WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: marked by or paying little heed or attention; "We have
always known that heedless self-interest was bad morals;
we know now that it is bad economics"--Franklin D.
Roosevelt; "heedless of danger"; "heedless of the child's
crying" [syn: {heedless}, {unheeding}] [ant: {attentive},
{heedful}, {paying attention}, {thoughtful}]
2: characterized by careless unconcern; "the heedless generosity
and the spasmodic extravagance of persons used to large
fortunes"- Edith Wharton; "reckless squandering of public
funds" [syn: {heedless}, {reckless}]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
109 Moby Thesaurus words for "heedless":
Lethean, absentminded, airy, aloof, amnestic, apathetic, arbitrary,
ataractic, blase, blind, blocked, bored, capricious, careless,
casual, converted, cursory, deaf, degage, detached, devil-may-care,
disinterested, dispassionate, disregardant, disregardful, distant,
distracted, distrait, easygoing, feckless, flippant, forgetful,
forgetting, free and easy, grasshopper, happy-go-lucky, impassive,
improvident, inadvertent, inattentive, inclined to forget,
inconsiderate, incurious, indifferent, inexcitable, inobservant,
insouciant, lackadaisical, lazy, listless, mindless, neglectful,
negligent, nonchalant, oblivious, offhand, perfunctory, phlegmatic,
pococurante, reasonless, reckless, regardless, repressed,
respectless, shiftless, stolid, suppressed, tactless, thoughtless,
thriftless, turned-off, unaccommodating, unanxious, uncalculating,
uncaring, uncomplaisant, unconcerned, uncooperative, undiplomatic,
undiscriminating, uneconomical, unguarded, unheedful, unheeding,
unhelpful, uninquiring, uninterested, uninvolved, unmarking,
unmindful, unnoticing, unnoting, unobliging, unobservant,
unobserving, unprepared, unproviding, unready, unreasoning,
unreflecting, unreflective, unremarking, unsolicitous, untactful,
unthinking, unthoughtful, unthrifty, withdrawn, wrecking
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