WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: expressed without speech; "a mute appeal"; "a silent
curse"; "best grief is tongueless"- Emily Dickinson; "the
words stopped at her lips unsounded"; "unspoken grief";
"choking exasperation and wordless shame"- Thomas Wolfe
[syn: {mute}, {tongueless}, {unspoken}, {wordless}]
2: unable to speak because of hereditary deafness [syn: {dumb},
{mute}, {silent}]
n 1: a deaf person who is unable to speak [syn: {mute}, {deaf-
mute}, {deaf-and-dumb person}]
2: a device used to soften the tone of a musical instrument
v 1: deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping [syn:
{muffle}, {mute}, {dull}, {damp}, {dampen}, {tone down}]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Mute \Mute\, a. [L. mutus; cf. Gr. my`ein to shut, Skr. m[=u]ta
bound, m[=u]ka dumb: cf. OE. muet, fr. F. muet, a dim. of OF.
mu, L. mutus.]
1. Not speaking; uttering no sound; silent.
[1913 Webster]
All the heavenly choir stood mute,
And silence was in heaven. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
Note: In law a prisoner is said to stand mute, when, upon
being arranged, he makes no answer, or does not plead
directly, or will not put himself on trial.
[1913 Webster]
2. Incapable of speaking; dumb. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]
3. Not uttered; unpronounced; silent; also, produced by
complete closure of the mouth organs which interrupt the
passage of breath; -- said of certain letters. See 5th
{Mute}, 2.
[1913 Webster]
4. Not giving a ringing sound when struck; -- said of a
[1913 Webster]
{Mute swan} (Zool.), a European wild white swan ({Cygnus
olor} syn. {Cygnus gibbus}), which produces no loud notes,
in distinction from the {Trumpeter swan}.
[1913 Webster]
Syn: Silent; dumb; speechless.
Usage: {Mute}, {Silent}, {Dumb}. One is silent who does not
speak; one is dumb who can not, for want of the proper
organs; as, a dumb beast, etc.; and hence,
figuratively, we speak of a person as struck dumb with
astonishment, etc. One is mute who is held back from
speaking by some special cause; as, he was mute
through fear; mute astonishment, etc. Such is the case
with most of those who never speak from childhood;
they are not ordinarily dumb, but mute because they
are deaf, and therefore never learn to talk; and hence
their more appropriate name is deaf-mutes.
[1913 Webster]
They spake not a word;
But, like dumb statues, or breathing stones,
Gazed each on other. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]
All sat mute,
Pondering the danger with deep thoughts.
[1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
Mute \Mute\, n.
1. One who does not speak, whether from physical inability,
unwillingness, or other cause. Specifically:
(a) One who, from deafness, either congenital or from
early life, is unable to use articulate language; a
(b) A person employed by undertakers at a funeral.
(c) A person whose part in a play does not require him to
(d) Among the Turks, an officer or attendant who is
selected for his place because he can not speak.
[1913 Webster]
2. (Phon.) A letter which represents no sound; a silent
letter; also, a close articulation; an element of speech
formed by a position of the mouth organs which stops the
passage of the breath; as, {p}, {b}, {d}, {k}, {t}.
[1913 Webster]
3. (Mus.) A little utensil made of brass, ivory, or other
material, so formed that it can be fixed in an erect
position on the bridge of a violin, or similar instrument,
in order to deaden or soften the tone.
[1913 Webster]
Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
MUTE, STANDING MUTE, practice, crim. law. When a prisoner upon his
arraignment totally refuses to answer, insists upon mere frivolous
pretences, or refuses to put himself upon the country, after pleading not
guilty, he is said to stand mute.
2. In the case of the United States v. Hare, et al., Circuit Court,
Maryland Dist. May sess. 1818, the prisoner standing mute was considered as
if he had pleaded not guilty.
3. The act of congress of March 3, 1825, 3 Story's L. U. S. 2002, has
since provided as follows; Sec. 14, That if any person, upon his or her
arraignment upon any indictment before any court of the United States for
any offence, not capital, shall stand mute, or will not answer or plead to
such indictment, the court shall, notwithstanding, proceed to the trial of
the person, so standing mute, or refusing to answer or pleas, as if he or
she had pleaded not guilty; and upon a verdict being returned by the jury,
may proceed to render judgment accordingly. A similar provision is to be
found in the laws of Pennsylvania.
4. The barbarous punishment of peine forte et dure which till lately
disgraced the criminal code of England, was never known in the United
States. Vide Dumb; 15 Vin. Ab. 527.
5. When a prisoner stands mute, the laws of England arrive at the
forced conclusion that he is guilty, and punish him accordingly. 1 Chit. Cr.
Law, 428.
6. By the old French law, when a person accused was mute, or stood
mute, it was the duty of the judge to appoint him a curator, whose duty it
was to defend him, in the best manner he could; and for this purpose, he was
allowed to communicate with him privately. Poth. Proced. Crim. s. 4, art. 2,
Sec. 1.
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
200 Moby Thesaurus words for "mute":
abiotic, acoustic tile, allophone, alveolar, anaudic, antiknock,
aphasic, aphonic, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, articulation,
aspiration, assimilation, azoic, baffle, baffler, baton, bearer,
bilabial, bit player, breathless, brief, brusque, cacuminal,
cerebral, check, close, close-tongued, closemouthed, concise,
consonant, continuant, curt, cushion, damp, dampen, dampener,
damper, deaden, deaf-mute, deafen, dental, diapason, diphthong,
dissimilation, dull, dumb, dumbfounded, dumbstricken, dumbstruck,
dummy, economical of words, epenthetic vowel, exanimate, explosive,
extra, figurant, figurante, gag, glide, glottal, glottalization,
griever, guttural, hush, hushcloth, inanimate, inanimated,
inarticulate, indisposed to talk, inert, insensate, insensible,
insentient, keener, labial, labialization, labiodental, labiovelar,
laconic, lamenter, laryngeal, lateral, lifeless, lingual, liquid,
manner of articulation, metronome, modification, monochord,
monophthong, morphophoneme, mourner, muffle, muffler, mum,
music stand, muzzle, nasal, nonconscious, nonliving, occlusive,
palatal, pallbearer, parasitic vowel, peak, pharyngeal,
pharyngealization, phone, phoneme, pitch pipe, plosive,
professional mourner, prothetic vowel, quiet, quietener, reserved,
retroflex, rhythmometer, segmental phoneme, semivowel, senseless,
short, silence, silence cloth, silencer, silent, snug, soft pedal,
soft-pedal, soften, sonant, sonometer, sonority, sordine, sordino,
soulless, sound-absorbing material, soundproofing,
soundproofing insulation, sourdine, sparing of words,
spear-carrier, speech sound, speechless, stand-in, standby, stick,
stifle, stop, stricken dumb, subdue, substitute, supe, super,
supernumerary, support, supporting actor, supporting cast,
suppress, surd, syllabic nucleus, syllabic peak, syllable, tacit,
taciturn, terse, tight-lipped, tone down, tone measurer,
tongue-tied, tongueless, transition sound, triphthong, tuning bar,
tuning fork, tuning pipe, turn down, unanimated, unconscious,
understudy, unfeeling, unloquacious, unsaid, unspoken, untalkative,
velar, vocable, vocalic, vocoid, voice, voiced sound, voiceless,
voiceless sound, voicing, vowel, walk-on, walking gentleman,
word-bound, wordless
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