The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Slab \Slab\, n. [OE. slabbe, of uncertain origin; perhaps
originally meaning, a smooth piece, and akin to slape, Icel.
sleipr slippery, and E. slip, v. i.]
1. A thin piece of anything, especially of marble or other
stone, having plane surfaces. --Gwilt.
[1913 Webster]
2. An outside piece taken from a log or timber in sawing it
into boards, planks, etc.
[1913 Webster]
3. (Zool.) The wryneck. [Prov. Eng.]
[1913 Webster]
4. (Naut.) The slack part of a sail.
[1913 Webster]
{Slab line} (Naut.), a line or small rope by which seamen
haul up the foot of the mainsail or foresail. --Totten.
[1913 Webster]
Jargon File (4.4.4, 14 Aug 2003)
1. n. A continuous horizontal line of pixels, all with the same color.
2. vi. To paint a slab on an output device. Apple's QuickDraw, like
most other professional-level graphics systems, renders polygons and
lines not with Bresenham's algorithm, but by calculating slab points
for each scan line on the screen in succession, and then slabbing in
the actual image pixels.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
106 Moby Thesaurus words for "slab":
bar, beam, billet, board, boarding, chunk, clapboard, coat,
coating, collop, cord, cordwood, covering, cut, deal, disk,
driftwood, feuille, film, firewood, flap, foil, fold, glop, gunk,
hardwood, hunk, ingot, lamella, lamina, laminated glass,
laminated wood, lap, lath, lathing, lathwork, leaf, log, lumber,
lump, membrane, mire, muck, ooze, pane, panel, panelboard,
paneling, panelwork, patina, peel, pellicle, piece, plait, plank,
planking, plate, plating, ply, plyboard, plywood, pole, post,
puncheon, rasher, rod, safety glass, scum, shake, sheathing,
sheathing board, sheet, sheeting, shingle, sideboard, siding, skin,
slat, slice, slime, slob, slop, slosh, sludge, slum, slush,
softwood, splat, splosh, stave, stick, stick of wood, stovewood,
strip, table, tablet, three-by-four, timber, timbering, timberwork,
two-by-four, veneer, wafer, weatherboard, wedge, wood
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