Jargon File (4.4.4, 14 Aug 2003)
Common {marketroid}-speak for a bug {fix}. This abuse of language is a
popular and time-tested way to turn incompetence into increased
revenue. A hacker being ironic would instead call the fix a {feature}
-- or perhaps save some effort by declaring the bug itself to be a
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
109 Moby Thesaurus words for "enhancement":
Great Leap Forward, accelerando, acceleration, advance,
advancement, aggrandizement, aggravation, amelioration, amendment,
amplification, annoyance, ascent, augmentation, ballyhoo,
beefing-up, bettering, betterment, big talk, blowing up, blowup,
boost, burlesque, caricature, complement, concentration,
condensation, consolidation, contentiousness, deepening,
deliberate aggravation, deterioration, dilatation, dilation,
embittering, embitterment, enlargement, enrichment, eugenics,
euthenics, exacerbation, exaggerating, exaggeration, exasperation,
excess, exorbitance, expansion, explosion, extravagance, extreme,
furtherance, grandiloquence, headway, heating-up, heightening,
huckstering, hyperbole, hyperbolism, improvement, increase,
inflation, information explosion, inordinacy, intensification,
irritation, lift, magnification, melioration, mend, mending,
overemphasis, overestimation, overkill, overstatement, pickup,
population explosion, preferment, prodigality, profuseness,
progress, progression, promotion, provocation, puffery, puffing up,
recovery, redoubling, reinforcement, restoration, revival, rise,
sensationalism, sharpening, souring, speedup, step-up,
strengthening, stretching, superlative, tall talk, tightening,
touting, travesty, upbeat, uplift, upping, upswing, uptrend,
upward mobility, worsening
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