WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: the immaterial part of a person; the actuating cause of an
individual life [syn: {soul}, {psyche}]
2: a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
[syn: {person}, {individual}, {someone}, {somebody},
{mortal}, {soul}]
3: deep feeling or emotion [syn: {soul}, {soulfulness}]
4: the human embodiment of something; "the soul of honor"
5: a secular form of gospel that was a major Black musical genre
in the 1960s and 1970s; "soul was politically significant
during the Civil Rights movement"
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Soul \Soul\, n. [OE. soule, saule, AS. s[=a]wel, s[=a]wl; akin
to OFries. s?le, OS. s?ola, D. ziel, G. seele, OHG. s?la,
s?ula, Icel. s[=a]la, Sw. sj[aum]l, Dan. siael, Goth.
saiwala; of uncertain origin, perhaps akin to L. saeculum a
lifetime, age (cf. {Secular}.)]
1. The spiritual, rational, and immortal part in man; that
part of man which enables him to think, and which renders
him a subject of moral government; -- sometimes, in
distinction from the higher nature, or spirit, of man, the
so-called animal soul, that is, the seat of life, the
sensitive affections and phantasy, exclusive of the
voluntary and rational powers; -- sometimes, in
distinction from the mind, the moral and emotional part of
man's nature, the seat of feeling, in distinction from
intellect; -- sometimes, the intellect only; the
understanding; the seat of knowledge, as distinguished
from feeling. In a more general sense, "an animating,
separable, surviving entity, the vehicle of individual
personal existence." --Tylor.
[1913 Webster]
The eyes of our souls only then begin to see, when
our bodily eyes are closing. --Law.
[1913 Webster]
2. The seat of real life or vitality; the source of action;
the animating or essential part. "The hidden soul of
harmony." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
Thou sun, of this great world both eye and soul.
[1913 Webster]
3. The leader; the inspirer; the moving spirit; the heart;
as, the soul of an enterprise; an able general is the soul
of his army.
[1913 Webster]
He is the very soul of bounty! --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
4. Energy; courage; spirit; fervor; affection, or any other
noble manifestation of the heart or moral nature; inherent
power or goodness.
[1913 Webster]
That he wants algebra he must confess;
But not a soul to give our arms success. --Young.
[1913 Webster]
5. A human being; a person; -- a familiar appellation,
usually with a qualifying epithet; as, poor soul.
[1913 Webster]
As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news
from a far country. --Prov. xxv.
[1913 Webster]
God forbid so many simple souls
Should perish by the sword! --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
Now mistress Gilpin (careful soul). --Cowper.
[1913 Webster]
6. A pure or disembodied spirit.
[1913 Webster]
That to his only Son . . . every soul in heaven
Shall bend the knee. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
7. A perceived shared community and awareness among
8. Soul music.
Note: Soul is used in the formation of numerous compounds,
most of which are of obvious signification; as,
soul-betraying, soul-consuming, soul-destroying,
soul-distracting, soul-enfeebling, soul-exalting,
soul-felt, soul-harrowing, soul-piercing,
soul-quickening, soul-reviving, soul-stirring,
soul-subduing, soul-withering, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Syn: Spirit; life; courage; fire; ardor.
[1913 Webster]
{Cure of souls}. See {Cure}, n., 2.
{Soul bell}, the passing bell. --Bp. Hall.
{Soul foot}. See {Soul scot}, below. [Obs.]
{Soul scot} or
{Soul shot}. [Soul + scot, or shot; cf. AS. s[=a]welsceat.]
(O. Eccl. Law) A funeral duty paid in former times for a
requiem for the soul. --Ayliffe.
[1913 Webster]
The Devil's Dictionary (1881-1906)
SOUL, n. A spiritual entity concerning which there hath been brave
disputation. Plato held that those souls which in a previous state of
existence (antedating Athens) had obtained the clearest glimpses of
eternal truth entered into the bodies of persons who became
philosophers. Plato himself was a philosopher. The souls that had
least contemplated divine truth animated the bodies of usurpers and
despots. Dionysius I, who had threatened to decapitate the broad-
browed philosopher, was a usurper and a despot. Plato, doubtless, was
not the first to construct a system of philosophy that could be quoted
against his enemies; certainly he was not the last.
"Concerning the nature of the soul," saith the renowned author of
_Diversiones Sanctorum_, "there hath been hardly more argument than
that of its place in the body. Mine own belief is that the soul hath
her seat in the abdomen -- in which faith we may discern and interpret
a truth hitherto unintelligible, namely that the glutton is of all men
most devout. He is said in the Scripture to 'make a god of his belly'
-- why, then, should he not be pious, having ever his Deity with him
to freshen his faith? Who so well as he can know the might and
majesty that he shrines? Truly and soberly, the soul and the stomach
are one Divine Entity; and such was the belief of Promasius, who
nevertheless erred in denying it immortality. He had observed that
its visible and material substance failed and decayed with the rest of
the body after death, but of its immaterial essence he knew nothing.
This is what we call the Appetite, and it survives the wreck and reek
of mortality, to be rewarded or punished in another world, according
to what it hath demanded in the flesh. The Appetite whose coarse
clamoring was for the unwholesome viands of the general market and the
public refectory shall be cast into eternal famine, whilst that which
firmly through civilly insisted on ortolans, caviare, terrapin,
anchovies, _pates de foie gras_ and all such Christian comestibles
shall flesh its spiritual tooth in the souls of them forever and ever,
and wreak its divine thirst upon the immortal parts of the rarest and
richest wines ever quaffed here below. Such is my religious faith,
though I grieve to confess that neither His Holiness the Pope nor His
Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury (whom I equally and profoundly
revere) will assent to its dissemination."
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
275 Moby Thesaurus words for "soul":
Adamite, Geist, Muse, afflatus, an existence, anima, anima humana,
animating force, animus, ardency, ardor, article, astral body,
atman, axiom, ba, bathmism, beating heart, being, biological clock,
biorhythm, blood, body, bones, bosom, breast, breath,
breath of life, buddhi, cat, center, center of life, chap,
character, conscience, core, creative thought, creativity,
creature, critter, customer, daemon, daimonion, deepest recesses,
demon, differentiation, differentness, distillate, distillation,
distinctiveness, divine afflatus, divine breath, divine spark,
duck, dynamism, earthling, ecstasy, ego, egohood, elan vital,
elixir, embodiment, emotion, energy, entelechy, entity,
esoteric reality, esprit, essence, essence of life, essential,
excitement, fabric, feeling, fellow, fervency, fervidness, fervor,
fire, fire of genius, flower, focus, force, force of life,
fundamental, furor, fury, genius, gist, gravamen, gross body,
groundling, growth force, gusto, guts, guy, hand, head, heart,
heart of hearts, heartbeat, heartblood, heartiness, heartstrings,
heat, homo, human, human being, human factor, hypostasis, identity,
impassionedness, impulse of life, incarnation, individual,
individualism, individuality, inmost heart, inmost soul, inner,
inner essence, inner landscape, inner life, inner man,
inner nature, inner recess, inner self, innermost being, inside,
inspiration, inspiriting force, integer, integrity, intellect,
interior, interior man, intern, internal, intrados, inward, item,
jiva, jivatma, joker, kama, kernel, khu, life, life breath,
life cycle, life essence, life force, life principle, life process,
lifeblood, linga sharira, liveliness, living force, living soul,
man, manas, manes, marrow, material, matter, meat, medium, mind,
module, monad, mortal, nephesh, nerve center, nominalism,
nonconformity, nose, noumenon, nub, nucleus, nuts and bolts,
object, one, oneness, organism, particularism, particularity,
party, passion, passionateness, penetralia, person, persona,
personage, personal equation, personal identity, personality,
personification, personship, physical body, pith, pneuma, point,
postulate, prana, principle, principle of desire, psyche, purusha,
quick, quid, quiddity, quintessence, reason, recesses, relish,
ruach, sap, savor, seat of life, secret heart, secret place,
secret places, self-identity, selfhood, selfness, sentiment, shade,
shadow, sincerity, single, singleton, singularity, somebody,
someone, something, spark of life, spirit, spiritual being,
spiritus, sthula sharira, stuff, substance, sum and substance,
talent, tellurian, terran, the nitty-gritty, the self, thing,
true being, true inwardness, typification, uniqueness, unit,
vehemence, verve, vis vitae, vis vitalis, viscera, vital center,
vital energy, vital flame, vital fluid, vital force,
vital principle, vital spark, vital spirit, vitality, vitals,
vivacity, warmth, warmth of feeling, woman, worldling, zeal
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