graph plotter

from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)
graph plotter

   <hardware> A device that uses one or more pens that can be
   raised, lowered and moved over the printing media to draw
   graphics or text.

   The heart of the plotter is the printer head assembly,
   consisting of a horizontal bar and, attached to it, the head
   assembly holding the pen in use.  The pen can be positioned
   horizontally by moving the pen assembly along the bar.
   Vertical positioning is achieved by either moving the bar
   (stationary page plotter) or the paper (rolling page plotter).
   Combinations of horizontal and vertical movement are used to
   draw arbitrary lines and curves in a single action, in
   contrast to {printers} which usually scan horizontally across
   the page.

   Colour plots can be made by using more than one pen.  Older
   plotters required a separate pen for each colour and the pens
   had to be changed by hand.  Modern colour plotters usually use
   only four pens (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black, see {CMYK})
   and need no human intervention to change them.

   Monochromatic plotters have been largely phased out by {laser
   printers} except when large paper size is needed, e.g. in


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