The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48

a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z
Y, Y-, Y current, Y level, Y moth, Y2K bug, Y2O3, Ya, Yacare, Yacca, Yacht, Yacht measurement, Yachter, Yachting, Yachtman, Yachtsman, Yachtsmen, yackel, Yaf, yaffil, Yaffingale, yaffingale, yaffle, Yaffle, yaffler, Yager, yagouarondi, yaguarondi, Yaguarundi, yahoo, Yahve, Yahveh, Yahwe, Yahweh, Yahwism, Yahwist, Yajur-Veda, Yak, Yak lace, yakamik, Yakamilk, Yakare, Yakin, Yakoot, Yakoots, Yaksha, Yakut, Yakuts, Yalah, Yalu, Yam, Yama, Yamen, Yamma, Yamp, yams, Yang, yang, Yangtze, Yank, Yanked, Yankee, Yankee Clipper, Yankee clover, Yankee-Doodle, Yankeeism, Yanking, Yaourt, Yap, yapack, yapock, Yapock, Yapon, yapon, yappingale, Yarage, Yard, Yard and Ell, Yard grass, Yard of land, yardage, Yardarm, Yardful, Yardfuls, yardie, yardkeep, Yardland, yardline, Yardstick, Yardwand, Yare, yare, Yarely, Yark, Yarke, Yarn, Yarnen, yarnut, Yarnut, Yarr, Yarrish, Yarrow, Yarwhip, yashmak, Yataghan, Yate, Yaud, yaud, Yaul, yaul, Yaulp, Yaup, Yauper, Yaupon, Yautia, Yaw, yawd, Yawed, Yawing, yawl, Yawl, Yawl-rigged, Yawn, Yawned, Yawning, Yawningly, yawp, Yawp, Yaws, Yaw-weed, Yazoo Companies, Yazoo Fraud, Yazoo Frauds Act, Ybe, Ycleped, yclept, Ydo, Ydrad, Ye, Yea, Yead, Yean, Yeaned, Yeaning, Yeanling, year, Year, year 2000 bug, year 2000 compliant, year 2000 problem, Year and a day, Year of grace, Yeara, Yearbook, Yeared, year-end, Yearling, year-long, yearlong, Yearly, Yearn, Yearned, Yearnful, Yearning, yearning, Yearningly, Yearnings, year-old, year-round, Year's purchase, Yearth, Yeast, Yeast cake, Yeast plant, Yeast powder, Yeast-bitten, Yeastiness, Yeasty, Yedding, yede, Yede, Yeel, Yeldhall, Yeldrin, Yeldrine, yeldrock, yelk, Yelk, Yell, Yelled, Yelling, yelling, Yellow, Yellow atrophy, Yellow bark, Yellow bass, yellow bedstraw, Yellow berry, Yellow bird's nest, Yellow Book, Yellow boy, Yellow boys, Yellow brier, Yellow buckeye, Yellow bugle, Yellow bunting, yellow bunting, Yellow cat, yellow cat, Yellow copper ore, Yellow copperas, Yellow corallin, yellow corallin, yellow corn, yellow crake, Yellow cress, yellow deal, Yellow dock, Yellow earth, Yellow fever, Yellow flag, yellow flag, Yellow flag, Yellow gentian, Yellow Jack, yellow jack, Yellow jack, Yellow jacket, yellow jackets, Yellow lead ore, yellow lead ore, Yellow lemur, Yellow lousewort, Yellow macauco, yellow mackerel, Yellow mackerel, yellow metal, Yellow metal, yellow mongoose, yellow oak, Yellow ocher, Yellow orpiment, yellow orpiment, Yellow oxeye, Yellow pages, Yellow perch, yellow phosphorus, yellow pike, Yellow pike, Yellow pine, yellow plover, Yellow plover, Yellow precipitate, Yellow prussiate of potash, Yellow puccoon, Yellow pyrites, Yellow rail, Yellow rattle, Yellow rocket, yellow Sally, Yellow Sally, Yellow sculpin, yellow sculpin, Yellow snake, Yellow sponge, Yellow spot, Yellow starwort, Yellow thistle, Yellow tit, Yellow viper, yellow wagtail, Yellow warbler, Yellow wash, yellow wren, Yellow wren, yellow yellowish, Yellowammer, yellow-ammer, Yellowbill, Yellowbird, yellow-breasted marten, yellow-brown, Yellow-covered, Yellow-covered literature, yellow-crowned warbler, Yellowed, Yellower, Yellowest, Yellow-eyed, Yellow-eyed grass, Yellowfin, yellowfin tuna, Yellowfish, Yellow-golds, yellow-green, yellow-hammer, Yellowhammer, Yellowing, Yellowish, Yellowishness, yellow-legged plover, yellowlegs, Yellowlegs, Yellowness, yellow-poll warbler, yellowroot, Yellowroot, yellow-rumped warbler, Yellows, Yellowseed, yellowshanks, Yellowshanks, yellowshins, Yellowshins, yellowtail, Yellowtail, Yellow-tailed shad, Yellowthroat, Yellowtop, yellow-tufted honeysucker, yellowwood, Yellowwood, Yellowwort, Yelp, Yelped, yelper, Yelper, Yelping, Yelting, Yeman, Yemeni, Yen, Yend, Yendots, Yenisei, Yenisey, Yenite, Yeoman, Yeoman of the guard, Yeomanlike, Yeomanly, Yeomanry, Yeomanry cavalry, yeomanry cavalry, Yeomen, Yeorling, Yer, Yerba, Yerba dol osa, Yerba mansa, Yerba reuma, Yerd, Yerk, Yerked, Yerking, Yern, Yerne, Yernut, Yersinia pestis, Yerst, Yes, Yest, Yester, Yesterday, Yestereve, Yester-evening, Yestermorn, Yester-morning, Yestern, Yesternight, Yesternoon, Yesterweek, Yesteryear, Yestreen, Yesty, Yet, Yeve, Yeven, Yew, Yewen, Yex, Yezdegerdian, Yezdi, Yezidee, Yezidi, Yfere, Ygdrasyl, Yghe, Ygo, Yground, Yholde, YHVH, Yid, Yiddish, Yiddisher, Yield, Yieldable, Yieldableness, Yieldance, Yielded, Yielder, Yielding, Yielding and paying, Yieldingly, Yieldingness, Yieldless, Yift, Yin, yin and yang, Yis, Yit, Yite, Yive, -yl, ylang-ylang, Ylang-ylang, Yle, Yliche, Ylike, Yllanraton, Ymaked, YMCA, Ymel, Ynambu, -yne, Ynough, Ynow, Yockel, Yode, Yodel, Yodeled, Yodeling, Yodle, Yodled, Yodler, Yodling, Yoga, yogh, yoghourt, yoghurt, Yogi, Yogism, Yoicks, Yoit, Yojan, yojana, Yoke, Yoke elm, yokeage, Yokeage, Yoked, Yokefellow, Yokel, Yokelet, Yokemate, Yoke-toed, yokin, Yoking, Yold, Yolden, yoldrin, Yolk, Yolk cord, Yolk gland, Yolk sack, Yoll, Yom, Yom Kippur, Yon, Yoncopin, Yond, Yonder, Yoni, Yonker, Yore, York rite, York shilling, York use, Yorker, Yorkshire, Yorkshire grit, Yorkshire pudding, -yos, Yot, Yote, You, Youl, Young, Young Men's Christian Association, Young one, Young Women's Christian Association, young-bearing, young-begetting, Younger, Youngest, Youngish, Youngling, Youngly, Youngness, Young's modulus, Youngster, Youngth, Youngthly, Young'un, Younker, youpon, Youpon, Your, Your humble servant, Your most humble most obedient servant, Your obedient servant, Yours, Yourself, Yourselves, Youth, Youthful, Youthfully, Youthfulness, Youthhood, Youthly, youth-on-age, Youths, Youthsome, Youthy, Youze, Yow, Yowe, Yowl, Yowley, yox, Yox, Ypight, Ypocras, Yponomeuta padella, Ypres lace, Ypsiliform, Ypsiloid, Ypsolophus pometellus, Yraft, Yren, Yronne, Y's, Ys, Ysame, Yt, Ythrowe, Ytterbic, Ytterbium, Yttria, Yttric, Yttriferous, Yttrious, Yttrium, Yttro-cerite, Yttro-columbite, Yttro-tantalite, Yu, yucca, Yucca, Yucca aloifolia, Yucca alorifolia, Yucca baccata, Yucca borer, Yucca filamentosa, Yucca moth, Yucca Treculiana, Yuccaborus frontalis, Yuck, yuck, yuck factor, Yuckel, yucky, Yuen, Yufts, Yug, Yuga, Yugoslav, Yugoslavian, Yuke, Yulan, Yule, Yule block, Yule clog, Yule log, Yuletide, Yuma, Yuman, Yumas, yummy, Yunca, Yuncan, Yunx, yupon, Yupon, yuppie, yuppy, yux, Yux, Yvel, Ywar, Ywis
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