
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: arousing desire or expectation for something unattainable
           or mockingly out of reach; "a tantalizing taste of
           success" [syn: {tantalizing}, {tantalising}]
    2: very pleasantly inviting; "a tantalizing aroma"; "a tempting
       repast" [syn: {tantalizing}, {tantalising}, {tempting}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Tantalize \Tan"ta*lize\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Tantalized}; p.
   pr. & vb. n. {Tantalizing}.] [From {Tantalus}: cf. F.
   To tease or torment by presenting some good to the view and
   exciting desire, but continually frustrating the expectations
   by keeping that good out of reach; to tease; to torment.
   [1913 Webster]

         Thy vain desires, at strife
         Within themselves, have tantalized thy life. --Dryden.
   [1913 Webster]

   Syn: To tease; vex; irritate; provoke.

   Usage: {Tantalize}, {Disappoint}. To disappoint is literally
          to do away with what was (or was taken to be)
          appointed; hence the peculiar pain from hopes thus
          dashed to the ground. To tantalize, a much stronger
          term, describes a most distressing form of
          disappointment, as in the case of Tantalus, the
          Phrygian king. To tantalize is to visit with the
          bitterest disappointment -- to torment by exciting
          hopes or expectations which can never be realized.
          [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
130 Moby Thesaurus words for "tantalizing":
      acceptable, adorable, agitating, agreeable, alluring, appealing,
      appetizing, attractive, beguiling, bewitching, blandishing,
      breathtaking, cajoling, captivating, catching, charged,
      charismatic, charming, cliff-hanging, coaxing, come-hither,
      coquettish, delightful, desirable, disappointing, disquieting,
      distracting, disturbing, electric, enchanting, engaging,
      enravishing, enthralling, enticing, entrancing, enviable, exciting,
      exhilarating, exotic, exquisite, falling short, fascinating,
      fetching, flirtatious, galvanic, glamorous, heady, heart-expanding,
      heart-robbing, heart-stirring, heart-swelling, heart-thrilling,
      hypnotic, impressive, inflammatory, interesting, intoxicating,
      intriguing, inviting, irresistible, jarring, jolting, juicy,
      likable, lively, lovable, lovely, luxurious, maddening, mesmeric,
      mind-blowing, mouth-watering, moving, overcoming, overmastering,
      overpowering, overwhelming, perturbing, piquant, pleasing,
      prepossessing, provocative, provoking, provoquant, racy, ravishing,
      readable, rich, second best, seducing, seductive, sensuous, siren,
      sirenic, soul-stirring, spellbinding, spellful, spicy,
      spirit-stirring, stimulating, stimulative, stirring, striking,
      succulent, suspenseful, suspensive, taking, teasing, telling,
      tempting, thought-challenging, thought-inspiring,
      thought-provoking, thrilling, thrilly, tickling, titillating,
      titillative, to be desired, toothsome, troubling, unobjectionable,
      unsatisfactory, unsettling, upsetting, voluptuous, winning,
      winsome, witching, worth having


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