enrobe v 1: provide with a coating; "enrobe the nuts with chocolate" 2: adorn with a robe
Enrobe \En*robe"\, v. t. [Pref. en- + robe: cf. OF. enrober.] To invest or adorn with a robe; to attire. [1913 Webster]
33 Moby Thesaurus words for "enrobe": apparel, array, attire, bedeck, bedrape, bundle up, clothe, deck, dight, drape, dress, dud, enclothe, endue, enshroud, envelop, enwrap, garb, garment, habilitate, invest, lap, muffle up, rag out, raiment, robe, sheathe, shroud, swaddle, swathe, tire, wrap, wrap up