
from WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
    n 1: the content of cognition; the main thing you are thinking
         about; "it was not a good idea"; "the thought never entered
         my mind" [syn: {idea}, {thought}]
    2: the process of using your mind to consider something
       carefully; "thinking always made him frown"; "she paused for
       thought" [syn: {thinking}, {thought}, {thought process},
       {cerebration}, {intellection}, {mentation}]
    3: the organized beliefs of a period or group or individual;
       "19th century thought"; "Darwinian thought"
    4: a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or
       certainty; "my opinion differs from yours"; "I am not of your
       persuasion"; "what are your thoughts on Haiti?" [syn:
       {opinion}, {sentiment}, {persuasion}, {view}, {thought}]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Think \Think\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Thought}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Thinking}.] [OE. thinken, properly, to seem, from AS.
   [thorn]yncean (cf. {Methinks}), but confounded with OE.
   thenken to think, fr. AS. [thorn]encean (imp.
   [thorn][=o]hte); akin to D. denken, dunken, OS. thenkian,
   thunkian, G. denken, d["u]nken, Icel. [thorn]ekkja to
   perceive, to know, [thorn]ykkja to seem, Goth. [thorn]agkjan,
   [thorn]aggkjan, to think, [thorn]ygkjan to think, to seem,
   OL. tongere to know. Cf. {Thank}, {Thought}.]
   1. To seem or appear; -- used chiefly in the expressions
      methinketh or methinks, and methought.
      [1913 Webster]

   Note: These are genuine Anglo-Saxon expressions, equivalent
         to it seems to me, it seemed to me. In these
         expressions me is in the dative case.
         [1913 Webster]

   2. To employ any of the intellectual powers except that of
      simple perception through the senses; to exercise the
      higher intellectual faculties.
      [1913 Webster]

            For that I am
            I know, because I think.              --Dryden.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. Specifically:
      (a) To call anything to mind; to remember; as, I would
          have sent the books, but I did not think of it.
          [1913 Webster]

                Well thought upon; I have it here. --Shak.
          [1913 Webster]
      (b) To reflect upon any subject; to muse; to meditate; to
          ponder; to consider; to deliberate.
          [1913 Webster]

                And when he thought thereon, he wept. --Mark
                                                  xiv. 72.
          [1913 Webster]

                He thought within himself, saying, What shall I
                do, because I have no room where to bestow my
                fruits?                           --Luke xii.
          [1913 Webster]
      (c) To form an opinion by reasoning; to judge; to
          conclude; to believe; as, I think it will rain
          [1913 Webster]

                Let them marry to whom they think best. --Num.
                                                  xxxvi. 6.
          [1913 Webster]
      (d) To purpose; to intend; to design; to mean.
          [1913 Webster]

                I thought to promote thee unto great honor.
                                                  --Num. xxiv.
          [1913 Webster]

                Thou thought'st to help me.       --Shak.
          [1913 Webster]
      (e) To presume; to venture.
          [1913 Webster]

                Think not to say within yourselves, We have
                Abraham to our father.            --Matt. iii.
          [1913 Webster]

   Note: To think, in a philosophical use as yet somewhat
         limited, designates the higher intellectual acts, the
         acts preeminently rational; to judge; to compare; to
         reason. Thinking is employed by Hamilton as
         "comprehending all our collective energies." It is
         defined by Mansel as "the act of knowing or judging by
         means of concepts,"by Lotze as "the reaction of the
         mind on the material supplied by external influences."
         See {Thought}.
         [1913 Webster]

   {To think better of}. See under {Better}.

   {To think much of}, or {To think well of}, to hold in esteem;
      to esteem highly.
      [1913 Webster]

   Syn: To expect; guess; cogitate; reflect; ponder;
        contemplate; meditate; muse; imagine; suppose; believe.
        See {Expect}, {Guess}.
        [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Thought \Thought\,
   imp. & p. p. of {Think}.
   [1913 Webster]
from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Thought \Thought\, n. [OE. [thorn]oght, [thorn]ouht, AS.
   [thorn][=o]ht, ge[thorn][=o]ht, fr. [thorn]encean to think;
   akin to D. gedachte thought, MHG. d[=a]ht, ged[=a]ht, Icel.
   [thorn][=o]ttr, [thorn][=o]tti. See {Think}.]
   1. The act of thinking; the exercise of the mind in any of
      its higher forms; reflection; cogitation.
      [1913 Webster]

            Thought can not be superadded to matter, so as in
            any sense to render it true that matter can become
            cogitative.                           --Dr. T.
      [1913 Webster]

   2. Meditation; serious consideration.
      [1913 Webster]

            Pride, of all others the most dangerous fault,
            Proceeds from want of sense or want of thought.
      [1913 Webster]

   3. That which is thought; an idea; a mental conception,
      whether an opinion, judgment, fancy, purpose, or
      [1913 Webster]

            Thus Bethel spoke, who always speaks his thought.
      [1913 Webster]

            Why do you keep alone, . . .
            Using those thoughts which should indeed have died
            With them they think on?              --Shak.
      [1913 Webster]

            Thoughts come crowding in so fast upon me, that my
            only difficulty is to choose or to reject. --Dryden.
      [1913 Webster]

            All their thoughts are against me for evil. --Ps.
                                                  lvi. 5.
      [1913 Webster]

   4. Solicitude; anxious care; concern.
      [1913 Webster]

            Hawis was put in trouble, and died with thought and
            anguish before his business came to an end. --Bacon.
      [1913 Webster]

            Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or
            what ye shall drink.                  --Matt. vi.
      [1913 Webster]

   5. A small degree or quantity; a trifle; as, a thought
      longer; a thought better. [Colloq.]
      [1913 Webster]

            If the hair were a thought browner.   --Shak.
      [1913 Webster]

   Note: Thought, in philosophical usage now somewhat current,
         denotes the capacity for, or the exercise of, the very
         highest intellectual functions, especially those
         usually comprehended under judgment.
         [1913 Webster]

               This [faculty], to which I gave the name of the
               "elaborative faculty," -- the faculty of
               relations or comparison, -- constitutes what is
               properly denominated thought.      --Sir W.
         [1913 Webster]

   Syn: Idea; conception; imagination; fancy; conceit; notion;
        supposition; reflection; consideration; meditation;
        contemplation; cogitation; deliberation.
        [1913 Webster]
from Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
THOUGHT. The operation of the mind. No one can be punished for his mere 
thoughts however wicked they may be. Human laws cannot reach them, first, 
because they are unknown; and, secondly, unless made manifest by some 
action, they are not injurious to any one; but when they manifest 
themselves, then the act, which is the consequence, may be punished. Dig. 50 
16, 225. 
from Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
306 Moby Thesaurus words for "thought":
      Parthian shot, accommodatingness, address, admonition, advertence,
      advertency, advice, advising, advocacy, affirmation, agreeableness,
      alertness, allegation, answer, antelope, anticipation, apostrophe,
      apprehension, arrow, assertion, assiduity, assiduousness,
      association, association of ideas, assumption, attention,
      attention span, attentiveness, attitude, averment, awareness, bit,
      blue darter, blue streak, brainstorm, brainwork, briefing,
      brooding, brown study, cannonball, care, cast, caution, caveat,
      cerebration, certainty, chain of thought, climate of opinion,
      cogitation, cogitative, cognitive, comment, common belief,
      community sentiment, compassion, complaisance, conceit,
      concentrating, concentration, concentrative, concept, conception,
      conceptive, conceptual, conceptualized, concern, conclusion,
      confidence, consciousness, consensus gentium, considerateness,
      consideration, considering, consultation, contemplating,
      contemplation, contemplative, council, counsel, courser, crack,
      current of thought, dart, dash, declaration, deliberating,
      deliberation, deliberative, delicacy, design, dictum, diligence,
      direction, dream, eagle, ear, earnestness, electricity, estimate,
      estimation, ethos, exclamation, excogitating, exhortation,
      expectancy, expectation, expostulation, express train, expression,
      eye, fancy, feeling, flash, flow of thought, gazelle,
      general belief, gleam, greased lightning, greeting, greyhound,
      guidance, hare, heed, heedfulness, helpfulness, hint, hope,
      hortation, idea, ideative, image, imago, imminence, impression,
      indulgence, infusion, inkling, inmost thoughts, instruction,
      intellect, intellection, intellectual object, intelligence,
      intention, intentiveness, intentness, interjection, intimation,
      introspective, jet plane, judgment, kindliness, kindness, leniency,
      lick, light, lightning, lights, little, look, meditating,
      meditation, meditative, memories, memory, memory-trace, mental,
      mental image, mental impression, mentation, mention, mercury, mind,
      mindfulness, monition, museful, musing, mystique, noetic, note,
      notice, notion, obligingness, observance, observation, opinion,
      parley, pensive, perception, personal judgment, phrase, plan,
      planning, point of view, pondering, popular belief, position,
      posture, prehensive, presumption, prevailing belief, probability,
      pronouncement, proposal, prospect, public belief, public opinion,
      question, quicksilver, ratiocination, rationality, reaction,
      reason, reasoning, recept, recommendation, reflecting, reflection,
      reflective, regard, regardfulness, reliance, remark, remembrances,
      remonstrance, representation, respect, rocket, ruminant,
      ruminating, rumination, ruminative, sauce, say, saying,
      scared rabbit, scheme, scintilla, seasoning, secret thoughts,
      sentence, sentiment, serious, shade, shadow, shot, sight, sip,
      smack, small amount, smattering, smell, sober, solicitousness,
      solicitude, soupcon, spark, speculation, speculative, spice,
      sprinkling, stance, statement, streak, streak of lightning,
      stream of consciousness, striped snake, subjoinder, suggestion,
      sup, supposition, suspicion, swallow, sympathy, tact, tactfulness,
      taint, taste, tempering, tenderness, theory, thinking, thoughtful,
      thoughtfulness, thoughts, thunderbolt, tinct, tincture, tinge,
      tint, toleration, torrent, touch, trace, train of thought, trifle,
      unastonishment, utterance, vestige, view, vision, warning,
      way of thinking, wind, wistful, word


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