WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
adj 1: expressed without speech; "a mute appeal"; "a silent
curse"; "best grief is tongueless"- Emily Dickinson; "the
words stopped at her lips unsounded"; "unspoken grief";
"choking exasperation and wordless shame"- Thomas Wolfe
[syn: {mute}, {tongueless}, {unspoken}, {wordless}]
2: not made explicit; "the unexpressed terms of the agreement";
"things left unsaid"; "some kind of unspoken agreement"; "his
action is clear but his reason remains unstated" [syn:
{unexpressed}, {unsaid}, {unstated}, {unuttered},
{unverbalized}, {unverbalised}, {unvoiced}, {unspoken}]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
62 Moby Thesaurus words for "unspoken":
arcane, cabalistic, censored, classified, close, closed, concealed,
cryptic, dark, enigmatic, esoteric, hermetic, hidden, hinted,
hush-hush, implicit, implied, inferred, intimated, latent, mute,
mysterious, occult, restricted, secret, silent, smothered, stifled,
suggested, suppressed, tacit, top secret, ulterior, unbreatheable,
undeclared, under security, under wraps, understood, undisclosable,
undisclosed, undivulgable, undivulged, unexpressed, unmentioned,
unproclaimed, unpronounced, unpublished, unrecorded, unrevealable,
unrevealed, unsaid, unstated, unsung, untalked-of, untellable,
untold, unutterable, unuttered, unvoiced, unwhisperable, unwritten,
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