
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: (used of persons and their behavior) cultivated and
           genteel; "she was delicate and refined and unused to
           hardship"; "refined people with refined taste" [ant:
    2: freed from impurities by processing; "refined sugar";
       "refined oil"; "to gild refined gold"- Shakespeare [syn:
       {refined}, {processed}] [ant: {crude}, {unprocessed},
    3: showing a high degree of refinement and the assurance that
       comes from wide social experience; "his polished manner";
       "maintained an urbane tone in his letters" [syn: {polished},
       {refined}, {svelte}, {urbane}]
    4: suggesting taste, ease, and wealth [syn: {elegant},
       {graceful}, {refined}]
    5: free from what is tawdry or unbecoming; "a neat style"; "a
       neat set of rules"; "she hated to have her neat plans upset"
       [syn: {neat}, {refined}, {tasteful}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Refine \Re*fine"\ (r?*f?n"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Refined}
   (-find"); p. pr. & vb. n. {Refining}.] [Pref. re- + fine to
   make fine: cf. F. raffiner.]
   1. To reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; to free from
      impurities; to free from dross or alloy; to separate from
      extraneous matter; to purify; to defecate; as, to refine
      gold or silver; to refine iron; to refine wine or sugar.
      [1913 Webster]

            I will bring the third part through the fire, and
            will refine them as silver is refined. --Zech. xiii.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. To purify from what is gross, coarse, vulgar, inelegant,
      low, and the like; to make elegant or exellent; to polish;
      as, to refine the manners, the language, the style, the
      taste, the intellect, or the moral feelings.
      [1913 Webster]

            Love refines
            The thoughts, and heart enlarges.     --Milton.
      [1913 Webster]

   Syn: To purify; clarify; polish; ennoble.
        [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Refined \Re*fined"\ (-f?nd"), a.
   Freed from impurities or alloy; purifed; polished; cultured;
   delicate; as; refined gold; refined language; refined
   [1913 Webster]

         Refined wits who honored poesy with their pens.
   [1913 Webster] -- {Re*fin"ed*ly} (r?*f?n"?d*l?), adv. --
   {Re*fin"ed*ness}, n.
   [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
257 Moby Thesaurus words for "refined":
      Attic, Ciceronian, accurate, advanced, allergic, ameliorated,
      anaphylactic, appreciative, archetypical, aristocratic, assembled,
      attentive, attenuate, attenuated, beautified, bettered,
      bowdlerized, built, cast, chaste, civilized, clarified, classic,
      clean, cleaned, cleaned up, cleansed, clear, close, conscientious,
      constant, constructed, consummate, converted, correct, courteous,
      courtly, crafted, created, critical, cultivated, cultured, custom,
      custom-built, custom-made, dainty, delicat, delicate, demanding,
      detailed, developed, differential, dignified, direct, discerning,
      discriminate, discriminating, discriminative, distilled,
      distinctive, distingue, distinguishing, downy, easy, educated,
      elegant, elevated, embellished, empathetic, empathic, enhanced,
      enriched, even, exact, exacting, exemplary, exigent, expert,
      express, expurgated, exquisite, extracted, fabricated, faithful,
      fashioned, fastidious, filmy, fine, fine-drawn, fine-grained,
      finespun, finical, finicking, finicky, finished, fluffy, forged,
      formed, fully developed, fussy, fuzzy, gathered, gauzy, genteel,
      gentle, gentlemanlike, gentlemanly, goosy, gossamer, gossamery,
      graceful, gracile, gracious, grown, hairline, hairsplitting,
      handcrafted, handmade, harvested, highbred, homemade, homespun,
      hyperesthetic, hyperpathic, hypersensitive, improved, inerrable,
      inerrant, infallible, irritable, itchy, knowledgeable, ladylike,
      limpid, lucid, machine-made, machined, made, made to order,
      man-made, mannerly, manufactured, masterful, masterly,
      mathematical, mature, matured, meticulous, micrometrically precise,
      microscopic, milled, mined, minute, model, molded, narrow, natural,
      neat, nervous, nice, noble, overrefined, oversensible,
      oversensitive, overtender, particular, passible, pellucid,
      perfected, perspicuous, pinpoint, plain, polished, polite, posh,
      precise, precisianistic, precisionistic, prefab, prefabricated,
      prickly, processed, proficient, pubescent, punctilious, punctual,
      pure, purged, purified, put together, quintessential, raised,
      ready-for-wear, ready-formed, ready-made, ready-prepared,
      ready-to-wear, reformed, religious, religiously exact, responsive,
      restrained, rigid, rigorous, ripe, ripened, round, satin, satiny,
      scientific, scientifically exact, scrupulous, scrutinizing,
      selective, sensitive, severe, shaped, silky, simple, skittish,
      smelted, smooth, sophisticated, spruce, square, straightforward,
      strict, subtle, supersensitive, sympathetic, tactful, tasteful,
      tender, terse, tetchy, thin-skinned, thin-spun, ticklish, tidy,
      touchy, transfigured, transformed, trim, unaffected, undeviating,
      unerring, unlabored, urbane, velutinous, velvety, well-bred,
      well-brought-up, well-built, well-constructed, well-made,
      well-mannered, wiredrawn


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