Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
188 Moby Thesaurus words for "pigeonhole":
adjourn, air hole, alphabetize, analyze, armhole, arrange, assort,
bibliography, blood, blowhole, book, bracket, branch, break down,
bullet-hole, bunghole, calendar, card catalog, caste, catalog,
catalogue raisonne, categorize, category, clan, class,
classified catalog, classify, codify, constitute, continue,
cringle, cubby, cubbyhole, deadeye, decree, defer, delay, digest,
divide, division, doghouse, drag out, enact, enact laws, enroll,
enter, enumerate, estate, extend, eye, eyelet, file, filibuster,
filing system, finding list, gasket, get the floor, grade, grommet,
group, grouping, guide, handlist, hang fire, hang up,
have the floor, head, heading, hold off, hold over, hold up, hole,
identify, impanel, index, inventory, itemize, keep score, keyhole,
kill, kin, knothole, label, lay aside, lay away, lay by, lay over,
league, legislate, letter file, level, list, lobby through,
logroll, loop, loophole, manhole, mousehole, name, niche, ordain,
order, pass, peephole, pigeonholes, pinch, pinhole, place, placket,
placket hole, playhouse, pocket, porthole, position, post,
postpone, predicament, program, prolong, prorogate, prorogue,
protract, punch-hole, push aside, put aside, put away,
put in force, put in mothballs, put off, put on ice, put through,
race, railroad through, range, rank, rate, rating, recess,
register, reserve, roll logs, rubric, schedule, score, section,
sept, set, set aside, set by, shelve, shift off, sideline,
sleep on, slot, sort, spiracle, stand over, station, status,
stave off, stay, store, stow, strain, stratum, stretch out,
subdivide, subdivision, subgroup, suborder, suspend, table,
table the motion, tabulate, take a recess, take the floor, tally,
tap, tier, tight spot, tight squeeze, title, type, vent, venthole,
veto, waive, yield the floor
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