WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
n 1: a square dance figure; partners circle each other taking
sideways steps
2: (ballet) quick gliding steps with one foot always leading
[syn: {chasse}, {sashay}]
3: a journey taken for pleasure; "many summer excursions to the
shore"; "it was merely a pleasure trip"; "after cautious
sashays into the field" [syn: {excursion}, {jaunt}, {outing},
{junket}, {pleasure trip}, {expedition}, {sashay}]
v 1: move sideways [syn: {sidle}, {sashay}]
2: to walk with a lofty proud gait, often in an attempt to
impress others; "He struts around like a rooster in a hen
house" [syn: {tittup}, {swagger}, {ruffle}, {prance},
{strut}, {sashay}, {cock}]
3: perform a chasse step, in ballet [syn: {chasse}, {sashay}]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
118 Moby Thesaurus words for "sashay":
amble, barge, be getting along, bowl along, bundle, buzz off,
clump, come away, commute, course, cover ground, depart, drag,
exit, fare, fare forth, fetch, flit, flounce, flow, foot, footslog,
gang, gang along, get along, get away, get off, get on,
get under way, go, go along, go away, go off, go on, halt, hie,
hippety-hop, hitch, hobble, hop, jog, jolt, jump, leave, limp,
lumber, lunge, lurch, march off, mince, mosey, move, move along,
move away, move off, move on, move out, pace, paddle, pass, peg,
piaffe, piaffer, plod, prance, prink, progress, pull out, rack,
roll, roll on, run, sashay off, saunter, scuff, scuffle, scuttle,
shamble, shuffle, sidle, single-foot, skip, slink, slither, slog,
slouch, stagger, stagger along, stalk, stamp, stomp, straddle,
straggle, stream, stride, stroll, strut, stump, swagger, swing,
take flight, take wing, tittup, toddle, toddle along, totter,
traipse, travel, trip, trudge, up and go, waddle, wamble, wayfare,
wend, wiggle, wing it, wobble
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