Embed \Em*bed"\ ([e^]m*b[e^]d"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Embedded}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Embedding}.] [Pref. em- + bed. Cf. {Imbed}.] To lay as in a bed; to lay in surrounding matter; to bed; as, to embed a thing in clay, mortar, or sand. [1913 Webster]
embedding 1. <mathematics> One instance of some mathematical object contained with in another instance, e.g. a {group} which is a subgroup. 2. <theory> ({domain theory}) A {complete partial order} F in [X -> Y] is an embedding if (1) For all x1, x2 in X, x1 <= x2 <=> F x1 <= F x2 and (2) For all y in Y, {x | F x <= y} is {directed}. ("<=" is written in {LaTeX} as {\sqsubseteq}). (1995-03-27)