
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: not differentiated [syn: {undifferentiated}, {uniform}]
           [ant: {differentiated}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Undifferentiated \Un*dif`fer*en"ti*a`ted\, a.
   Not differentiated; specifically (Biol.), homogenous, or
   nearly so; -- said especially of young or embryonic tissues
   which have not yet undergone differentiation (see
   {Differentiation}, 3), that is, which show no visible
   separation into their different structural parts.
   [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
143 Moby Thesaurus words for "undifferentiated":
      abstract, accordant, agnate, akin, alike, analogous, articulated,
      austere, automatic, balanced, bare, basic, bland, broad, catenated,
      ceaseless, chaste, collective, comparable, concatenated, connected,
      consistent, consonant, constant, continual, continued, continuing,
      continuous, correspondent, corresponding, cyclical, direct,
      elementary, endless, equable, equal, essential, even, featureless,
      flat, fundamental, gapless, general, generalized, generic, homely,
      homespun, homogeneous, immediate, immutable, incessant, indefinite,
      indeterminate, indiscernible, indistinct, indistinctive,
      indistinguishable, indivisible, interchangeable, interminable,
      invariable, irreducible, joined, jointless, level, linked,
      measured, mechanical, mere, methodic, monolithic, monotonous,
      nebulous, neutral, never-ending, nonspecific, nonstop, of a piece,
      ordered, orderly, parallel, perennial, periodic, persistent, plain,
      primal, primary, pure, pure and simple, recurrent, regular,
      repetitive, robotlike, round-the-clock, running, seamless, serried,
      severe, similar, simon-pure, simple, single, smooth, spare, stable,
      standard, stark, steadfast, steady, stereotyped, straight,
      systematic, twenty-four-hour, unadorned, unbroken, unceasing,
      unchangeable, unchanged, unchanging, uncharacterized, uncluttered,
      undeviating, undifferenced, undiscriminated, undistinguishable,
      undistinguished, undiversified, unending, uniform, unintermitted,
      unintermittent, unintermitting, uninterrupted, unrelieved,
      unremitting, unruffled, unspecified, unstopped, unvaried,
      unvarying, vague, wide, without distinction


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