The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Shrivel \Shriv"el\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Shriveled}or
{Shrivelled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Shriveling} or {Shrivelling}.]
[Probably akin to shrimp, shrink; cf. dial. AS. screpa to
pine away, Norw. skrypa to waste, skryp, skryv, transitory,
frail, Sw. skr["o]pling feeble, Dan. skr["o]belig, Icel.
skrj?pr brittle, frail.]
To draw, or be drawn, into wrinkles; to shrink, and form
corrugations; as, a leaf shriveles in the hot sun; the skin
shrivels with age; -- often with up.
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
76 Moby Thesaurus words for "shrivel":
Sanforize, age, air-dry, anhydrate, attenuate, bake, blot, brush,
burn, cheat the undertaker, consume, contract, cure, curl up,
decline, dehumidify, dehydrate, desiccate, diminish, dodder, drain,
droop, dry, dry up, emacerate, emaciate, evaporate, exsiccate,
fade, fade away, fail, fire, flag, fossilize, get along, get on,
grow old, insolate, kiln, languish, macerate, mummify, mummy,
parch, pine, preshrink, pucker up, rub, scorch, sear, shake,
shrink, shrivel up, sink, smoke, soak up, sponge, sun, sun-dry,
swab, thin, torrefy, totter, towel, turn gray, turn white, wane,
waste, waste away, weazen, welter, wilt, wipe, wither, wizen,
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