
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    adj 1: (especially of clothing) made in standard sizes and
           available from merchandise in stock; "a ready-made
           jacket"; "ready-to-wear clothes" [syn: {off-the-rack},
           {off-the-shelf}, {off-the-peg}, {ready-to-wear}]
    n 1: ready-made clothing; "she couldn't find anything in ready-
         to-wear that she liked"
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
55 Moby Thesaurus words for "ready-to-wear":
      assembled, bespoke, built, cast, constructed, crafted, created,
      custom, custom-built, custom-made, cut-and-dried, cut-and-dry,
      extracted, fabricated, fashioned, forged, formed, gathered, grown,
      handcrafted, handmade, harvested, homemade, homespun, machine-made,
      machined, made, made to order, man-made, manufactured, milled,
      mined, molded, prefab, prefabricated, processed, put together,
      raised, ready-built, ready-dressed, ready-for-wear, ready-formed,
      ready-made, ready-mixed, ready-prepared, refined, sartorial,
      shaped, smelted, store-bought, tailored, vestmental, well-built,
      well-constructed, well-made


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