bundle up

from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
bundle up
    v 1: make into a bundle; "he bundled up his few possessions"
         [syn: {bundle}, {bundle up}, {roll up}]
    2: dress warmly; "Mother bundled up the children for the long
       way to school"
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
46 Moby Thesaurus words for "bundle up":
      apparel, array, attire, bale, bedeck, bedrape, bind up, bundle,
      clothe, deck, dight, do up, drape, dress, dud, enclothe, endue,
      enrobe, enshroud, envelop, enwrap, garb, garment, habilitate, hap,
      invest, lap, muffle up, mummify, pack, package, parcel, rag out,
      raiment, robe, roll up, sheathe, shroud, swaddle, swathe, tie up,
      tire, truss, truss up, wrap, wrap up


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