
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    n 1: any broad thin and limber covering attached at one edge;
         hangs loose or projects freely; "he wrote on the flap of
         the envelope"
    2: an excited state of agitation; "he was in a dither"; "there
       was a terrible flap about the theft" [syn: {dither},
       {pother}, {fuss}, {tizzy}, {flap}]
    3: the motion made by flapping up and down [syn: {flap},
       {flapping}, {flutter}, {fluttering}]
    4: a movable piece of tissue partly connected to the body
    5: a movable airfoil that is part of an aircraft wing; used to
       increase lift or drag [syn: {flap}, {flaps}]
    v 1: move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion;
         "The curtains undulated"; "the waves rolled towards the
         beach" [syn: {roll}, {undulate}, {flap}, {wave}]
    2: move noisily; "flags flapped in the strong wind"
    3: move with a thrashing motion; "The bird flapped its wings";
       "The eagle beat its wings and soared high into the sky" [syn:
       {beat}, {flap}]
    4: move with a flapping motion; "The bird's wings were flapping"
       [syn: {beat}, {flap}]
    5: make a fuss; be agitated [syn: {dither}, {flap}, {pother}]
    6: pronounce with a flap, of alveolar sounds
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Flap \Flap\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Flapped}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Flapping}.] [Prob. of imitative origin; cf. D. flappen, E.
   flap, n., flop, flippant, fillip.]
   1. To beat with a flap; to strike.
      [1913 Webster]

            Yet let me flap this bug with gilded wings. --Pope.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. To move, as something broad and flaplike; as, to flap the
      wings; to let fall, as the brim of a hat.
      [1913 Webster]

   {To flap in the mouth}, to taunt. [Obs.] --W. Cartwright.
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Flap \Flap\, v. i.
   1. To move as do wings, or as something broad or loose; to
      fly with wings beating the air.
      [1913 Webster]

            The crows flapped over by twos and threes. --Lowell.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. To fall and hang like a flap, as the brim of a hat, or
      other broad thing. --Gay.
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Flap \Flap\, n. [OE. flappe, flap, blow, bly-flap; cf. D. flap,
   and E. flap, v.]
   Anything broad and limber that hangs loose, or that is
   attached by one side or end and is easily moved; as, the flap
   of a garment.
   [1913 Webster]

         A cartilaginous flap upon the opening of the larynx.
                                                  --Sir T.
   [1913 Webster]

   2. A hinged leaf, as of a table or shutter.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. The motion of anything broad and loose, or a stroke or
      sound made with it; as, the flap of a sail or of a wing.
      [1913 Webster]

   4. pl. (Far.) A disease in the lips of horses.
      [1913 Webster]

   5. (Aeronautics) a movable part of an airplane wing, used to
      increase lift or drag, especially when taking off or
      landing. used often in the plural.
      [WordNet 1.5]

   {Flap tile}, a tile with a bent up portion, to turn a corner
      or catch a drip.

   {Flap valve} (Mech.), a valve which opens and shuts upon one
      hinged side; a clack valve.
      [1913 Webster]
from Jargon File (4.4.4, 14 Aug 2003)

   1. [obs.] To unload a DECtape (so it goes flap, flap, flap...).
   Old-time hackers at MIT tell of the days when the disk was device 0
   and DEC microtapes were 1, 2,... and attempting to flap device 0 would
   instead start a motor banging inside a cabinet near the disk.

   2. By extension, to unload any magnetic tape. Modern cartridge tapes
   no longer actually flap, but the usage has remained. (The term could
   well be re-applied to DEC's TK50 cartridge tape drive, a spectacularly
   misengineered contraption which makes a loud flapping sound, almost
   like an old reel-type lawnmower, in one of its many tape-eating
   failure modes.)
from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)

   A {symbolic mathematics} package for {IBM 360}.

   ["FLAP Programmer's Manual", A.H. Morris Jr., TR-2558 (1971)
   US Naval Weapons Lab].

   [Sammet 1969, p. 506].

   [{Jargon File}]

from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (8 July 2008)

   1. <storage, jargon> To unload a {DECtape} (so it goes flap,
   flap, flap).  Old-time {hackers} at {MIT} tell of the days
   when the disk was device 0 and {microtapes} were 1, 2,
   etc. and attempting to flap device 0 would instead start a
   motor banging inside a cabinet near the disk.

   The term is used, by extension, for unloading any magnetic
   tape.  See also {macrotape}.  Modern {cartridge tapes} no
   longer actually flap, but the usage has remained.

   The term could well be re-applied to {DEC}'s {TK50} cartridge
   tape drive, a spectacularly misengineered contraption which
   makes a loud flapping sound, almost like an old reel-type
   lawnmower, in one of its many tape-eating failure modes.

   2. <networking> See {flapping router}.

   [{Jargon File}]

from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
373 Moby Thesaurus words for "flap":
      Bedlam let loose, ado, agitation, applique, argument, bag, bang,
      baste, batter, beat, beating, bedlam, bicker, bilge, blain, blast,
      bleb, blister, blob, bluster, bobbery, boil, boiling, boss, bother,
      botheration, bow, box, brandish, brawl, broil, brouhaha, bubble,
      buffet, bulb, bulge, bulla, bump, bunch, burl, burst, bust, bustle,
      button, cacophony, cahot, cascade, chaos, charivari, chine, chirm,
      churn, clamor, clangor, clap, clash, clatter, clump, coat, coating,
      collop, commotion, condyle, confusion, conturbation, convex,
      covering, crack, crash, crump, cuff, cut, daggle, dance, dangle,
      deal, depend, din, discomposure, discord, disk, disorder, dispute,
      disquiet, disquietude, distress, disturbance, dither, donnybrook,
      dowel, drabble, drag, draggle, drape, droop, drub, drunken brawl,
      dustup, ear, ebullition, embroilment, excitement, fall, fanaticism,
      feery-fary, ferment, fermentation, feuille, fever, feverishness,
      fidgetiness, fidgets, film, fit, flail, flange, flapping, flaunt,
      flick, flicker, flip, flit, flitter, float, flop, flourish, flow,
      flurry, fluster, flusteration, flustration, flutter, flutteration,
      flutteriness, fly, foil, fold, foment, fomentation, foofaraw,
      fracas, free-for-all, frenzy, fret, fume, furor, furore, fury,
      fuss, fussiness, gall, gnarl, go pitapat, gutter, hammer, handle,
      hang, hang down, hell broke loose, hill, howl, hubbub, hue and cry,
      hullabaloo, hump, hunch, hurly-burly, imbrication, inquietude,
      jangle, jitters, jog, joggle, jumpiness, knob, knock, knot, knur,
      knurl, lambaste, lamella, lamina, laminated glass, laminated wood,
      lap, lappet, larrup, lash, lather, leaf, lip, loop, lop,
      loud noise, lump, maelstrom, malaise, maul, membrane, moil, mole,
      mountain, nerviness, nervosity, nervousness, nevus, nod, noise,
      noise and shouting, nub, nubbin, nubble, oscillate, oscillation,
      outcry, overlap, overlapping, overlay, overlayer, palpitate,
      palpitation, pandemonium, pane, panel, panic, papilloma, passion,
      paste, patina, patter, peel, peg, pellicle, pelt, pend,
      perturbation, pitapat, pitter-patter, plait, plank, plate, plating,
      ply, plywood, pommel, pother, pound, pucker, pulse, pulverize,
      pummel, quarrel, quiver, racket, rage, rap, rasher, rattle, report,
      restlessness, rhubarb, rib, ridge, ring, roar, roil, rout, row,
      ruckus, ruction, rumble, rumpus, safety glass, sag, scramble, scum,
      seethe, seething, shake, sheet, shindy, shivaree, shoulder, skin,
      slab, slam, slap, slat, sledgehammer, slice, smack, spank, spasm,
      spine, splat, splutter, spurt, sputter, state, stew, stir,
      storminess, stripe, stud, style, swag, swap, sweat, swing, swirl,
      swivet, tab, table, tablet, tail, tap, tempestuousness, thrash,
      thresh, throb, thump, thunder, thunderclap, thwack, tintamarre,
      tizzy, to-do, trail, trepidation, trepidity, tubercle, tubercule,
      tumult, tumultuation, tumultuousness, turbidity, turbulence,
      turmoil, twitter, twitteration, undulate, unease, unquiet, unrest,
      uproar, upset, veneer, verruca, vesicle, vibrate, vortex, wafer,
      wag, waggle, wale, wallop, wart, wave, waver, weep, welt, whack,
      wham, whap, whip, whirl, whomp, whop, wield, wigwag, wildness,
      zeal, zealousness


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