a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y zs/n ratio, sacred, saga, sagan, sail, salescritter, salt, salt mines, salt substrate, same-day service, samizdat, samurai, sandbender, sandbox, sanity check, saturday-night special, say, scag, scanno, scary devil monastery, schroedinbug, science-fiction fandom, scnr, scram switch, scratch, scratch monkey, scream and die, screaming tty, screen, screen name, screen scraping, screw, screwage, scribble, script kiddies, scrog, scrool, scrozzle, scruffies, scsi, scsi voodoo, search-and-destroy mode, second-system effect, secondary damage, security through obscurity, sed, segfault, seggie, segment, segmentation fault, segv, self-reference, selvage, semi, semi-automated, semi-infinite, senior bit, september that never ended, server, sex, sex changer, shambolic link, shar file, sharchive, share and enjoy!, shareware, sharing violation, shebang, shelfware, shell, shell out, shift left (or right) logical, shim, shitogram, shotgun debugging, shovelware, showstopper, shriek, shub-internet, sig, sig block, sig quote, sig virus, sigmonster, signal-to-noise ratio, silicon, silly walk, silo, since time t equals minus infinity, sitename, skrog, skulker, slab, slack, slash, slashdot effect, sleep, slim, slop, slopsucker, slowlaris, slurp, slurp the robot, smart, smart terminal, smash case, smash the stack, smiley, smoke, smoke and mirrors, smoke test, smoking clover, smoot, smop, smurf, snafu principle, snail, snail-mail, snap, snarf, snarf & barf, snarf down, snark, sneaker, sneakernet, sniff, snippage, so, social engineering, social science number, sock puppet, sodium substrate, soft boot, softcopy, software bloat, software hoarding, software laser, software rot, softwarily, softy, some random x, sorcerer's apprentice mode, source, source of all good bits, space-cadet keyboard, spaceship operator, spacewar, spaghetti code, spaghetti inheritance, spam, spam bait, spamblock, spamhaus, spamvertize, spangle, spawn, special-case, speed of light, speedometer, spell, spelling flame, spider, spider food, spiffy, spike, spin, spinning pizza of death, spl, splash screen, splat, splat out, splork!, spod, spoiler, spoiler space, sponge, spoof, spool, spool file, sporgery, sport death, spungle, spyware, squirrelcide, stack, stack puke, stale pointer bug, stanford bunny, star out, state, stealth manager, steam-powered, steved, stfw, stir-fried random, stomp on, stone age, stone knives and bearskins, stoppage, store, str, strided, stroke, strudel, stubroutine, studly, studlycaps, stunning, stupid-sort, stupids, sturgeon's law, sucking mud, sufficiently small, suit, suitable win, suitably small, sun, sun lounge, sun-stools, sunspots, super source quench, superloser, superprogrammer, superuser, support, surf, suzie cobol, swab, swap, swap space, swapped in, swapped out, swiss-army chainsaw, swizzle, sync, syntactic salt, syntactic sugar, sys-frog, sysadmin, sysape, sysop, system, system mangler, systems jock