
from Jargon File (4.4.4, 14 Aug 2003)
 /goz'maks/, n.

   [contraction of `Gosling EMACS'] The first {EMACS}-in-C
   implementation, predating but now largely eclipsed by {GNUMACS}.
   Originally freeware; a commercial version was modestly popular as
   `UniPress EMACS' during the 1980s. The author, James Gosling, went on
   to invent {NeWS} and the programming language Java; the latter earned
   him {demigod} status.
from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)

   /goz'maks/ Gosling Emacs.  The first {Emacs} implementation in
   {C}, predating but now largely eclipsed by {GNU} {Emacs}.
   Originally {freeware}; a commercial version is now modestly
   popular as {UniPress Emacs}.  The author (James Gosling) went
   on to invent {NeWS}.

   [{Jargon File}]

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