WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: not complete or total; not completed; "an incomplete
account of his life"; "political consequences of
incomplete military success"; "an incomplete forward
pass" [syn: {incomplete}, {uncomplete}] [ant: {complete}]
2: not yet finished; "his thesis is still incomplete"; "an
uncompleted play" [syn: {incomplete}, {uncompleted}]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Incomplete \In`com*plete"\, a. [L. incompletus: cf. F.
incomplet. See {In-} not, and {Complete}.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Not complete; not filled up; not finished; not having all
its parts, or not having them all adjusted; imperfect;
[1913 Webster]
A most imperfect and incomplete divine. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
2. (Bot.) Wanting any of the usual floral organs; -- said of
a flower.
[1913 Webster]
{Incomplete equation} (Alg.), an equation some of whose terms
are wanting; or one in which the coefficient of some one
or more of the powers of the unknown quantity is equal to
[1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
73 Moby Thesaurus words for "incomplete":
adulterated, arrested, blemished, broken, callow, crude, damaged,
defective, deficient, embryonic, erroneous, failing, fallible,
faulty, found wanting, fractional, fragmentary, fragmented,
hypoplastic, immature, impaired, imperfect, imprecise, impure,
in arrear, in arrears, in default, in short supply, inaccurate,
inadequate, incompetent, inexact, infant, insufficient, lacking,
makeshift, mediocre, missing, mixed, needing, not enough,
not perfect, off, part, partial, patchy, piecemeal, rough, scant,
scanty, scrappy, sectional, segmental, segmentary, short, shy,
sketchy, too little, unaccomplished, underdeveloped, undeveloped,
undone, unequal to, uneven, unfinished, unperfected, unqualified,
unsatisfactory, unsatisfying, unsound, unsufficing, unthorough,
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