WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: a loose temporary sewing stitch to hold layers of fabric
together [syn: {baste}, {basting}, {basting stitch},
v 1: cover with liquid before cooking; "baste a roast"
2: strike violently and repeatedly; "She clobbered the man who
tried to attack her" [syn: {clobber}, {baste}, {batter}]
3: sew together loosely, with large stitches; "baste a hem"
[syn: {baste}, {tack}]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Baste \Baste\ (b[=a]st), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Basted}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Basting}.] [Cf. Icel. beysta to strike, powder; Sw.
basa to beat with a rod: perh. akin to E. beat.]
1. To beat with a stick; to cudgel.
[1913 Webster]
One man was basted by the keeper for carrying some
people over on his back through the waters. --Pepys.
[1913 Webster]
2. (Cookery) To sprinkle flour and salt and drip butter or
fat on, as on meat in roasting.
[1913 Webster]
3. To mark with tar, as sheep. [Prov. Eng.]
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Baste \Baste\, v. t. [OE. basten, OF. bastir, F. b?tir, prob.
fr. OHG. bestan to sew, MHG. besten to bind, fr. OHG. bast
bast. See {Bast}.]
To sew loosely, or with long stitches; -- usually, that the
work may be held in position until sewed more firmly. --Shak.
[1913 Webster] Bastile
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
106 Moby Thesaurus words for "baste":
bake, bang, barbecue, bastinado, batter, bawl out, beat, belabor,
belt, berate, birch, blanch, boil, braise, brew, broil, brown,
buffet, cane, chew out, clobber, club, coddle, cook, cowhide,
cudgel, curry, cut, devil, do, do to perfection, drub, fire,
flagellate, flail, flap, flog, fricassee, frizz, frizzle, fry,
fustigate, give a whipping, give the stick, griddle, grill, hammer,
heat, horsewhip, knock, knout, lace, lambaste, larrup, lash,
lay on, maul, mill, oven-bake, pan, pan-broil, parboil, paste,
patter, pelt, pistol-whip, poach, pommel, pound, prepare,
prepare food, pulverize, pummel, rail, rap, rawhide, roast, saute,
scallop, scourge, sear, shirr, simmer, sledgehammer, smite, spank,
steam, stew, stir-fry, strap, stripe, swinge, switch, tell off,
thrash, thresh, thump, toast, tongue-lash, trounce, truncheon,
wallop, whale, whip, whop, wig
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