
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: independent; not united or joint; "a problem consisting
           of two separate issues"; "they went their separate ways";
           "formed a separate church" [ant: {joint}]
    2: standing apart; not attached to or supported by anything; "a
       freestanding bell tower"; "a house with a separate garage"
       [syn: {freestanding}, {separate}]
    3: separated according to race, sex, class, or religion;
       "separate but equal"; "girls and boys in separate classes"
    4: have the connection undone; having become separate [syn:
       {disjoined}, {separate}]
    n 1: a separately printed article that originally appeared in a
         larger publication [syn: {offprint}, {reprint}, {separate}]
    2: a garment that can be purchased separately and worn in
       combinations with other garments
    v 1: act as a barrier between; stand between; "The mountain
         range divides the two countries" [syn: {separate},
    2: force, take, or pull apart; "He separated the fighting
       children"; "Moses parted the Red Sea" [syn: {separate},
       {disunite}, {divide}, {part}]
    3: mark as different; "We distinguish several kinds of maple"
       [syn: {distinguish}, {separate}, {differentiate}, {secern},
       {secernate}, {severalize}, {severalise}, {tell}, {tell
    4: separate into parts or portions; "divide the cake into three
       equal parts"; "The British carved up the Ottoman Empire after
       World War I" [syn: {divide}, {split}, {split up}, {separate},
       {dissever}, {carve up}] [ant: {unify}, {unite}]
    5: divide into components or constituents; "Separate the wheat
       from the chaff"
    6: arrange or order by classes or categories; "How would you
       classify these pottery shards--are they prehistoric?" [syn:
       {classify}, {class}, {sort}, {assort}, {sort out},
    7: make a division or separation [syn: {separate}, {divide}]
    8: discontinue an association or relation; go different ways;
       "The business partners broke over a tax question"; "The
       couple separated after 25 years of marriage"; "My friend and
       I split up" [syn: {separate}, {part}, {split up}, {split},
       {break}, {break up}]
    9: go one's own way; move apart; "The friends separated after
       the party" [syn: {separate}, {part}, {split}]
    10: become separated into pieces or fragments; "The figurine
        broke"; "The freshly baked loaf fell apart" [syn: {break},
        {separate}, {split up}, {fall apart}, {come apart}]
    11: treat differently on the basis of sex or race [syn:
        {discriminate}, {separate}, {single out}]
    12: come apart; "The two pieces that we had glued separated"
        [syn: {separate}, {divide}, {part}]
    13: divide into two or more branches so as to form a fork; "The
        road forks" [syn: {branch}, {ramify}, {fork}, {furcate},
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Separate \Sep"a*rate\, v. i.
   To part; to become disunited; to be disconnected; to withdraw
   from one another; as, the family separated.
   [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Separate \Sep"a*rate\, p. a. [L. separatus, p. p. ]
   1. Divided from another or others; disjoined; disconnected;
      separated; -- said of things once connected.
      [1913 Webster]

            Him that was separate from his brethren. --Gen.
                                                  xlix. 26.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. Unconnected; not united or associated; distinct; -- said
      of things that have not been connected.
      [1913 Webster]

            For such an high priest became us, who is holy,
            harmless, undefiled, separate from sinnere. --Heb.
                                                  vii. 26.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. Disunited from the body; disembodied; as, a separate
      spirit; the separate state of souls.
      [1913 Webster]

   {Separate estate} (Law), an estate limited to a married woman
      independent of her husband.

   {Separate maintenance} (Law), an allowance made to a wife by
      her husband under deed of separation.
      [1913 Webster] -- {Sep"a*rate*ly}, adv. --
      {Sep"a*rate*ness}, n.
      [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Separate \Sep"a*rate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Separated}; p. pr. &
   vb. n. {Separating}.] [L. separatus, p. p. of separare to
   separate; pfref. se- aside + parare to make ready, prepare.
   See {Parade}, and cf. {Sever}.]
   1. To disunite; to divide; to disconnect; to sever; to part
      in any manner.
      [1913 Webster]

            From the fine gold I separate the alloy. --Dryden.
      [1913 Webster]

            Separate thyself, I pray thee, from me. --Gen. xiii.
      [1913 Webster]

            Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
                                                  --Rom. viii.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. To come between; to keep apart by occupying the space
      between; to lie between; as, the Mediterranean Sea
      separates Europe and Africa.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. To set apart; to select from among others, as for a
      special use or service.
      [1913 Webster]

            Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto
            I have called thaem.                  --Acts xiii.
      [1913 Webster]

   {Separated flowers} (Bot.), flowers which have stamens and
      pistils in separate flowers; diclinous flowers. --Gray.
      [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
433 Moby Thesaurus words for "separate":
      aberrate, abrupt, aggravate, agree to differ, agree to disagree,
      alien, alienate, alienated, alone, aloof, analyze, anatomize,
      apart, assay, assort, assorted, asunder, at odds, at variance,
      atomize, autarchic, autarkic, autonomous, be at variance,
      be in dissent, beg to differ, bifurcate, bipartite, bolt, bound,
      branch, break down, break up, break with, broach, cast off,
      cast out, categorize, change, chink, chop logic, circumscribe,
      clarify, classify, clear, cleave, cloistered, close off, codify,
      collate, comb, come apart, come between, companionless,
      compartment, contradistinguish, contrary, contrasted, contrasting,
      cordon, cordon off, crack, crevasse, cull out, cut, cut adrift,
      cut off, cut open, cut out, deactivate, debrief, decrassify,
      delete, demarcate, demark, demob, demobilize, depart, departing,
      deploy, depurate, desynonymize, detach, detached, deviating,
      deviative, dichotomize, dichotomous, differ, difference, different,
      differentiate, differentiated, differing, disaccordant, disaffect,
      disagree, disagree with, disagreeing, disarticulate, disassemble,
      disband, discharge, disconnect, disconnected, discontinue,
      discontinuous, discord with, discordant, discrepant, discrete,
      discriminate, discriminated, disengage, disengaged, disentangle,
      disequalize, disintegrate, disjoin, disjoined, disjoint, disjunct,
      dismiss, disorganize, disparate, dispart, dispel, disperse,
      disrelated, dissect, dissent, dissent from, dissever, dissimilar,
      dissociate, dissociated, dissolve, dissonant, distill, distinct,
      distinctive, distinguish, distinguished, disunify, disunite,
      divaricate, diverge, divergent, diverging, divers, diverse,
      diversified, diversify, divide, divide on, divide up, divided,
      divorce, draw the line, drop out, edulcorate, eject, elute,
      enclose, enisle, essentialize, estrange, exotic, expel, extract,
      extraneous, fall out, fan out, fan the flame, fence off, filter,
      filtrate, fissure, fly open, foreign, fork, free, friendless,
      ghettoize, gin, go away, go off, go separate ways, gradate, grade,
      grant a divorce, grant an annulment, group, halve,
      have a falling-out, heterogeneous, homeless, in a backwater,
      in disagreement, in two, inaccordant, incise, incoherent,
      incommensurable, incomparable, incompatible, incongruous,
      inconsistent, inconsonant, independent, individual, individualize,
      individuate, inharmonious, insular, insulate, interspace, interval,
      irreconcilable, irrelative, irritate, island, isolate, isolated,
      keep apart, keep aside, kithless, lay aside, lay open, leach,
      leave, let go, light the fuse, limit, lixiviate, lone, lonely,
      lonesome, make a distinction, make a space, make trouble, many,
      mark, mark off, mark out, mark the interface, modify, motley,
      multifarious, muster out, noncohesive, not agree, obtain a divorce,
      one, only, ope, open, open up, oppose, organize, other,
      out-of-the-way, out-of-the-world, outlandish, outspread, panel,
      part, part company, particular, particularize, partition,
      partitioned, peculiar, percolate, personalize, pick out,
      pit against, poles apart, poles asunder, provoke, pull away,
      pull back, pull out, purify, put aside, put asunder, put away,
      quarantine, quarantined, quarter, rank, rectify, reduce,
      reduce to elements, refine, refine a distinction, release, remote,
      remove, removed, rent, resolve, retired, riddle, rift, rip, rive,
      rope off, rupture, scatter, screen, screen out, seal off, secede,
      seclude, secluded, segment, segregate, segregated, select,
      separated, sequester, sequestered, set a limit, set against,
      set apart, set aside, set at intervals, set at odds,
      set at variance, set off, set on, sever, several, severalize,
      shut off, sic on, sieve, sieve out, sift, sift out, single out,
      single-handed, size, slit, sole, solitary, solo, sort, sort out,
      sovereign, sow dissension, space, space out, specialize,
      spiritualize, splay, split, split hairs, split up, spread,
      spread out, spring open, stand aloof, stand apart, stand aside,
      step aside, stir up trouble, strain, strange, subdivide, sublimate,
      sublime, subordinate, subtilize, subtract, sue for divorce, sunder,
      surround, swing open, take exception, take issue, tap, tear,
      tear open, thrash, thresh, throw off, throw open, throw out, try,
      type, unabetted, unaccompanied, unaffiliated, unaided, unallied,
      unassisted, unassociated, unattached, unattended, unconformable,
      unconnected, uncouple, unequal, unescorted, unfrequented, unhook,
      unique, unjoined, unlike, unmarry, unravel, unrelatable, unrelated,
      unseconded, unsupported, untie the knot, unvisited, unyoke,
      variant, varied, variegated, various, vary, varying, wall off,
      widely apart, winnow, withdraw, withdrawn, withhold assent,
      worlds apart


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