WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: having a surface free from roughness or bumps or ridges
or irregularities; "smooth skin"; "a smooth tabletop";
"smooth fabric"; "a smooth road"; "water as smooth as a
mirror" [ant: {rough}, {unsmooth}]
2: smoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of
sophistication; "he was too politic to quarrel with so
important a personage"; "the manager pacified the customer
with a smooth apology for the error" [syn: {politic},
{smooth}, {suave}, {bland}]
3: of the margin of a leaf shape; not broken up into teeth [ant:
4: smooth and unconstrained in movement; "a long, smooth
stride"; "the fluid motion of a cat"; "the liquid grace of a
ballerina" [syn: {fluent}, {fluid}, {liquid}, {smooth}]
5: (music) without breaks between notes; smooth and connected;
"a legato passage" [syn: {legato}, {smooth}] [ant:
{disconnected}, {staccato}]
6: of motion that runs or flows or proceeds without jolts or
turbulence; "a smooth ride" [ant: {bumpy}, {jolting},
{jolty}, {jumpy}, {rocky}, {rough}]
7: lacking obstructions or difficulties; "the bill's path
through the legislature was smooth and orderly"
8: (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves; "a
ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay";
"the quiet waters of a lagoon"; "a lake of tranquil blue
water reflecting a tranquil blue sky"; "a smooth channel
crossing"; "scarcely a ripple on the still water"; "unruffled
water" [syn: {placid}, {quiet}, {still}, {tranquil},
{smooth}, {unruffled}]
n 1: the act of smoothing; "he gave his hair a quick smooth"
v 1: make smooth or smoother, as if by rubbing; "smooth the
surface of the wood" [syn: {smooth}, {smoothen}] [ant:
2: make (a surface) shine; "shine the silver, please"; "polish
my shoes" [syn: {polish}, {smooth}, {smoothen}, {shine}]
3: free from obstructions; "smooth the way towards peace
negotiations" [syn: {smooth}, {smooth out}]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Smooth \Smooth\ (sm[=oo][th]), a. [Compar. {Smoother}
(sm[=oo][th]"[~e]r); superl. {Smoothest}.] [OE. smothe,
smethe, AS. sm[=e][eth]e, sm[oe][eth]e, where [=e], [oe],
come from an older [=o]; cf. LG. sm["o]de, sm["o]e,
sm["o]dig; of uncertain origin.]
1. Having an even surface, or a surface so even that no
roughness or points can be perceived by the touch; not
rough; as, smooth glass; smooth porcelain. --Chaucer.
[1913 Webster]
The outlines must be smooth, imperceptible to the
touch, and even, without eminence or cavities.
[1913 Webster]
2. Evenly spread or arranged; sleek; as, smooth hair.
[1913 Webster]
3. Gently flowing; moving equably; not ruffled or obstructed;
as, a smooth stream.
[1913 Webster]
4. Flowing or uttered without check, obstruction, or
hesitation; not harsh; voluble; even; fluent.
[1913 Webster]
The only smooth poet of those times. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
Waller was smooth; but Dryden taught to join
The varying verse, the full-resounding line. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]
When sage Minerva rose,
From her sweet lips smooth elocution flows. --Gay.
[1913 Webster]
5. Bland; mild; smoothing; fattering.
[1913 Webster]
This smooth discourse and mild behavior oft
Conceal a traitor. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]
6. (Mech. & Physics) Causing no resistance to a body sliding
along its surface; frictionless.
[1913 Webster]
Note: Smooth is often used in the formation of
self-explaining compounds; as, smooth-bodied,
smooth-browed, smooth-combed, smooth-faced,
smooth-finished, smooth-gliding, smooth-grained,
smooth-leaved, smooth-sliding, smooth-speaking,
smooth-woven, and the like.
[1913 Webster]
Syn: Even; plain; level; flat; polished; glossy; sleek; soft;
bland; mild; soothing; voluble; flattering; adulatory;
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Smooth \Smooth\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Smoothed} (sm[=oo]thd); p.
pr. & vb. n. {Smoothing}.] [OE. smothen, smethen, AS.
sm[=e][eth]ian; cf. LG. sm["o]den. See {Smooth}, a.]
To make smooth; to make even on the surface by any means; as,
to smooth a board with a plane; to smooth cloth with an iron.
[1913 Webster]
(a) To free from obstruction; to make easy.
[1913 Webster]
Thou, Abelard! the last sad office pay,
And smooth my passage to the realms of day. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]
(b) To free from harshness; to make flowing.
[1913 Webster]
In their motions harmony divine
So smooths her charming tones that God's own ear
Listens delighted. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
(c) To palliate; to gloze; as, to smooth over a fault.
[1913 Webster]
(d) To give a smooth or calm appearance to.
[1913 Webster]
Each perturbation smoothed with outward calm.
[1913 Webster]
(e) To ease; to regulate. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
583 Moby Thesaurus words for "smooth":
Ciceronian, Demosthenian, Demosthenic, Machiavellian, Machiavellic,
Mickey Mouse, Tullian, accordant, acomous, acute, adipose,
adulatory, agreeable, aid, align, alike, all jaw, allay,
ameliorate, appease, arch, arrowlike, artful, articulate,
articulated, assimilate to, assuage, astute, at rest, attenuate,
attenuated, automatic, balance, balanced, bald, bald-headed, balmy,
bare, beardless, believable, bland, blandishing, blarneying,
blubbery, buff, burnish, burnished, buttery, butyraceous, cagey,
cajoling, calender, calm, calm down, candid, canny, casual,
catenated, ceaseless, chatty, chrismal, chrismatory, civilized,
clean-shaven, clear, clear the way, clever, cloistered, coarsen,
communicative, compose, concatenated, conciliate, concinnate,
concinnous, connected, conniving, consistent, consonant, constant,
continual, continued, continuing, continuous, correspondent,
courteous, courtierly, courtly, cradle, crafty, credible, cunning,
cursive, cushy, cute, cyclical, dab, dainty, damp, dead straight,
deceitful, deep, deep-laid, defuse, delicate, depilated, depilous,
designing, diplomatic, direct, disarming, disentangle, downy, drag,
dress, dub, dulcet, dulcify, dwindling, ease, easy, easy as pie,
ebbing, effortless, effusive, elegant, eloquent, endless, equable,
equal, equalize, equilibrize, euphonic, euphonical, euphonious,
even, even out, even-tenored, expansive, expedite, explain, extend,
facile, facilitate, facund, faint, fair-spoken, fat, fatty,
fawning, featureless, felicitous, feline, fell, filmy, fine,
fine-drawn, fine-grained, fine-spoken, finespun, flat, flatly,
flatten, flattened, flattering, flip, flowing, fluent, fluffy,
flush, foxy, frank, free, fulsome, furbish, fuzzy, gabby, gapless,
garrulous, gassy, gauzy, gentle, glabrate, glabrescent, glabrous,
glassy, glib, gloss over, glossy, gossamer, gossamery, gossipy,
graceful, grade, grain, granulate, grease, grease the ways,
grease the wheels, greasy, gregarious, guileful, gushing, gushy,
hairless, halcyon, harmonious, harmonize, harrow, hasten,
help along, homaloidal, homogeneous, homogenize, honey-mouthed,
honey-tongued, honeyed, horizontal, hush, hushed, immediate,
immutable, impassive, in a line, incessant, ingenious,
ingratiating, insidious, insincere, insinuating, interminable,
invariable, inventive, iron, isolated, joined, jointless, knowing,
lardaceous, lardy, lay, lay down, lay flat, lay level, lay low,
lay out, lay the dust, leiotrichous, lenient, lessen, level, light,
lineal, linear, linked, long-winded, loose, loquacious, lubricate,
lull, make clear, make uniform, make way for, mangle, mealymouthed,
measured, mechanical, mellow, methodic, mild, minimize, mitigate,
moldering, mollify, monolithic, monotonous, mow, mucoid,
multiloquent, multiloquious, naked, never-ending, newsy,
nonchalant, nonstop, normalize, nothing to it, obsequious,
of a piece, oil, oily, oily-tongued, oleaginous, oleic, open,
open the way, open up, ordered, orderly, overtalkative, pacific,
pacify, painless, palliate, pave, pave the way, pawky, peaceable,
peaceful, perennial, perfect, periodic, persistent, persuasive,
placate, placid, plain, plane, planish, plaster, plausible,
pleasant, pleasing, polish, polished, polite, politic,
pour balm into, pour balm on, prepare, prepare the way, press,
prime, prolix, propitiate, pubescent, put straight, quell, quicken,
quiescent, quiet, rase, raze, ready, rectify, rectilineal,
rectilinear, recurrent, reduce, refine, refined, regular,
regularize, regulate, remove friction, repetitive, reposeful,
reposing, resourceful, rest, restful, resting, rich, right,
robotlike, rock, rock to sleep, roll, roll flat, rolled, roughen,
round, round-the-clock, royal, rub up, ruler-straight,
run interference for, running, sand, sandblast, sandpaper, satin,
satiny, scheming, seamless, sebaceous, secluded, sequestered,
sequestrated, serene, serpentine, serried, set straight, sharp,
shave, shaven, sheltered, shifty, shine, shiny, shrewd, silken,
silky, silver, silver-tongued, simple, simple as ABC, simplify,
sit up, sleek, slick, slimy, slippery, slobbery, sly, smarmy,
smooth down, smooth out, smooth over, smooth the way, smooth-faced,
smooth-running, smooth-shaven, smooth-sounding, smooth-spoken,
smooth-textured, smooth-tongued, smoothed out, smoothen,
smoothened, smoothly, smug, snaky, sneaky, soap the ways, soapy,
sociable, soft, soft-soaping, soft-spoken, soften, soignee, soothe,
soothing, sophistical, speed, spellbinding, squashed,
squashed flat, stabilize, stable, stand up, standardize, steadfast,
steady, stealthy, steamroll, steamroller, stereotype, still,
still as death, stillish, stilly, stoic, stolid, straight,
straight-cut, straight-front, straight-side, straighten,
straighten out, straighten up, straightforward, strategic,
streamlined, suave, suave-spoken, subdue, subsiding, subtile,
subtle, suety, supple, sweet, sycophantic, symmetrical, symmetrize,
syrupy, systematic, tabloid, tabular, tactical, talkative, talky,
tallowy, temper, thin-spun, tonsured, tooth, tranquil, tranquilize,
trickish, tricksy, tricky, tripping, trodden, trodden flat, true,
twenty-four-hour, unagitated, unbar, unbend, unbending, unbent,
unblock, unbowed, unbroken, unburdensome, unceasing, unchangeable,
unchanged, unchanging, unclog, uncluttered, uncomplicated,
unconstrained, unctuous, uncurl, uncurved, undeflected,
undeviating, undifferentiated, undistorted, undisturbed,
undiversified, unending, uneventful, unguent, unguentary,
unguentous, uniform, uniformize, uniformly, unintermitted,
unintermittent, unintermitting, uninterrupted, unjam, unkink,
unmoved, unobstructed, unperturbed, unrelieved, unremitting,
unrough, unroughened, unruffled, unsnarl, unstirring, unstopped,
unswerving, untroubled, untroublesome, unturned, unvaried,
unvarying, upright, urbane, velutinous, velvety, verbose, vertical,
voluble, vulpine, waning, wary, well-ordered, well-spoken,
wheedling, wily, windy, winning, wiredrawn
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