
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Unaccomplished \Un`ac*com"plished\, a.
   Not accomplished or performed; unfinished; also, deficient in
   accomplishment; unrefined.
   [1913 Webster]
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
37 Moby Thesaurus words for "unaccomplished":
      amateurish, arcane, cabalistic, impenetrable, inscrutable, mystic,
      neglected, numinous, semiskilled, unachieved, unattained,
      unbusinesslike, uncoached, uncompleted, unconsummated,
      undischarged, undone, unendowed, unexecuted, unfinished,
      unfulfilled, ungifted, unguessed, uninitiated, unknowable,
      unperformed, unpolished, unprepared, unprimed, unprofessional,
      unrealized, unschooled, unskilled, untalented, untaught, untrained,


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