Jargon File (4.4.4, 14 Aug 2003)

a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z
rabbit job, rain dance, rainbow series, random, random number god, random numbers, randomness, rape, rare mode, raster blaster, raster burn, rasterbation, rat belt, rat dance, rathole, ratio site, rave, rave on!, ravs, raw mode, rbl, rc file, re, read-only user, readme file, real, real estate, real hack, real operating system, real programmer, real soon now, real time, real user, real world, reality check, reality-distortion field, reaper, recompile the world, rectangle slinger, recursion, recursive acronym, red wire, regexp, register dancing, rehi, reincarnation, cycle of, reinvent the wheel, relay rape, religion of chi, religious issues, replicator, reply, restriction, retcon, reti, retrocomputing, return from the dead, rfc, rfe, right thing, rip, ripoff, rl, roach, robocanceller, robot, robust, rococo, rogue, room-temperature iq, root, root mode, rootkit, rot13, rotary debugger, rsn, rtbm, rtfaq, rtfb, rtfm, rtfs, rti, rtm, rts, rubber-hose cryptanalysis, rude, runes, runic, rusty iron, rusty wire
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