dry up
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
67 Moby Thesaurus words for "dry up":
Sanforize, air-dry, anhydrate, attenuate, bake, be consumed,
be used up, blot, brush, burn, consume, cure, dehumidify,
dehydrate, desiccate, devitalize, diminish, drain, droop, dry,
dummy up, emacerate, emaciate, evaporate, exsiccate, fade,
fade away, fire, flag, give out, insolate, kiln, languish,
macerate, mummify, mummy, parch, peter out, pine, pipe down,
preshrink, ring off, rub, run dry, run out, scorch, sear, shrink,
shrivel, shut up, smoke, soak up, sponge, sun, sun-dry, swab, thin,
torrefy, towel, waste, waste away, weazen, welter, wilt, wipe,
wither, wizen
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