a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y zg, g file, g-bell, g-code, g2, g3, g4, ga, gabriel, gabriel, richard, gads, gaelic, gag, gaia, gal, galaxy, galileo, gambit, game tree, games, gamma, gamma correction, gams, gamut, gan, gandalf, gang bang, gap, gaplog, garbage collect, garbage collection, garbage in, garbage out, garbageabetical order, gargoyle, garnet, garp, garply, gartner group, gas, gas plasma display, gasp, gat, gate, gated, gates, gateway, gateway 2000, gauss, gaussian distribution, gawk, gb, gbip, gbml, gbps, gc, gcal, gcc, gcl, gcos, gcr, gct, gd, gdb, gdbpsk, gdi, gdmo, gdpl, ge, ge information services, ge-645, gea, geant, gecom, gecos, gedanken, geef, geek, geek out, gei, gem, gen, gen-x, gender mender, gene amdahl, general activities simulation program, general aerodynamic simulation program, general electric, general electric comprehensive operating system, general magic, general packet radio service, general protection failure, general protection fault, general public licence, general public license, general public virus, general purpose graphic language, general purpose interface bus, general purpose language, general purpose macro-generator, general recursion theorem, generate, generation, generic array logic, generic expert system tool, generic identifier, generic markup, generic programming, generic routing encapsulation, generic security service application programming interface, generic thunk, generic type variable, genericity, genesia, genetic algorithm, genetic algorithms, genetic programming, genie services, genken programming language, genova, gensym, gensym corporation, gensym standard interface, gentleman's portable coroutine system, geographic information system, geographical information system, geometric mean, georg simon ohm, george, george 3, george boole, geos, gepurs, gerald, gerald sussman, german, gest, get a life!, get a real computer!, get.com, getty, gf, gfdl, gflops, gfr, gfs, gh, ghc, ghost, ghostscript, ghostview, ghz, gi, gibson, william, gid, gif, gif89, gif89a, giff, gig, giga-, gigabit, gigabits per second, gigabyte, gigaflop, gigaflops, gigahertz, gigo, gilley, gillion, gilmore, john, gim-1, gin, gina, ginger, gip, gips, girl, gis, gks, gks-3d, gl, glammar, glark, glasgow haskell compiler, glass, glass box testing, glass tty, glassfet, glb, glibc, glish, glisp, glitch, glob, global index, global network navigator, global positioning system, global system for mobile communications, globalisation, glork, glos, glow, gls, glu, glue, glue language, glyph, glypnir, gm, gmap, gmd, gmd toolbox for compiler construction, gmt, gn, gnarly, gnat, gnats, gnn, gnome, gnome computers, gnu, gnu archive site, gnu assembler, gnu awk, gnu bc, gnu c, gnu c library, gnu dc, gnu e, gnu emacs, gnu free documentation license, gnu general public license, gnu mirror site, gnu network object model environment, gnu privacy guard, gnu problem report management system, gnu public licence, gnu sed, gnu smalltalk, gnu superoptimiser, gnumacs, gnuplot, gnus, gnustep, go, go back n, go flatline, go gold, go root, go voice, go-faster stripes, go-go, goal, goal seek, gobble, godwin's law, godzillagram, goedel, gofer, goffin, gol, golden, golf ball printer, gom, gonk, gonkulator, good, good thing, google, googol, googolplex, gopher, gopher client, gopher object type, gopherspace, gorets, gorilla arm, gorp, gosip, gosling, james, gosmacs, gosperism, gospl, gotcha, goto, gottlob frege, gov, government osi profile, gp, gpf, gpib, gpl, gpm, gprs, gps, gpss, gpv, gpx, gq, gr, graal, grace hopper, graf, graffiti, grail, grain, gram, grammar, grammar analysis, grammatical inference, grandfather, father, son, granularity, grapes, grapevine, graph, graph algorithm and software package, graph coloring, graph colouring, graph plotter, graph reduction, graph rewriting system, graph-oriented object database, graphic algol, graphic display interface, graphic language, graphic workstation, graphical kernel system, graphical user interface, graphics accelerator, graphics adapter, graphics adaptor, graphics card, graphics interchange format, graphics interface format, graphics language object system, grapple, gras, grasp/ada, graspin, grault, gray, gray code, gray-scale, graybar land, gre, great renaming, great runes, great worm, greater than, greatest common divisor, greatest lower bound, greek, greeking, green, green book, green book cd-rom, green bytes, green card, green lightning, green machine, green monitor, green words, green's theorem, greenwich mean time, greg olson, gregorian calendar, grep, grey-scale, greystone technologies, grg, grib, grick, grilf, grim file reaper, grind, grind crank, grip, gripenet, gritch, grix, groff, grok, gronk, gronked, group, group 3, group 4, group code recording, group identifier, group separator, group-sweeping scheduling, groupware, groupwise, grovel, grunge, gry, gs, gsbl, gsi, gsl, gsm, gspl, gss, gss-api, gt, gt/sql, gtg, gtk+, gtl, gu, guaranteed scheduling, guard, guarded horn clauses, gubbish, gui, guide, guide to available mathematical software, guiltware, gun, gunch, gunning transceiver logic, gunzip, gupta corporation, gurfle, guru, guru meditation, guy lewis steele, jr., guy steele, gvl, gw, gw-ada, gw-basic, gweep, gwhis, gwm, gy, gypsy, gz, gzip, gödel, kurt