cast out

from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
cast out
    v 1: expel from a community or group [syn: {banish}, {ban},
         {ostracize}, {ostracise}, {shun}, {cast out}, {blackball}]
    2: throw or cast away; "Put away your worries" [syn: {discard},
       {fling}, {toss}, {toss out}, {toss away}, {chuck out}, {cast
       aside}, {dispose}, {throw out}, {cast out}, {throw away},
       {cast away}, {put away}]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
122 Moby Thesaurus words for "cast out":
      abrupt, abstract, alienate, ban, banish, bicker, blackball,
      boot out, bounce, cast, cast off, caterwaul, chuck, chuck out,
      clear, clear away, clear out, clear the decks, cut, cut adrift,
      cut off, cut out, defenestrate, delete, depart, deport, detrude,
      disarticulate, discard, discharge, disconnect, disengage,
      disfellowship, disjoin, disjoint, displace, dispose of, dissociate,
      disunite, divide, divorce, eject, elide, eliminate, eradicate,
      estrange, exclude, excommunicate, exile, expatriate, expel,
      extradite, extrude, fugitate, get quit of, get rid of, get shut of,
      give the hook, heave out, isolate, jettison, junk, kick downstairs,
      kick out, leave, liquidate, obtrude, ostracize, oust, outlaw, part,
      pick out, proscribe, pull away, pull back, pull out, purge,
      put out, reject, relegate, remove, root out, root up, row,
      rusticate, scrap, segregate, send away, send down,
      send to Coventry, separate, sequester, set apart, set aside,
      shut off, snub, spat, split, spurn, squabble, stand aloof,
      stand apart, stand aside, step aside, strike off, strike out,
      subtract, throw away, throw off, throw out, throw over,
      throw overboard, thrust out, tiff, toss out, transport, turn out,
      uncouple, unyoke, weed out, withdraw, wrangle


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