The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Tenderloin \Ten"der*loin`\, n.
1. A strip of tender flesh on either side of the vertebral
column under the short ribs, in the hind quarter of beef
and pork. It consists of the psoas muscles.
[1913 Webster]
2. In New York City, the region which is the center of the
night life of fashionable amusement, including the
majority of the theaters, etc., centering on Broadway. The
term orig. designates the old twenty-ninth police
precinct, in this region, which afforded the police great
opportunities for profit through conniving at vice and
lawbreaking, one captain being reported to have said on
being transferred there that whereas he had been eating
chuck steak he would now eat tenderlion. Hence, in some
other cities, a district largely devoted to night
amusement, or, sometimes, to vice.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
84 Moby Thesaurus words for "tenderloin":
Bowery, Chateaubriand, Chinatown, East End, East Side,
Little Hungary, Little Italy, West End, West Side, bagnio, barrio,
bawdyhouse, black ghetto, blade roast, blighted area, bordello,
breast, brisket, brothel, business district, cathouse,
central city, chuck, chuck roast, city center, clod, cold cuts,
core, crib, den, den of vice, disorderly house, dive, downtown,
filet mignon, flank, ghetto, greenbelt, house of assignation,
house of joy, house of prostitution, inner city, joint, knuckle,
loin, midtown, outskirts, panel den, panel house, plate,
plate piece, pot roast, rack, red-light district,
residential district, rib roast, ribs, roast, rolled roast, round,
rump, rump roast, run-down neighborhood, saddle, shank,
shopping center, short ribs, shoulder, shoulder clod,
sink of iniquity, sirloin, skid road, skid row, slum, slums,
sporting house, stew, stews, suburbia, suburbs, tenement district,
uptown, urban blight, whorehouse
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