strategy, evolutionary algorithm, evolutionary computation, evolutionary programming, ewos, exa-, exabyte, examining the entrails, exapt, exceed, excel, excelan, excelerator, exception, exception handler, exch, exchange server, excl, exclamation mark, exclamation point, exclusive or, excp, exe, exec, exec 2, exec 8, executable, executable content, execute, execute channel program, execution, executive, executive systems programming oriented language, exercise, left as an, exhaustive testing, existential quantifier, exit, exodus, exos, expanded memory, expanded memory manager, expanded memory page frame, expanded memory specification, expansion card, expansion slot, expect, experiment description language, experimental lisp, experimental physics control systems, experimental programming language, expert judgement models, expert system, expert systems ltd., explicit parallelism, explicit type conversion, exploit, exploratory data analysis, exponent, exponential, exponential-time, exponential-time algorithm, express, expression, expression tree, extend, extended affix grammar, extended algol, extended architecture, extended backus-naur form, extended binary coded decimal interchange code, extended bnf, extended c++, extended capabilities port, extended concurrent prolog, extended data out dynamic random access memory, extended data out random access memory, extended fortran language, extended graphics array, extended industry-standard architecture, extended memory, extended memory manager, extended memory specification, extended ml, extended pascal, extended self-containing prolog, extended system configuration data, extended tcl, extended tiny, extended video graphics array, extensible, extensible database, extensible firmware interface, extensible hypertext markup language, extensible markup language, extensible shell, extensible stylesheet language, extensible stylesheet language transformations, extensible vax editor, extension, extension language kit, extensional, extensional equality, extensionality, exterior gateway protocol, external data representation, external machine interface, external memory, extra, extranet, extrapolate, extrapolation, exug, eyeball search, ez, ezd