WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: a slipper that has no fitting around the heel [syn: {mule},
2: the act of scuffing (scraping or dragging the feet)
v 1: walk without lifting the feet [syn: {scuff}, {drag}]
2: get or become scuffed; "These patent leather shoes scuffed"
3: mar by scuffing; "scuffed shoes"
4: poke at with the foot or toe
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
181 Moby Thesaurus words for "scuff":
ablate, ablation, abrade, abrase, abrasion, abrasive, amble,
attrition, barge, bark, blemish, bloody, bowl along, break,
buffing, bundle, burn, burnishing, chafe, chafing, check, chip,
claw, clump, concussion, crack, crackle, craze, cut, detrition,
drag, dressing, erase, erasure, erode, erosion, file, filing,
flash burn, flounce, foot, footslog, fracture, fray, frazzle, fret,
fretting, gall, galling, gash, gnaw, gnaw away, grate, graze,
grazing, grind, grinding, halt, hippety-hop, hitch, hobble, hop,
hurt, incise, incision, injure, injury, jog, jolt, jump, lacerate,
laceration, lesion, limation, limp, lumber, lunge, lurch, maim,
make mincemeat of, maul, mince, mortal wound, mutilate, mutilation,
pace, paddle, peg, piaffe, piaffer, pierce, plod, polishing,
prance, puncture, rack, rasp, rasping, raze, rend, rent, rip, roll,
rub away, rub off, rub out, rubbing away, run, rupture,
sandblasting, sanding, sashay, saunter, savage, scald, scorch,
scotch, scour, scouring, scrape, scraping, scratch, scratching,
scrub, scrubbing, scuffle, scuttle, second-degree burn, shamble,
shining, shovel, shuffle, sidle, single-foot, skin, skip, slash,
slink, slit, slither, slog, slouch, smoothing, sore, sprain, stab,
stab wound, stagger, stalk, stamp, stick, stomp, straddle,
straggle, strain, stride, stroll, strut, stump, swagger, swing,
tear, third-degree burn, tittup, toddle, totter, traipse, trauma,
traumatize, trip, trudge, waddle, wamble, wear, wear away,
wearing away, wiggle, wobble, wound, wounds immedicable, wrench
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