
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences;
           "foolhardy enough to try to seize the gun from the
           hijacker"; "became the fiercest and most reckless of
           partisans"-Macaulay; "a reckless driver"; "a rash attempt
           to climb Mount Everest" [syn: {foolhardy}, {heady},
           {rash}, {reckless}]
    2: characterized by careless unconcern; "the heedless generosity
       and the spasmodic extravagance of persons used to large
       fortunes"- Edith Wharton; "reckless squandering of public
       funds" [syn: {heedless}, {reckless}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Reckless \Reck"less\, a. [AS. reccele['a]s, r[=e]cele['a]s.]
   1. Inattentive to duty; careless; neglectful; indifferent.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. Rashly negligent; utterly careless or heedless.
      [1913 Webster]

            It made the king as reckless as them diligent. --Sir
                                                  P. Sidney.
      [1913 Webster]

   Syn: Heedless; careless; mindless; thoughtless; negligent;
        indifferent; regardless; unconcerned; inattentive;
        remiss; rash.
        [1913 Webster] -- {Reck"less*ly}, adv. --
        {Reck"less*ness}, n.
        [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
157 Moby Thesaurus words for "reckless":
      accident-prone, adventuresome, agile, airy, apathetic, ataractic,
      audacious, blase, brash, breakneck, carefree, careless, casual,
      cursory, dangerous, daredevil, daring, dashing, degage, desperate,
      devil-may-care, disinterested, dispassionate, disregardant,
      disregardful, double-quick, eagle-winged, easygoing, expeditious,
      express, fast, feckless, fleet, flippant, flying, foolhardy,
      foolish, forgetful, free and easy, furious, galloping,
      hair-trigger, harum-scarum, hasty, headlong, heedless, hopeless,
      hotheaded, hurried, hustling, ill-advised, ill-considered,
      ill-contrived, ill-devised, ill-gauged, ill-judged, impatient,
      impetuous, impolitic, imprudent, impulsive, inadvisable,
      inattentive, incautious, inconsiderate, incurious, indifferent,
      indiscreet, inexcitable, inexpedient, injudicious, insensate,
      insouciant, irrational, irresponsible, lackadaisical, lazy,
      light of heel, light-footed, listless, lively, mad, madcap,
      mercurial, mindless, misadvised, misguided, myopic, negligent,
      nimble, nimble-footed, nonchalant, oblivious, offhand, overeager,
      overenthusiastic, overhasty, overzealous, perfunctory, pococurante,
      precipitant, precipitate, precipitous, prompt, quick,
      quick as lightning, quick as thought, rapid, rash, reasonless,
      regardless, respectless, running, senseless, shortsighted,
      slap-bang, slapdash, snappy, spanking, speedy, sudden, swift,
      tactless, temerarious, thoughtless, turned-off, unadvised,
      unanxious, unconcerned, unconsidered, undiplomatic, undiscerning,
      undiscriminating, unforeseeing, unheedful, unheeding, uninterested,
      unmindful, unprepared, unready, unreasonable, unreflecting,
      unreflective, unseeing, unsensible, unsolicitous, unsound,
      untactful, unthinking, unthoughtful, unwise, venturesome,
      venturous, wanton, wild, winged, witless


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