air hole

from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
air hole
    n 1: a local region of low pressure or descending air that
         causes a plane to lose height suddenly [syn: {air pocket},
         {pocket}, {air hole}]
    2: a hole that allows the passage of air
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Air hole \Air" hole`\ ([^a]r" h[=o]l`).
   1. A hole to admit or discharge air; specifically, a spot in
      the ice not frozen over.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. (Founding) A fault in a casting, produced by a bubble of
      air; a blowhole.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. (A["e]ronautics) A local region in the atmosphere having a
      downward movement and offering less than normal support
      for the sustaining surfaces of a flying machine, causing
      an airplane to drop suddenly. Same as {air pocket}.
      [Webster 1913 Suppl.]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Air pocket \Air" pock"et\ (p[o^]k"[e^]t). (aeronautics)
   A local region in the atmosphere having a downward movement
   and offering less than normal support for the sustaining
   surfaces of a flying machine, causing an airplane to drop
   suddenly. Same as {air hole}.
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
79 Moby Thesaurus words for "air hole":
      CAT, aerospace, aerosphere, air duct, air passage, air pocket,
      air shaft, air tube, airspace, airway, armhole, blowhole,
      breathing hole, bullet-hole, bump, bunghole, ceiling, cringle,
      crosswind, deadeye, empty space, eye, eyelet, favorable wind, fog,
      front, gasket, grommet, guide, head wind, high-pressure area, hole,
      ionosphere, jetstream, keyhole, knothole, loop, loophole, louver,
      louverwork, low-pressure area, manhole, mousehole, naris, nostril,
      overcast, peephole, pigeonhole, pinhole, placket, placket hole,
      pocket, porthole, punch-hole, roughness, shaft, soup, space,
      spilehole, spiracle, stratosphere, substratosphere, tail wind, tap,
      touchhole, transom, tropopause, troposphere, trough, turbulence,
      vent, ventage, venthole, ventiduct, ventilating shaft, ventilator,
      visibility, visibility zero, wind tunnel


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