The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48

a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z
t, T, T bandage, T calcaneus, T Caribbaeus, T cart, T cell, T connection, T crassus, T elephantopus, T equinus, T Europaeus, T gigas, T iron, 'T is, T lymphocyte, T marinus, T montanus, T Ontariensis, T pastinaca, T rail, T square, T valgus, 'T was, Ta, Taas, Tab, Tabacco, Tabanus, Tabard, Tabarder, Tabaret, Tabasco sauce, tabasheer, tabberer, Tabbied, Tabbies, Tabbinet, Tabby, Tabby moth, Tabbying, Tabefaction, Tabefied, Tabefy, Tabefying, Tabellion, Taber, taber, taberd, Taberd, Tabernacle, Tabernacle work, Tabernacled, Tabernacling, Tabernacular, Tabernaemontana divaricata, Tabes, Tabes dorsalis, Tabes mesenterica, Tabescent, Tabetic, Tabid, Tabidly, Tabidness, Tabific, Tabifical, tabinet, Tabinet, Tablature, table, Table, table, Table, Table anvil, Table base, Table bed, Table beer, Table bell, Table cover, Table d'hote, Table diamond, Table dormant, Table linen, Table money, Table of contents, Table of mortality, Table rent, Table shore, Table talk, Table talker, table tennis, Table tipping, Table turning, Table work, Tableau, Tableau vivant, Tableaux, Tableaux vivants, Tablebook, Tablecloth, Tabled, Table-land, Tableman, Tablemen, Tablement, Tabler, tables, Tables d'hote, Tables of a chord, Tables of a girder, Tablespoon, Tablespoonful, Tablespoonfuls, Tablet, Tableware, Tabling, Tabling house, Tabloid, Taboo, Tabooed, Tabooing, Tabor, Tabored, Taborer, Taboret, Taborine, Taboring, Taborite, tabour, Tabour, tabouret, Tabouret, Tabrere, Tabret, tabu, Tabu, Tabula, Tabula rasa, Tabulae, Tabular, Tabular difference, Tabular spar, Tabularization, Tabularize, Tabularized, Tabularizing, Tabulata, Tabulate, Tabulated, Tabulating, Tabulation, Tac, Tacamahac, Tacamahaca, Tacaud, Tac-au-tac, Taccocua sirkee, Tace, Tacet, Tache, Tachhydrite, Tachina, Tachinae, Tachistoscope, Tachograph, tachometer, Tachometer, Tachometry, Tachycineta bicolor, Tachydidaxy, Tachyeres cinereus, Tachyglossa, Tachygraph, Tachygrapher, Tachygraphic, Tachygraphical, Tachygraphy, Tachylyte, Tachymeter, Tachymetric, Tachymetry, tachyons, Tachyscope, Tacit, Tacitly, Taciturn, Taciturnity, Taciturnly, Tack, Tack of a flag, Tack pins, Tack tackle, Tacked, Tacker, Tacket, Tackey, tackey, Tacking, Tackle, tackle, Tackle, Tackle board, Tackle fall, Tackle post, Tackled, Tackling, Tacksman, Tacksmen, Tacky, Taconic, Tact, Tactable, Tactful, Tactic, Tactical, Tactically, Tactician, Tactics, Tactile, Tactility, Taction, Tactless, Tactual, Tadorna cornuta, Tadorna radja, Tadorna tadorna, Tadpole, tadpole fish, Tadpole fish, Taedium, taedium, Tael, Ta'en, Taen, Taenia, Taenia coenurus, Taenia echinococcus, Taenia mediocanellata, Taenia solium, Taeniacide, Taeniada, Taeniae, Taeniafuge, Taeniasis, Taeniata, Taenidia, Taenidium, Taenioglossa, Taenioglossate, Taenioid, Taenioidea, Taeniola, Taeniolae, Taeniosomi, Taeping, tafferel, Tafferer, Taffeta, Taffety, Taffrail, Taffy, Tafia, Tag, Tag and rag, Tag day, Tag sale, Tagal, Tagalog, Tagbelt, tagbelt, Tagetes erecta, Tagged, Tagger, Tagging, Taglet, Taglia, Tagliacotain, Tagliacozzian, Taglioni, Taglock, Tagnicate, Tag-rag, Tagsore, Tagtail, Taguan, Taguicati, Taha, Tahaleb, Tahitian, Tahr, tahr, Tai, Tail, Tail beam, Tail coverts, Tail end, tail gunner, Tail joist, Tail of a comet, Tail of a gale, Tail of a lock, Tail of the trenches, Tail on, Tail spindle, Tail stock, tailage, Tailage, Tail-bay, Tailblock, Tailboard, Tailed, tailing, Tailing, taillage, Taille, Tailless, Taillie, tailor, Tailor, Tailor bird, tailor herring, Tailor shad, tailor shad, Tailored, Tailoress, Tailoring, Tailor-made, Tailpiece, Tailpin, Tailrace, tails, Tailstock, Tail-water, tailzee, Tailzie, Tain, Taint, Tainted, Tainting, Taintless, Taintlessly, Tainture, Taintworm, Taiping, Taiping rebellion, Taira, taira, Tairn, Tait, Taiwan, Taj Mahal, Tajacu, Tajassu, Take, take a leak, take a pee, take a piss, Take off, take the heat, take-home, Take-in, Taken, Take-off, Takeoff, takeover, Taker, Take-up, Taking, Takingly, Takingness, Taking-off, -taks, talaje, Talapoin, Talaria, Talbot, Talbotype, Talc, talc slate, Talcose, Talcous, Talcum, Tale, tale, Talebearer, Talebearing, Taled, Taleful, Talegalla, Talegalla Lathami, Talegallus Lathami, Talent, Talented, Tales, Tales book, Tales de circumstantibus, Talesman, Talesmen, Taleteller, Talewise, Tali, Taliacotian, Taliation, Talinum paniculatum, Talion, Talipes, Talipes calcaneus, Talipes varus, Talipot, Talisman, Talismanic, Talismanical, Talismans, Talk, talk, Talk, Talkative, Talkatively, Talkativeness, talked, Talker, talking, Talking, Tall, Tallage, tallage, Tallage, Tallboy, tallboy, Taller, Tallest, Talliage, Tallied, Tallier, Tallies, Tallis, Tallith, Tallness, Tallow, Tallow candle, Tallow catch, Tallow chandler, Tallow chandlery, Tallow tree, Tallowed, Tallower, Tallow-face, Tallow-faced, Tallowing, Tallowish, Tallowy, Tallwood, Tally, Tally on, Tally shop, Tallyho, Tallyho coach, Tallying, Tallyman, Tallymen, Talma, Talmas, Talmud, Talmudic, Talmudical, Talmudism, Talmudist, Talmudistic, Talon, Talook, Talookdar, Talpa, Talpa Europaea, Taluk, Talukdar, talus, Talus, Tamability, Tamable, Tamableness, tamal, Tamale, Tamandu, tamandua, Tamandua bivittata, Tamandua tetradactyla, Tamanoir, tamarack, Tamarack, Tamaric, Tamarin, Tamarind, Tamarind fish, Tamarindus Indica, Tamarisk, tamarisk gerbil, Tamarisk manna, Tamarisk mannifera, Tamarisk salt tree, Tamarix mannifera, Tamarix orientalis, Tambac, tambac, Tambour, tambour, tambour work, Tamboura, Tamboured, Tambourin, Tambourine, Tambouring, Tambreet, tambreet, tambur, tambura, Tamburin, Tame, Tameable, Tamed, Tameless, Tamelessness, Tamely, Tameness, Tamer, Tamerlaine, Tamerlane, Tamest, Tamias, Tamias striatus, Tamiasciurus Hudsonius, Tamil, Tamilian, Tamine, Taming, Taminy, Tamis, Tamis bird, Tamkin, Tammies, Tammuz, Tammy, Tam-o'-shanter, Tamoxifen, Tamp, Tampan, Tamped, Tampeon, tampeon, Tamper, Tampered, Tamperer, Tampering, Tampico fiber, Tampico fibre, Tamping, Tamping iron, Tampion, Tampoe, Tampon, Tampoon, tampur, Tam-tam, Tamul, Tamus communis, Tamworth, tan, Tan, tan, tan bark, Tan bed, Tan pickle, Tan spud, Tan stove, Tan vat, Tana, tana, tanacetol, tanacetone, Tanacetum vulgare, Tanach, Tanager, Tanagra zena, Tanagrine, Tanagroid, Tanak, Tanakh, Tanate, Tandem, Tandem bicycle, Tandem cart, tandem connection, tandem control, Tandem engine, Tandem system, tandem system, Tandem tricycle, Tang, Tang sparrow, tang whaup, Tangalung, Tanged, Tangelo, Tangence, Tangency, Tangent, Tangent galvanometer, Tangent of an angle, Tangent of an arc, Tangent plane, Tangent scale, Tangent screw, Tangent spoke, Tangent wheel, tangent wheel, Tangental, Tangential, Tangential force, tangential stress, Tangential stress, Tangentially, tangents, tangerine, Tangerine, tangerine, tangfish, Tangfish, Tanghinia, Tanghinia venenata, Tangibility, Tangible, Tangibleness, Tangibly, tangierine, Tanging, Tangle, Tangle picker, Tangled, tanglefish, Tanglefish, Tangling, Tanglingly, Tangly, Tango, Tangos, Tangram, Tangue, Tangun, Tangwhaup, Tanier, Tanist, Tanistry, Tanite, Tank, Tank engine, Tank iron, Tank ship, Tank top, Tank vessel, Tank warfare, Tank worm, Tanka, Tankage, Tankard, tanker, tankia, Tankia, Tankling, Tanling, tanna, Tannable, Tannage, Tannate, Tanned, Tanner, Tanneries, Tannery, Tannic, Tannic acid, tannier, Tannier, Tannigen, Tannin, tannin, Tanning, Tanrec, tanrec, Tansy, Tansy mustard, Tant, Tantalate, Tantalic, Tantalism, Tantalite, tantalium, Tantalization, Tantalize, Tantalized, Tantalizer, Tantalizing, Tantalizingly, Tantalum, Tantalus, Tantalus leucocephalus, Tantalus loculator, Tantalus's cup, Tantamount, Tantivy, Tantra, Tantric, Tantrism, Tantrist, Tantrum, Tanyard, Tanystomata, Taoism, Taoist, Taotai, Tap, tap, Tap bolt, Tap cinder, Tapa, Tapadera, Tapadero, Tapayaxin, Tape, Tape deck, tape drive, Tape grass, Tape needle, Tape recorder, Tape recording, Taped, taped topredicate, Tapeline, Taper, Tapered, Tapering, Taperingly, Taperness, Tapestried, tapestried, Tapestries, Tapestry, Tapestry beetle, Tapestry carpet, Tapestry moth, Tapestrying, Tapet, Tapeti, Tapetis, Tapetum, Tapeworm, Taphouse, Taphozous perforatus, Taphrenchyma, tapidero, Tapinage, Taping, Tapioca, Tapir, Tapir tiger, tapir tiger, Tapiroid, Tapirus Americanus, Tapirus indicus, Tapirus Indicus, Tapis, Tapiser, Tapish, Taplash, Taplings, Tapoa tafa, Tapped, Tappen, Tapper, tapperer, Tappester, Tappet, Tappet motion, Tappet rod, tappice, Tappice, Tapping, tappis, Tappis, tappish, Tappit hen, Tappoon, Taproom, Taproot, Tapster, tapu, Taqua-nut, Tar, Tar board, Tar water, Taranis, Tarantass, Tarantella, Tarantism, Tarantula, Tarantula apuliae, Tarantula killer, Tarantulae, Tarantulas, Tarantulated, Taraxacum Dens-leonis, Taraxacum officinale, Taraxia ovata, Tarbogan, tarbogan, Tarboosh, Tardation, Tardier, Tardiest, Tardigrada, Tardigrade, Tardigradous, Tardily, Tardiness, Tarditation, Tardity, Tardo, Tardy, Tare, Tared, Tarente, tarentism, Tarentism, tarentula, Tarentula, Targe, Target, Target date, Target language, Targeted, Targeteer, targetier, Targum, Targumim, Targumist, Targums, Tarheel, Tarheel state, Tariff, tariff for revenue, Tariffed, Tariffing, Tarin, tarin, Taring, Tarlatan, Tarn, Tarnish, Tarnished, Tarnisher, Tarnishing, Taro, taro, taroc, Tarot, -taroth, Tarpan, Tarpaulin, Tarpeian, Tarpon, tarpon, Tarpum, Tarquinish, Tarrace, tarrace, Tarragon, Tarras, tarras, Tarre, Tarred, tarret, Tarriance, Tarried, Tarrier, Tarring, Tarrock, tarrock, Tarry, Tarrying, Tarsal, tarsal cartilage, tarsal plate, Tarsal tetter, Tarsale, Tarsalia, Tarse, Tarsectomy, Tarsel, tarsel, Tarsi, Tarsia, Tarsiatura, Tarsier, tarsier, Tarsipes rostratus, Tarsius, Tarso-, Tarsometatarsal, Tarsometatarsi, Tarsometatarsus, Tarsorrhaphy, Tarsotomy, Tarsus, Tart, Tartan, Tartar, Tartar emetic, Tartarated, Tartarean, Tartareous, Tartarian, Tartarian lamb, Tartaric, Tartaric acid, Tartarine, Tartarize, Tartarized, Tartarized antimony, Tartarizing, Tartarous, Tartarum, Tartarus, Tartary, Tartary wheat, Tartini's tones, Tartish, Tartlet, Tartly, Tartness, Tartralic, Tartramate, Tartramic, Tartramide, Tartrate, Tartrated, Tartrazine, Tartrelic, tartrilic, Tartro-, Tartronate, Tartronic, Tartronyl, Tartrovinic, tartrylic acid, Tartufe, Tartuffe, Tartuffish, Tartufish, Tarweed, Tas, Tasco, Tasimer, Task, Task wage, Tasked, Tasker, Tasking, Taskmaster, Taskwork, Taslet, Tasmanian, Tasmanian cider tree, Tasmanian devil, Tasmanian wolf, Tasse, Tassel, tassel, Tassel flower, Tasseled, tasseled tasselled, Tasseling, Tasselled, Tasselling, Tasset, Tastable, Taste, Taste buds, Taste goblets, Tasted, Tasteful, Tastefully, Tastefulness, Tasteless, Tastelessly, Tastelessness, Taster, Tastier, Tastiest, Tastily, Tasting, Tasto, Tasto solo, Tasty, Tat, Tatar, Tatar sable, Tataupa, Tatch, Tath, Tatou, tatouary, Tatouay, tatouhou, Tatouhou, Tatt, Tatta, Tatter, Tatterdemalion, Tattered, Tattersall's, Tatties, Tatting, Tatting shuttle, Tattle, Tattled, Tattler, tattler, Tattlery, Tattling, Tattlingly, Tattoo, Tattooed, Tattooing, Tattoos, Tatty, Tatu, Tatusia novemcincta, Tatusiid, Tau, Tau cross, Taught, tau-minus particle, Taunt, Taunted, Taunter, Taunting, Tauntingly, Tauntress, Taupie, Taur, Tauricornous, Taurid, Tauridor, Tauriform, Taurine, Taurocholate, Taurocholic, Taurocol, Taurocolla, Tauromachian, Tauromachy, Taurus, Taurylic, Taut, Taut hand, tautaug, Tautaug, Tautegorical, Tautochrone, Tautochronous, Tautog, tautog, Tautoga onitis, Tautogolabrus adspersus, Tautologic, Tautological, Tautological echo, Tautologically, Tautologist, Tautologize, Tautologized, Tautologizing, Tautologous, Tautology, Tautomeric, Tautomerism, Tautoousian, Tautoousious, Tautophonical, Tautophony, Tautozonal, Tavern, Taverner, Taverning, Tavernman, Tavernmen, Taw, Tawdrier, Tawdries, Tawdriest, Tawdrily, Tawdriness, Tawdry, Tawed, Tawer, Tawery, tawes, Tawing, tawis, Tawnier, Tawniest, Tawniness, Tawny, tawny, Tawpie, Taws, tawse, Tax, Tax cart, Tax certificate, taxa, Taxability, Taxable, Taxableness, Taxably, Taxaspidean, Taxation, Taxed, Taxel, Taxeopoda, Taxer, tax-exempt tax-free, Taxgatherer, Taxgathering, taxi, taxia, Taxiarch, taxicab, Taxicorn, Taxidea Americana, Taxidea Labradorica, Taxidea taxus, Taxidermic, Taxidermist, Taxidermy, taximeter, Taxine, Taxing, -taxis, Taxis, Taxless, Taxodium distichum, taxol, Taxology, Taxon, Taxonomic, Taxonomist, Taxonomy, taxons, taxor, Taxor, Taxpayer, Taxus baccata, Taxus brevifolia, Tayassu tajacu, tayaussa, Taylor-White process, Tayra, Tay-Sachs Disease, Tazel, tazel, Tazza, Tchawytcha, Tchick, tchotchke, T-connected, Te Deum, Tea, Tea board, Tea bug, Tea caddy, tea caddy, Tea chest, Tea clam, tea cozy, Tea garden, Tea plant, Tea rose, Tea service, Tea set, Tea table, Tea taster, Tea tree, Tea urn, Teaberry, Teach, Teachable, Teachableness, Teache, Teacher, Teaching, Teachless, Teacup, Teacupful, Teacupfuls, Tead, Teade, Teagle, Teague, Teak, Teakettle, Teal, Teal duck, Team, Teamed, Teaming, Teamster, Teamwork, Teapot, Teapoy, Tear, Tearer, Tear-falling, Tearful, Tearfully, Tearfulness, Tearing, Tearless, Tearlessly, Tearlessness, Tearpit, Tears of St Lawrence, Tears of wine, Tear-thumb, Teary, Tea-saucer, Tease, Tease tenon, Teased, Teasel, Teasel frame, Teaseled, Teaseler, Teaseling, Teaselled, teaseller, Teaselling, teaselling, Teaser, Teasing, teasle, Teasle, teasler, Teaspoon, Teaspoonful, Teaspoonfuls, Teaspoonsful, Teat, Teated, Teathe, Teatish, teatish, Teaze-hole, teazel, Teazel, Teazer, teazle, Teazle, teazling, Tebeth, Techily, Techiness, Technic, technic, Technical, Technicalities, Technicality, Technically, Technicalness, Technicals, Technician, Technicist, Technicological, Technicology, Technicolor, Technics, Techniphone, Technique, Technism, Techno, Technobabble, technocracy, technocrat, technocratic, Technographic, Technographical, Technography, Technologic, Technological, Technologist, Technology, Techy, Tecoma radicans, Tectibranch, Tectibranchia, Tectibranchiata, Tectibranchiate, Tectly, Tectology, Tectona grandis, Tectonic, Tectonics, Tectorial, Tectrices, Tecum, tecum, tecum fiber, Ted, Tedded, Tedder, Teddered, Teddering, Tedding, Tedeschi, Tedesco, Tedge, Tediosity, Tedious, Tediously, Tediousness, Tedium, Tee, Tee iron, tee up, Teed, teehoo, Teeing, Teeing ground, Teek, teek, Teel, Teel oil, Teelseed, Teem, Teemed, Teemer, Teemful, Teeming, Teemless, Teen, Teenage, Teenager, Teend, Teenful, Teens, Teeny, Teeong, Teest, Teeswater, Teetan, Teetee, Teeter, Teetered, Teetering, Teeter-tail, teeter-tail, Teeth, Teethed, Teething, Teetotal, Teetotaler, Teetotalism, Teetotally, Tee-to-tum, Teetotum, Teetuck, Teeuck, teewheep, Teewit, Teg, Tegmen, Tegmenta, Tegmental, Tegmentum, Tegmina, Teguexin, Tegula, Tegulae, Tegular, Tegularly, Tegulated, Tegument, Tegumentary, Te-hee, Teil, teil tree, Teind, Teine, Teinland, Teinoscope, Teint, Teinture, Tejus rufescens, Tejus teguexin, Tek, Tel Amarna, Telamones, telamones, Telangiectasis, Telangiectasy, Telarly, Telary, Telautogram, Telautograph, Telautographist, Telea polyphemus, Telechirograph, Teledu, Telega, Telegonous, Telegony, Telegram, Telegrammic, Telegraph, Telegraph cable, telegraph creepers, Telegraph plant, Telegraphed, Telegrapher, telegraphese, Telegraphic, Telegraphical, Telegraphically, Telegraphing, Telegraphist, Telegraphone, Telegraphoscope, Telegraphy, Telegu, Telehydrobarometer, Tele-iconograph, telekinesis, Tel-el-Amarna, Tel-el-Amarna letters, Tel-el-Amarna tablets, Telelectric, Telelectroscope, Telemachus, telemarketing, Telemechanic, Telemechanism, Telemeteorograph, Telemeteorographic, Telemeter, Telemetrograph, Telemetrographic, Telemetrography, Telemetry, Telemotor, telencephalon, Telenergic, Telenergy, Telengiscope, Teleocephali, Teleological, Teleologically, Teleologist, Teleology, teleophore, Teleophore, Teleorganic, Teleosaur, Teleosaurus, Teleost, Teleostean, Teleostei, Teleostomi, Teleozoic, Teleozoon, Telepathic, Telepathist, Telepathy, Telepheme, Telephone, Telephone exchange, Telephonic, Telephonically, Telephony, Telephote, Telephoto, telephoto, Telephoto lens, Telephotograph, Telephotographic, telephotographic lens, Telephotography, Telepolariscope, Telerythin, Telescope, telescope, Telescope bag, Telescope carp, Telescope fish, Telescope fly, Telescope shell, Telescope sight, Telescoped, Telescopic, telescopic, telescopic sight, Telescopic sight, Telescopical, Telescopically, telescoping, Telescoping, Telescopist, Telescopy, Teleseism, Teleseismic, Teleseme, Telesm, Telesmatic, Telesmatical, Telespectroscope, Telestereograph, Telestereography, Telestereoscope, Telestic, Telestich, Telethermograph, Telethermometer, Teleutospore, television, Telford, Telfordize, Telfordized, Telfordizing, Telharmonic, Telharmonium, Telharmony, Telic, Tell, Tell el Amarna, Tell that to the marines, Tellable, Tell-el-Amarna, Tellen, Teller, Tellership, Tellina, Tellina radiata, Telling, Tellingly, telltale, Telltale, telltale, telltale spine, telltale tattler, Tellural, Tellurate, Telluret, telluret, Tellureted, Tellureted hydrogen, telluretted, Tellurhydric, tellurhydric acid, Tellurian, Telluric, Telluric bismuth, telluric bismuth, Telluric silver, Telluride, tellurion, Tellurism, Tellurite, Tellurium, tellurium acids, Tellurium glance, Tellurize, Tellurous, Telodynamic, Teloogoo, Telotrocha, Telotrochae, Telotrochal, Telotrochous, Telotype, Telpher, Telpher line, Telpher road, Telpherage, Telson, Telsons, Telugu, Temblor, Temerarious, Temerariously, Temeration, Temerity, Temerous, Tempean, Temper, Temper screw, temper tantrum, Tempera, Temperable, Temperament, Temperamental, Temperance, Temperance society, Temperancy, Temperate, temperate bacteriophage, Temperate zone, Temperately, Temperateness, Temperative, Temperature, Temperature sense, Tempered, Tempered glass, tempered vs untempered, Temperer, tempering, Tempering, Tempering color, Tempest, Tempestive, Tempestively, Tempestivily, tempests, Tempestuous, Tempestuously, Tempestuousness, Templar, template, Template, Temple, Temple rubato, Templed, Templet, Tempo, Tempo rubato, Temporal, Temporal augment, Temporal bone, Temporalities, Temporality, Temporally, Temporalness, Temporalty, Temporaneous, Temporarily, Temporariness, Temporary, Temporary star, Temporist, Temporization, Temporize, Temporized, Temporizer, Temporizing, Temporizingly, Temporo-, Temporo-auricular, Temporofacial, Temporomalar, Temporomaxillary, Temps, Tempse, tempse, Tempt, Temptability, Temptable, Temptation, Temptationless, Temptatious, Tempted, Tempter, Tempting, Temptingly, Temptingness, Temptress, tems, Temse, Temse bread, Temse loaf, Temsed bread, Temulence, Temulency, Temulent, Temulentive, Ten, Tenability, Tenable, Tenableness, Tenace, Tenacies, Tenacious, Tenaciously, Tenaciousness, Tenacity, Tenacula, Tenaculum, Tenaculums, Tenacy, Tenaille, Tenaillon, Tenancy, Tenant, Tenant in capite, Tenant in chief, Tenant in common, Tenant saw, tenant saw, Tenantable, Tenantableness, Tenanted, Tenanting, Tenantless, Tenantry, Tench, Tend, Tendance, Tended, Tendence, Tendencies, Tendency, Tender, Tender of issue, Tendered, Tenderer, Tenderest, Tenderfoot, tenderfoot, Tender-hearted, Tender-heartedly, Tender-heartedness, Tender-hefted, Tendering, Tenderling, Tenderloin, Tenderly
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